
"Girl in the Morning Light" is based on real child abuse incidents

author:High cold and not too cold
"Girl in the Morning Light" is based on real child abuse incidents

After watching "The Girl in the Morning Light", my heart has been trembling, and I feel that the whole person is cold from head to toe.

I am afraid from the bottom of my heart that this type of movie, this kind of film that shows the cruelty of society and the ugliness of human nature, is simply desperate! I have always been a coward, always looking at the most sunny places, those darkness I dare not even look at, I run away from it, I do not have the strength to face it!

Every time someone tells me about the ugliness of human nature and the injustice of society, I always want to pull him to the same team as me, believing that human nature is good but only the temperament is different, and believing that society is just is only occasionally biased.

However, no matter how much I comfort myself and how I escape, there are still those things in society that are cruel to the extreme, or there are people who are so bad that they exterminate humanity, even if I have always told myself that all people's evil has a reason, but this theory can only help me forgive those who have made small mistakes in life, people who do not even have humanity, I have no way not to hate.

Although I have repeatedly told myself that existence is reasonable, I still can't help but ask, why do some people look so unattractive, if they have demons in their hearts, then why don't they just let them become devils and let them reincarnate as human beings?

"Girl in the Morning Light" is based on real child abuse incidents

I also know that fatherly love is as great as mother's love, and I believe that father's love is as profound as mother's love, but in my heart there is still a little prejudice that mother's love is more selfless than father's love.

The first scene of Mary Annwood in the movie, I hated her, not simply disliked, really hated! I have always been very good at judging people by their appearance, and a person's human nature is absolutely reflected in the face and temperament.

Women have too much influence on men, and what kind of woman they marry will be subtly more and more swayed by her thoughts.

I have seen too many cases of fathers who have lost their mothers, because they have new wives, new families, and he must allocate some of his energy to new people, and maybe their love has not changed, but they really have a lot less mind for their children. And Topo is like a person without his own soul, his ex-wife is kind and gentle, he is kind and tolerant, and the new wife worships gold vanity, cruelty and indifference, he is also rough and numb and ruthless.

I vaguely remember that before his ex-wife fell ill, Topo looked at Aurore with such gentle eyes and said: You know what, you are my sunshine. But then he believed what Marianwood said, that Aurore was a child who should not be born into the world, a child of sin, and that he not only did not stop Marianwood from abusing Aurore, but even gave her a stick himself.

On the night that Aurore was burned to death by Marianwood, Tobo obviously saw that Aurore could hardly stand, and she looked at her father with that kind of pleading, sad look, but he was indifferent, and did not even give Aurore a word of concern except for two words of argument with Marianwood!

"Girl in the Morning Light" is based on real child abuse incidents

Aurore was finally tortured to death by Marianwood, Andobo did not have any hatred for Marianwood, and during her imprisonment, he still frequently wrote to her, hoping that she would be released to be with him as soon as possible, and there was still love in his heart, but why was this love not willing to share a little with his children!

Some time ago I was discussing religious beliefs with a friend, and I don't believe in any religion myself, only in my own soul. I also know that whether it is Buddhism, Christianity or other religions, these teachings are all good, and they are all meant to teach people to be good and to be free from sin. However, goodness and sin are also defined differently according to the difference in each person's soul, not that he can be a good person by believing in virtue and doing good, and too many people do evil things in the name of good. It is not terrible to do bad things and make mistakes, but it is terrible to have no right and wrong mind, and to regard sin as a good heart!

The priest in the movie, dressed in holy robes but with a ruthless and cruel soul, he is the embodiment of Satan, and what knowledgeable and eloquent can not hide the fact that he is a demon! Aurore believed him so much, confessed and prayed to him, but he blamed her for lying, saying that she was stubborn.

"Girl in the Morning Light" is based on real child abuse incidents

He knew that Marianwood and Topo had abused Aurore, and not only did he not stop it but he supported it, not only not to save Aurore from the depths of the water, but also to step on her a few feet! Finally Magistrate Maute said to him, "I hate you because you really think you represent God!" You are the executioner of the Vatican! You are a hypocritical church scoundrel, ignorant nerdy hypocrite!

Even if I don't understand religion, I know what the priest's vocation is, as a priest it is not enough to be knowledgeable, it is not enough to just chat in the confessional room, the priest should have a compassionate and loving heart, like Bishop Bian Furu in "Les Misérables"!

Finally, I would like to say that good girls must open their eyes to find a good man for themselves, do not only look at money and ignore character, good men also please polish their eyes to find a good girl for themselves, do not only look at the face but pay attention to the soul. This is not just for yourself, but also for your family, for the sake of future children, for the sake of the world!

Text/Moon Warm Sun

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