
When it comes to the New Year, the New Year, the New Year, and the money, do you know how to express it in English?

author:Girls read

In the first month, do you know how to say melon seeds, New Year's greetings, pressing old money, and playing mahjong in English? All the best, the years are safe, the wealth is widespread, do you want to send a few auspicious words in English? Here are 100 Spring Festival translations, I believe that whether it is translation or to introduce traditional Chinese culture to foreign friends, they can be used, do not forget the original heart, and remember to learn in the New Year!

1. Traditional Chinese festivals: traditional Chinese festivals

2. Lunar calendar: lunar calendar

3. Laba Festival: Laba Festival

4. Little New Year

5、除夕:Lunar New Year's Eve

6. Spring Festival: the Spring Festival

7. The first day of the first lunar month: Lunar New Year's Day

8. Lantern Festival: the Lantern Festival

9、正月:the first month of the lunar year

10 February 2: Dragon Heads-raising Day

11、鼠年:the year of the rat

12、年:Nian ; Year monster

13. Spring Festival travel rush

14. Drink Laba porridge: eat Laba porridge

15、扫尘:sweep the dust

16. Sweeping: spring cleaning

17、祭灶:offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen

18. Keeping the age: stay up

19、拜年:pay a New Year's call

20、祭祖:offer sacrifices to one's ancestors

21、祭财神:worship the God of Wealth

22. Spring Festival couplets

23、贴倒福:paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down

24、去晦气:get rid of the ill-fotune

25、辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year

26. Omen

27. Taboo: taboo

28. Burn incense: burn incense

29. Zodiac, genus: Chinese zodiac

30、本命年:the animal year in which one was born

31. Have a family reunion dinner

32、年夜饭:New Year's Eve dinner

33. Family Reunion: Family reunion

34. Do Spring Festival shopping

35、敬酒:propose a toast

36, wear new clothes: wear new clothes

37. Red packets: red envelops

38. Pressing old money: gift money

39. Rice cake: rice cake

40, dumplings: dumplings

41、汤圆:dumplings made of sweet rice

42. Eight treasure rice pudding

43, melon seeds: red melon seeds

44. Kumquat: cumquat

45, red dates: red dates

46. Spring roll: spring roll

47. Rock sugar gourd: candied haws on a stick

48: Donkey burger

49. Dachshund: Chinese sausage

50. Rice wine: rice wine

51. Bacon: preserved meat

52, sugar chestnut: sugar chestnut

53, clay man: clay figure

54. Shadow puppetry: shadow puppetry

55. Puppet show: puppet show

56, embroidery: embroidery

57, paper cutting: papet-cut

58. Chinese Knot: Chinese knot

59. New Year painting

60. Dragon Dance: Dragon Dance

61, sugar-figure blowing

62. Lion Dance: Lion Dance

63、秧歌:Yongko dance ; rural folk dance

64. Lantern: lantern

65. Opera: traditional opera

66. Origami drama: opera highlights

67、相声:comic dialogue ; cross talk

68, skits: skits; sketch

69. Ventriloquism: vocal imitations; ventrilo-quism

70 Acrobatic performance

71. Circus performance

72, Jing Yun big drum: drum song of Peking

73. Stilts: walk on stilts

74、杂耍:variety show ; vaudeville

75, play mahjong: play mahjong

76. Temple fair: temple fair

77. Spring Festival Gala

78、灯会:exhibit of lanterns

79、送贺卡:send New Year's greeting cards

80, haircut: have a haircut

81, fireworks: set off fireworks

82, set off firecrackers: set off firecrackers

83、灯谜:riddles written on lanterns

84、门神:the God of Door

85、灶神:the God of Kitchen

86、财神:the God of Wealth

87 The God of Land

88、火神:the God of fire

89、喜神:the God of Happiness

90、福禄寿三星: the three gods of for-tune ,prosperity and longevity

91 The Eight Immortals: The Eight Lmmortals

92, Happy New Year: Happy New Year

93. Happy Spring Festival

94, smooth sailing: wish you every success

95、财源广进:may a river of gold flow into your pocket

96 All the best: hope everything goes your way

97、岁岁平安:may you start safe and sound all year round

98: Always come first in examinations

99 Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!

100, Happy New Year, and wish you a happy and auspicious future: I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my wish for your happiness and good future

When it comes to the New Year, the New Year, the New Year, and the money, do you know how to express it in English?

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