
Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

author:Practice of Sinology
Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

The 44th Sinology and Education Summit Forum and the 5th Rural Sinology Teachers' Cultural Literacy Improvement Class

The 44th Chinese Studies Class has more than 216 primary and secondary school and rural teachers from Hunan, who are fully funded by the Hunan Practice of Chinese Studies Public Welfare Foundation to participate in this study. Let's listen to why they participated in this Chinese studies class and what kind of expectations and expectations they have for this study!

This is a journey of great significance

Hi Group Student: Wang Bo

Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

This study is a trip of fate, thank you to all the brothers and brothers who gave me help and love, because there is a reason to gather here, may this study let me know a different self and become a better self.

Because of the introduction of colleagues, I came to this learning base to study, although I had not been in contact with it before, but the teaching assistant teacher's serious responsibility and positive enthusiasm made me deeply moved. I had never met before, but I felt familiar. I think this love and responsibility is the core of the training of Sinology. After a few days in the study group, gradually, my curiosity about being invited turned into a psychology of anticipation. Teaching assistants and other wonderful teachers and brothers let me know that this was a very meaningful learning journey.

I want to practice the essence of Sinology in practice and benefit more people. Wash away your impetuousness and uneasiness in life and work, learn to accept and learn to enjoy and learn to share, and guide yourself to the way forward with the core of Sinology. Become a better version of yourself, a person who plays a greater role in society. And with their own learning to influence a group of people, to achieve a group of people.

Study Chinese Studies, cultivate oneself and one's family

Ren Group - Yang Ping

Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

I come from Jiuzhitang, a well-known pharmaceutical company in Hunan, which is a company with rich feelings. In the historical accumulation of more than 300 years, the company has always adhered to inheritance and innovation, and actively promoted the culture of traditional Chinese medicine as its own responsibility, responsibility and responsibility. Such a concept and the practice of Sinology are in a sense the same way. Many colleagues of the company have successively participated in the public welfare training of Sinology practice, and seeing that they have gained a lot, they have always been very eager in their hearts, and they are also looking forward to the opportunity to participate in it.

I am a person who loves to learn and is eager to step out of my comfort zone and seek a breakthrough. In my work and life, I strive for perfection and sometimes feel pressured. The purpose of participating in the practice of Sinology is to understand the way of dealing with the world by learning the educational thinking of Sinology. Find a harmonious, balanced way to work, live, educate, and get along with others.

This time the Chinese language class is full of big coffee, I cherish this learning opportunity, this is a rare fate, I believe it will be worth the trip. I hope that with this training trip, everyone can really feel something and find the answer they want.

I am sure to sow the seeds of Sinology on my campus

Love group student: Wang Qian

Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

I am honored to be able to participate in this training, and I hope to take this opportunity to sprinkle the seeds of Sinology on my school and my campus.

If you ask me why I participated in this study, I would like to answer with my speech when the Yunpan Guoxue Workshop of our school was founded: "Strive to cast 'Yunpan' into a brand in three to five years, so that the Qinyuan campus will become a fertile land for the dissemination of traditional Chinese culture." "Teachers, when a family sends children who are treasures to Qinyuan and entrusts them to us, we can plant a poetic heart in their hearts, they can chant when they are happy and happy, they can calm down when they are sad and lost, we can use the essence of cultural resources to help children establish a broad coordinate of life, so that their world is like a starry mountain and lake, even if he can't become the sea now, he will continue to absorb nutrients to expand himself with the desire to become the sea."

This period of primary school time will become the warm background of their life path, time flies, Tang poetry and Song words have been infiltrated into their blood, their words and deeds, for people to deal with the world all reveal the books they have read, the most is the fragrance of books can go far, the belly has poetry and bookish self-glory.

They can have noble sentiments, extraordinary insights, and do not panic or blindly follow things, because they have muscles and bones in their hearts. Years later, they look back and think that the enlightenment of primary school is the luckiest thing in their lives, and I think we are doing a meritorious thing - cultivating a cultured Chinese.

Sinology allows me to purify my soul in a complicated world

Ren Group student: Zhao Hao

Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

Sinology is the traditional cultural inheritance of the Chinese nation, an immortal classic, representing the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese people. I believe that learning Chinese studies from an early age is conducive to cultivating the good qualities of "benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, benevolence, gentleness, courtesy, thriftiness, loyalty, filial piety, honesty, and courage".

