
The weak swing their knives at the weaker

author:Ouyang Feng

A man on the train went crazy, yelled and hit a dozen passengers before being subdued and detained.

The look of madness, the look of remorse at the police station. Déjà vu.

There are people who work overtime until 12 o'clock every day. Delivering keys to girlfriends at night broke down crying on the bridge.

A person with a pregnant wife retrograde, was stopped by the traffic police and then started with the traffic police, to the police station said what?

There is a person who is sick and does not go to the hospital, he does not dare to rest for a day, the children in the family need money, the elderly need money, he is not afraid of hardship. Afraid of no money. The alarm didn't wake up until 4:30 a.m. one morning.

The brave are angry and draw their blades to the stronger; the cowardly are angry, but they draw their blades to the weaker.

But every man has his own destiny, and heaven is destined.

Some people are born kings, and some people fall into the grass.

The breeze of the strong waving crushed a large area of the weak

The old pig overthrew the oppression and waved his hand to establish some equality.