
Alibaba Group launches "2,000" plan in Sanming! In the coming years, Shaxian Snacks will have these changes

author:Sanming Rong Media Center

On October 27, the launching ceremony of Alibaba Group's "2,000" Shaxian Snack Program was held in Shaxian County. Led by the Strategic Development Department of Alibaba Group and the Strategic Development Department of Ant Group, the "Thousand Stores Promotion" and "Thousand Talents Training" actions were carried out.

Alibaba Group launches "2,000" plan in Sanming! In the coming years, Shaxian Snacks will have these changes

"Thousand Stores Promotion" is carried out for Sanming specialty catering stores based on Shaxian snacks, through the selection of stores nationwide in batches, adding intelligent services and value-added service facilities such as intelligent ordering, intelligent cashier, face sweeping payment, intelligent container, store self-operation promotion, etc., providing financial service resource packages, and improving the comprehensive, intelligent, digital service level and online sales capabilities of Sanming specialty snack stores.

Through cooperation with Sanming's local colleges and training institutions, the "Thousand Talents Training" plan has set up practical training bases such as Sanming official live broadcast rooms in the Xiamen Ecological Base of Taobao Live Broadcasting, carried out online and offline teaching, practical training and assessment, and focused on cultivating a number of online live broadcasting, e-commerce sales, brand culture shaping and blockchain technology practical talents.

According to the plan, the first batch of 1,000 stores will be upgraded and renovated within the year, and the first batch of 1,000 people training will be completed by the end of 2022. The "2,000" plan lasts for 3 years, and after that, more batches of "1,000 stores will be upgraded" and "1,000 people training" will be promoted according to actual needs.

Source: Sanming Rong Media Center

Reporter Zeng Fengqing Liu Yansong Correspondent Li Junhua

New Media Editor: Xu Lixian

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