The classics of Sinology are full of wisdom and cultivation of the ancients, as adults, learning Sinology is more conducive to us in a complex society, learning how to cultivate ourselves, purify our hearts, and when we encounter various difficulties and setbacks in life and face important choices, we can face them calmly and calmly and make choices that we do not regret.

This time I came to participate in the Chinese Studies Seminar, hoping that I can gain enlightenment and promotion through study, and purify my soul. In the Book of Rites and Zhongyong, Yun 'erudite, interrogated, contemplated, discerned, and acted in earnest' is to learn several levels, to learn to speculate, to practice what I have learned, and to firmly apply and implement what I have learned in my future life, which is also the goal of what I have learned on this trip.

Reunion of Sinology, do not forget the original intention

Xian group student: Li Qing

Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

How long has it been since I looked up at the stars? How long has it been since I went through the classics of Sinology and had a dialogue with the saints that traveled through time and space?

In today's rapid development of information technology, we strive for high speed, high efficiency and high quality today. "Confused", "anxious", "tired" seem to be constantly active in my life. Should I stop and look back as I rush forward?

So I began to open the Analects, try to read the University, and slowly think about the Tao Te Ching. At the beginning of reading and understanding, it is inevitable to stop on the surface and be difficult to understand. In the seeming understanding of non-understanding, seek deeper enlightenment.

Confucius once said, "Tell those who know the past" and revisit the tradition of Sinology education in order to open ourselves up more fully, so that we can be broad enough, tolerant enough, and love enough. Revisiting the classical tradition is not to let us stick to the tradition and go back to the past, but precisely to better open the present and meet the future, so as to better live in the present and the future.

How wonderful is it to have the honor to participate in the study of the "Self-cultivation and Unity of Family - Sinology and Education Summit Forum and the 44th Session of sinology seminar", to practice the road of sinology with a group of like-minded brothers and brothers, to reunite with sinology, and to regain their original intentions?

Grateful for sinology, grateful for encounters, grateful for a better tomorrow.

To carry forward the study of Chinese culture, there will be me

She group - Yellow Sea

Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

Five thousand years of civilization, brilliant and brilliant; Confucian benevolence, the world is the same; Pi Fu has a responsibility, first worry and then happy! The heart of the ancient ren people and the feelings of home and country are hidden in the long river of history and integrated into the blood of the sons and daughters of China.

However, in recent years, in our education, the classical elements of traditional Chinese studies have been decreasing, and the idea of flattering foreigners has expanded. In particular, our students rarely read the classics, are tired of schoolwork, travel in the world, lack faith, their spirit is not nourished by The excellent Chinese culture, and their souls are not purified by the essence of China! Gradually forgotten the benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, gentleness and frugality.

New era, new horn, new fashion. The world has entered a new pattern of development, and China has stood at the center of the world stage. The wind and bones of the sons and daughters of China need to be cast with yanhuang blood, and the image of Chinese needs to be publicized with the classics of traditional Chinese studies. Therefore, the times call for sinology, educating people needs sinology, and China's future is inseparable from sinology. How to carry it forward? The first is to create an atmosphere for the study of Sinology. We need everyone to care about Sinology, learn Sinology, and have to have "Go to the Tao, and die at night!" "Determination. Second, the textbook should add more classic content of traditional Chinese studies. The third is to grab the doll. From kindergarten and primary school, it is necessary to read more classics, restore some classic etiquette, and use "full sense of ceremony" to brand the imprint of each stage of students' lives. Fourth, schools should carry out more cultural activities for traditional Chinese studies. The classic content, etiquette, and life teachings of Traditional Chinese Studies are integrated into the activities, and the principle of "not knowing one's fate, not being a gentleman; not knowing etiquette, not being able to stand up; not knowing words, not knowing people".

"Threesomes, there will be my teacher!" "No accumulation of steps, no way to a thousand miles", so, the 44th Session of the Chinese Studies Class, I came! "A soldier can not fail to carry out his duties", as a primary school teacher, when he takes the promotion of Traditional Chinese Studies as his own responsibility, immerses himself in learning, teaches by example, wears liver and guts, and dies!

