
The smuggling case is broken! Customs seized the whole tiger skin, as well as the white-rumped langur! The picture is too shocking

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

Gongbei Customs has just released to the outside world that the customs and Nanning Customs recently launched a joint investigation and seizure operation, cracked a case of smuggling ivory, tiger, bear products and other endangered species and their products into the country by smuggling in non-customs areas, smashed 7 smuggling gangs in one fell swoop, arrested 40 people involved in the case, took criminal compulsory measures against 22 people, including 10 Vietnamese nationals, and seized more than 300 cases of endangered animals and their products such as ivory, whole tiger skin, rhino horn, lion bone, bear claw, white-rumped langur, etc., with a case value of more than 80 million yuan. (Reporter: Yuan Pingfeng Intern: Huang Dani)

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