
Talk about leucinating and related details

author:Marvel fans

In the Marvel episode "Wanda Vision", the chances of white vision appearing are not many.

Talk about leucinating and related details

However, there are still many places to talk about this "new" role.

Today, Marvel will talk to you about white vision, and related details.

1. The Ship of Theseus

Regardless of the version of hallucinations, its logical thinking has typical artificial intelligence characteristics, and it is almost not mixed with the influence of emotions.

Illusion and white illusion reason communicate a classic philosophical proposition: the ship of Theseus.

The ship of Theseus is a paradox about the change of identity, if the wood on The ship of Theseus is gradually replaced until all the wood is not the original wood, is the ship still the original ship?

White Vision gives an answer: Neither is really the Ship of Theseus.

Talk about leucinating and related details

Immediately after the next sentence: Both are real ships of Theseus.

Talk about leucinating and related details

Based on this view, white hallucinations accepted hallucinations.

The illusion conveniently recovered the data that the white illusion was blocked, making the white illusion a real "hallucination".

As of this point, White Illusion has all the memories of The Illusion (except for the memories of Westview Town), except that the body material is repaired and reorganized.

Talk about leucinating and related details

As long as the white hallucination is colored, you say that he is a hallucination, there is no problem.

The above content is the plot of the "Wanda Illusion" film, there is not much to say, in short, it is the perfect resurrection of the illusion, and the following is based on this plot to talk about other details.

2. Iron Man's Ark Reactor

In the Marvel movies, Iron Man has several styles of "Ark Reactor", one of which is more classic, as shown in the following figure:

Talk about leucinating and related details

Take another look at the shape of the white phantom forehead:

Talk about leucinating and related details

This is obviously the miniature shape of the Ark Reactor!

Talk about leucinating and related details

This shape is not quite the same as the shape of the original Phantom Mind Gem, and if this shape is fixed in future Marvel film and television works, it must be a very meaningful thing.

Because Visions is closely related to Iron Man, he was formerly Iron Man's artificial intelligence assistant "Jarvis", and was born in the hands of Iron Man.

The resurrection of the illusion also illustrates the impact of Iron Man on the future Marvel Cinematic Universe from the details.

3, I am hallucinations

When White Vision recovers the masked data, the first words that come out: I am Hallucination.

Talk about leucinating and related details

This sudden sober style can't help but remind Marvel fans of Tony Stark's classic quote: I am Iron Man.

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4. Is the secret of the resurrection of the illusion revealed?

The timeline of "Wanda's Vision" is about two weeks next to "Avengers 4"; "Spider-Man: Hero Expedition" is 8 months after "Avengers 4".

Talk about leucinating and related details
Talk about leucinating and related details

In the opening campus news short video of Spider-Man: Hero Expedition, Vision is one of the superheroes who is remembered.

If Marvel strictly adheres to these plot settings, it means that the news of the resurrection of the illusion has not been made public for a while, or that the white illusion has not been publicly unveiled.

5. Who did White Vision go to?

When The White Illusion realized that he was the Illusion, he quickly left, so where could he go?

There are no details hinted at by the authorities, and this is just an individual to talk about ideas.

(1) Wakanda

All the memories recovered by the hallucination are frozen in the moment before the "death" of the illusion in Avengers 3.

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For the awakened white vision, Wakanda represents grief, farewell, helplessness, and regret.

Wakanda may be the first place for White Vision to go.

(2) Avengers Base

It should be noted that White Illusion does not know what happens after "Reunion 3".

Talk about leucinating and related details

He doesn't know that Iron Man has been sacrificed, and for him, Iron Man is the most important of all the Avengers.

It's quite possible that he'll head straight to the Avengers base in his memory to look for Iron Man to confirm the situation, only to find that nothing exists.

This could lead to Marvel's developing episode: Armored War, which tells the story of Tony Stark's technology being abused by others.

Talk about leucinating and related details

Maybe he went to a place where he still remembers it, maybe he just needed to find a place to think...

If there are other ideas, you are also welcome to leave a message to discuss, and the official plot will prevail in the end.

The above is my understanding of white vision, and the details of related thinking.