Practice Chinese studies ------------------------------------------------------

Gong group student: Chen Lingling

Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

The autumn breeze is refreshing, the golden laurel is fragrant, and in this glittering day, I actually remembered the scene of graduating from Yan'an University in 2012. In 2008, I was admitted to Yan'an University with a major in fine arts. Because I am a teacher training major, I have opened courses in Chinese painting, oil painting, photography, design, and calligraphy in the four years of college, but my favorite idea is still the idea I have had since I was a child - to learn Chinese painting.

College time flew by. Today, I am already a people's teacher with nine years of teaching experience, with a longing in my heart and a passion, to pursue my lifelong career.

Thanks to the great love of the Hunan Provincial Public Welfare Foundation for Practicing Sinology for rural teachers, I had the honor to participate in the 44th session of the study to learn the knowledge of Sinology. Although I taught art and history classes in school. But I still have a strong interest in Sinology. I hope that in this training activity, we can achieve success in the middle school and bring our Sinology culture and virtues into our Majiang Middle School. I will also continue to study hard and improve my professionalism. Strive to achieve "learning from the high as a teacher, being a model".

The Heart Of Traditional Chinese Studies Class practices and then starts

Friend group student: Zhu Yan

Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

Hello everyone! I am Zhu Yan from Peiyuan Primary School in Changning City, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, and I am a primary school teacher who currently teaches second-grade Chinese and class teacher. Thanks to the Hunan Practice of Sinology Public Welfare Foundation for providing this valuable learning opportunity, let me go further and farther on the road of practicing Sinology.

As early as 2016, because of some serendipitous coincidences, I entered a platform for the recitation of Sinology classics, recited The Classics of Sinology with a group of like-minded people, and appreciated the profundity of China's excellent traditional culture. Although I only read the original text, did not seek much understanding, and did not read many times, there were many classic sentences that were deeply rooted in my heart, and I always thought of it with endless memories, which was really admiring and admiring the mind and wisdom of the saint. For example, in the I Ching, "One Yin and One Yang is the Tao", "Tianxingjian, a gentleman is unremitting in self-improvement." "The terrain is kun, and the gentleman carries things with thick virtue." "The house of goodness will have a remnant; the house of the unkind will have a remnant." In the Tao Te Ching, "The good is like water, and the water is good for all things without dispute." "The difficult things under the world will be done easily; the great things under the world will be done in detail." In the Analects, "See the wise and think together, see the unwise and introspect within." There are also many sentences in classic enlightenment readings such as the "Three Character Classic" and "Disciple Rules", which are also like a mirror, always illuminating and standardizing their own words and deeds.

Later, due to the birth of the second treasure, the recitation of the classics was interrupted. However, as a beneficiary of traditional culture, he has always been full of reverence and love for the classics of traditional Chinese studies. During this period, I also thought about taking the children in the class to recite and practice the "Disciple Rules", but because my learning was not deep enough, my understanding was not thorough enough, and the teaching tasks in the general environment were heavy and urgent, the school paid more attention to the learning of knowledge and the assessment of achievements. So this good wish has not really been implemented.

I believe that through this study, not only will my own thinking be washed and sublimated, but I hope to find more excellent leaders and effective methods on the road of disseminating China's excellent traditional culture.

Learn, never stop

Gong group student: Fan Yanlan

Why attend the 44th Chinese Studies Class? The voices and expectations of the 9 students - full of love and energy

People are sometimes very strange, and they think of the past time in a casual moment. Time teaches us to grow, and I am grateful for the little things that time has brought me, and it allows me to experience the joy of teaching as a teacher. Sometimes I also feel deeply inadequate, as a teacher, you should always maintain the spirit of learning and enrich your spiritual world in order to grow.

I am from Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, in 2019 into the education cause of Chaling, as a teacher admitted to the mathematics examination, in the case of a shortage of teachers in the school, arrange me to teach Chinese and mathematics at the same time, I resisted the pressure, completed the "ten thousand essential oils" like teaching, and the children grew up with each other, and made progress together, but calm down to think about the space they need to improve, in the school as a class teacher I went out to train very little opportunity, I cherish this training opportunity, hope to grow, have a deep understanding of Traditional Chinese studies, In the future teaching, we will infiltrate the feelings of sinology and use knowledge to subtly influence students.

Photography / Ye Xinqiu Zhou Yuqian