
Why does the test coza finger prefer the ring finger? The reason is heartwarming


The little friends who have pierced their fingers know that doctors generally default to the blood collection on the inside of the fingers of the ring finger of the left hand, and often the first drop of blood will be directly wiped away, and some small partners will feel very strange: "Is this a waste of my blood?"

Why does the test coza finger prefer the ring finger? The reason is heartwarming

In fact, finger blood collection belongs to skin blood collection, once known as capillary blood collection, which is a mixture of blood collection of microarteries, microvenous veins and capillaries, and contains both intercellular and intracellular fluid. Therefore, the first drop of blood that flows out after the finger is pierced should be wiped away, so as not to cause the tissue fluid to mix in and affect the accuracy of the results, so this is not a waste of your blood.

So why do you have to take blood on the inside of the end of the ring finger? And listen to the small editor to give you a detailed analysis

1. Reduce the chance of infection at the puncture site.

The average person uses less left hand than the right hand, so choose the left hand; and the probability of the side of the finger touching the object is far less than the front of the finger, so the puncture site selects the side of the fingertip. Moreover, each finger is relatively independent, so after trauma, even if there is an infection, it will not cause deep lesions in the palm of the hand, nor will it affect other fingers.

2. Easy to operate and very safe

The hand is the most flexible and flexible organ in the bare parts of the human body, and the blood collection in the hand is easy for doctors to operate. In addition, because the tip of the finger has a very rich capillary network and there are no large arteries and veins, the use of blood at the finger site can meet the clinical needs and avoid heavy bleeding. The capillaries of the fingers are distributed along the sides of the fingers, so it is easier to collect enough blood from the sides of the fingers than on the front.

3. The pain is the lowest

Generally speaking, the ring finger is the most "wooden" of each finger, so the pain of blowing up the ring finger is relatively low, in order to take care of your feelings, the natural ring finger is the best blood collection choice. Nerve endings in the finger area are abundantly distributed, and the innervation of the nerves affected by different fingers is different, and the pain threshold is not consistent. If blood is taken in the middle of the fingertip of the ring finger, the nerve endings of the ulnar and median nerves are stimulated at the same time, which causes strong pain. Taking blood from the ulnar side of the tip of the ring finger will only involve the ulnar nerve endings, because the scope of the impact is smaller and the pain is less.

4. It does not affect daily functions

Although the finger blood collection is a small human trauma, the small wound still needs several days to completely heal. In daily life, most people are right-handed, and the left hand is relatively free time. The thumb, index finger and little finger are the main functional fingers of the human hand, and the middle finger bears more power than the ring finger in various labors, so the responsibility of blood collection for laboratory testing naturally falls on the left ring finger.

Therefore, the choice of a small blood collection site is also full of humanistic care.

And finally, I hope that everyone will not blame the doctors for their "fast, accurate, fierce" Oh, because only in this way can you quickly collect enough blood and avoid the second needle because of insufficient blood, which will cause you more pain.

Thank you all for watching and wishing you all good health!!!

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