
Chapter Five: Multiple Growth, the Formula for Building Wealth

author:Sun Wu Reading Club

The world's most powerful and democratic form of wealth-building leverage, called "compounding," turns beggars into princes. Compounding, also known as the "concept of multiplication," creates more wealth than any single investment vehicle in history. Einstein even called compounding the "Eighth Wonder of the World" because it is the ultimate tool for leveraging time and money.

Linear growth is gradual and slow, and multiple growth is rapid and dramatic. A simple equation that must be kept in mind when investing time and money: linear equals finite, and multiplication equals explosion. Multiplier growth is the "formula for building wealth" that allows your money to multiply at a rate rather than growing slowly step by step.

Compounding is the mainstay of the multiplier system of wealth creation and a powerful way to leverage time, talent, energy, and money. So, "How do you create wealth by growing multiples without having to invest a lot of money or wait a lifetime for a tiny egg to hatch a small fortune"? The answer to this question can be found in a concept that everyone can afford and copy, which combines franchising with multiple growth, called network marketing.

Most people in the world today really don't have much money, but they all have time. If we take a period of time seriously to create real wealth, all can recombine the days ahead.

The question is not whether this proven system will work, but: Do you have the foresight to recognize it? Is there intelligence to understand it? Is there the courage to use it? Answer correctly to replicate your path to wealth!

--Baker. Haggis "Replica Cat Marketing 101"