
The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies

author:Fenghua release
The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies

Recently, Ningbo plant expert Lin Hailun conducted a biological investigation in Dayan Town, accidentally encountered a rare and rare butterfly species - the large purple butterfly, once again refreshing the new record of Ningbo butterfly. This large purple butterfly became the 216th species of butterfly currently found in Ningbo.

The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies
The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies

"Recently, it was the season of the Yellow Butterfly, when I caught this butterfly, I thought it was a Yellow Butterfly, but when I looked closely, I found that it was a rare and rare butterfly species - the Great Purple Butterfly." Lin Helen introduced to reporters that the male butterfly of this large purple butterfly, with a very complete appearance and bright colors, should be an individual who has just been feathered, and is also an original "resident" living in this pristine mountain forest, which cannot be a species that has migrated from other places.

The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies

The wings of the large purple butterfly are black and covered with thick spots of white, and the male butterfly has a large area of purple flash below the middle of the forewing, which is a unique trait of the male butterfly, which is a peculiar physical refractive phenomenon, and the female butterfly does not have this purple iridescent feature. There is a bright red spot at the horn of the hindwing, which becomes the finishing touch of the entire wing surface. Therefore, the wings of the male butterfly are very gorgeous and noble, and they have been selected by Japan as the national butterfly of the country, and Japan also produces this rare butterfly.

The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies

Lin Hailun told reporters that he has been studying and observing butterflies in Ningbo for 31 years, and the big purple butterfly is still the first time to find it, but the big purple butterfly is distributed in China's northeast, Hebei, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Taiwan, Japan and North Korea, and the provinces of Lishui, Lin'an and other places are also distributed, but it does not belong to China's 5 species of butterfly protection. He captured the large purple butterfly male butterfly with a forewing angle of 10.5 cm, while the length of the individual forewings is 6 cm, which is the largest species of individual among the 58 butterflies of the Butterfly family in Ningbo.

"This time in Fenghua District for the first time to find the large purple butterfly, not only to add a very important species to ningbo's butterfly list, but also to ningbo species diversity added a very important index species, of great significance." Helen Lin said.

Reporter Yuan Weixin

The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies
The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies
The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies
The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies
The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies
The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies
The 216th species of butterfly! Fenghua has also seen new varieties of butterflies

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