
The prototype of the movie "Butterfly King": 20 years after marriage, I found out that my wife was a man dressed as a woman

author:Little Demon CCC

In 1993, the film "Butterfly King", based on true events, was released, which tells the story of The French diplomat Gourini, who, while watching an opera, is fascinated by the Madame Butterfly performing on stage.

The prototype of the movie "Butterfly King": 20 years after marriage, I found out that my wife was a man dressed as a woman

After the play, he took the initiative to find the actor of Madame Butterfly, Peking Opera actress Song Liling to show goodwill, in one contact after another, the two lonely hearts began to slowly approach, after a conversation, the two people determined the relationship.

The prototype of the movie "Butterfly King": 20 years after marriage, I found out that my wife was a man dressed as a woman

Song Liling is played by actress Zun Long

Song Liling used the excuse of conservative and shy personality, and never lit up when intimate with her, and in long-term contact, Gao Renni also had doubts about Song Liling, who resembled a man's figure. At dawn, Gao Renni asked Song Liling to take off her clothes, and Song Liling saw that she could not dodge, so she pretended that she was pregnant, unwell, and could not be naked. When Dad's joy washed away that little doubt, 10 months later, they had a lovely son.

The prototype of the movie "Butterfly King": 20 years after marriage, I found out that my wife was a man dressed as a woman

The good times did not last long, the Cultural Revolution broke out, Song Liling was classified as a part of the "four olds" (the four olds refer to the old culture, old ideas, old customs, old habits), was taken away by the Red Guards, and Gao Renni was also transferred back to France because of her mistakes in work. Although he was far away in France, his heart has always been thinking about Song Liling, when Gao Renni was in the French theater, watching Madame Butterfly, he could not help but think of Song Liling who was far away in China, and he burst into tears in an instant, and he could only numb himself with alcohol every day.

The prototype of the movie "Butterfly King": 20 years after marriage, I found out that my wife was a man dressed as a woman

When he thought he would never see Song Liling again, she suddenly appeared in France, and the joy of reunion made him rekindle hope in life. Later, Song Liling asked the child to pass on sensitive information about France on the grounds that the child was blackmailed, and Gao Renni had to agree for the sake of the child.

There was no wall in the world that did not leak wind, and soon Gao Renni was arrested by the French government for espionage, and Song Liling was arrested along with him. In the solemn courtroom, a man in a suit and shoes with extraordinary temperament walked in, and Gaureni's faith collapsed in an instant, making him a joke for all French men.

After Gao Renni was imprisoned, Song Liling was repatriated by the Chinese government, and Soon after Gao Renni committed suicide in prison.

The prototype of the movie "Butterfly King": 20 years after marriage, I found out that my wife was a man dressed as a woman

Movie "Butterfly King"

And the real story seems to be more gray than the movie.

Butterfly Jun's prototype is Shi Peipu, graduated from Yunnan University, majoring in French and Spanish, and is a screenwriter, actor and secretary of the Beijing Youth Peking Opera Troupe. At a dance, Gao Renni's prototype Bursiko met Shi Peipu and talked to Shi Peipu, who appeared in men's clothing, hoping that he could teach himself Chinese.

The prototype of the movie "Butterfly King": 20 years after marriage, I found out that my wife was a man dressed as a woman

Shi Peipu

Previously, Bursico had had several sexual encounters with male roommates while at boarding school in Brittany.

One evening, When Pepe said to Bursiko, "After my mother gave birth to two daughters, my grandmother said that if she could not give birth to a boy, she would take a concubine for my father." I was born, and yes, I was a girl. My parents lied to my grandmother and said I was a boy. ”

After the shock, Bursico still decided to accept Pepp, after which they returned to Bursiko's apartment, where their first time happened.

At the end of the year, when Boursico was about to leave China, Pepe told him that he might be pregnant, and Boursico promised that he would come back.

Four years later Bursiko returned to Beijing, found Shi Peipu, and met their child, a boy with a face similar to Bursiko's.

Soon after, Boursico returned to Paris, France, where he lived with a man named Henry and wandered into a Gay Bar in Paris.

Later, in a 1988 interview, Bursiko said of his own sexual orientation, "I've always been interested in both men and women, no matter what my sexual orientation or what they are, it doesn't matter." ”

After that, Bursico worked at the French Embassy in Mongolia, every other month and a half, he would go to Beijing to visit Pepp and his son, Bursiko always dreamed of taking his wife and son to france to live, after continuous efforts, Bursiko got them a three-month French cultural exchange visa, and then they went to France to live together.

The prototype of the movie "Butterfly King": 20 years after marriage, I found out that my wife was a man dressed as a woman

On June 30, 1983, Paris police arrested Bursico and Shi Peipu for espionage. Bursiko claimed that "he never betrayed the country for money", and the police officer asked him, who is Pepe Pu? Bursiko said, "She was just an ordinary woman, and that boy was my son." ”

Previously, the police had ordered a physical examination of Shi Peipu to determine whether he was a man or a woman, and on July 13, the French police announced that Shi Peipu was a man.

In late 1984, in court, Shi Peipu claimed that "I never said to Bursico that I was a woman, I just made him realize that I might be a woman because I don't have male genitalia." ”

After the trial, they were placed in the same cell, when Pei Pu unzipped his pants and proved to him that he was indeed a man. The boy's DNA tests revealed that he was not Bursiko's son, and the boy confessed to the police that he was an abandoned baby from China who had been sold by his mother because of his family's poverty.

Under the double whammy, in prison, Bursiko used a disposable plastic razor to cut his own throat and was rescued by the police in time.

The prototype of the movie "Butterfly King": 20 years after marriage, I found out that my wife was a man dressed as a woman

In May 1986, the court convicted Bursiko and Shi Peipu of providing about 500 pieces of intelligence to foreign governments, convicted of espionage, and sentenced them to six years in prison. In April 1987, Shi Peipu was pardoned by President Mitterrand and released from prison. Four months later, Bursiko was also pardoned.

Regarding the espionage allegations, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Yuzhen said that Shi Peipu was invited by France to give a lecture in France, and the Chinese government would never use beauty as a means of espionage.

On October 30, 2009, when Shi Peipu died in Paris, the New York Times interviewed Bursico, who was still alive, and Bursico said: "He died, I am not surprised, he has been ill for a long time, the story of the two of us is 40 years ago." He confessed that in the past few decades, his relationship with Shi Peipu is still tense, and in the last conversation, Shi Peipu told him "I still love you."

In Bursiko's home, there are still pictures of him and Shi Peipu, which also reads: "He ruined everything about me, my job, my family and even my life, but I think it is better to be deceived at least than to deceive others, I would rather always believe that this is actually a dream, believe that Bertrand is our child"

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