
Autumn fishing, fishing cool, spotted forktail catfish

author:Amateur fishing people

Recently, the day is too hot, plus it is the busiest time of the year, as well as fireworks and other thunderstorms, did not do every rest day to fish, held back for several days, and finally waited until the day of Autumn can rest, no matter how to go fishing for a day. First of all, take a fish catch to give everyone a spirit.

Autumn fishing, fishing cool, spotted forktail catfish

During this time, it rained heavily, the fish in the reservoir were very strange, and after the heavy rain, the reservoir swelled, and the fish were difficult to catch, eight or nine times out of ten, all of which were for the air force. It may be that after the rain, the water flow gathers into the reservoir, bringing a wealth of bait, coupled with the rise of the reservoir, a large area of grass and trees that were originally above the water level line, submerged into the water, so that the fish's food is more abundant, the fish are not short of food, and the bait is much less attractive to the fish. As we usually say, poor sons and rich girls, usually give their daughters a little more material conditions, will not be cheated by other people's bad boys to get a few lollipops. Deliberately because the food is abundant, anyway, after the heavy rain, the fish in the reservoir are difficult to catch, and there is a good chance that the air force will be.

Reservoir fish are not easy to fish, and do not want to fish other places, Sulu Yuwan junction, whether it is Shandong Jiangsu, or Anhui Henan, here is the plain, the industry is more developed, the water quality of the river is generally not good, only the reservoir in the mountain, because on the top of the mountain, there is no industrial pollution, the water quality is very good, so I like to fish the reservoir in the mountain, and now the fish in the reservoir are not easy to fish, which is difficult to do.

I can't imagine that there are many people with great strength, simply and the fishing friend Lao Zhu, who is fishing together, discuss where to go fishing, see if there is a reservoir, and the heavy rain will not affect the fishing. It was a coincidence that Lao Zhu said that he was also preparing to go fishing in Liqiu and had found a good place. This is his friend's reservoir, also in a small mountain, said to be a small mountain, in fact, it is a hill, we are near here, there is no real mountain, nor have we seen the mountain, I feel that I can see the undulating is the mountain, there is a hundred and eighty meters above sea level, we feel that this is a mountain.

The book returns to the truth, the fishing friend Lao Zhu's friend's reservoir, and the reservoir we used to fish in is not the reservoir of natural reproduction that we usually say, the reservoir that was fished before, but it was managed, and there were no fry in it, and it was completely wild. In this reservoir, some people are engaged in aquaculture, although they do not feed and do not artificially feed fish food, but the breeders have stocked fry in it, which is a semi-wild state. This kind of place where people invest, before we did not fish, on the one hand, we felt that the density of fish was too high, and it was not challenging to catch; on the other hand, fishing more and fishing less was embarrassing, fishing less, people said that our skills were not good; fishing more, the boss would be distressed. So when I heard about fishing this place, I hesitated for half a day and didn't make up my mind, until Old Zhu said that there were catfish here. Catfish I have never caught, but I have heard of it, it is said that it is the introduction of fish species, from the United States or which country introduced, see the introduction of foreign anglers, fishing this fish is still very enjoyable. Since there are new fish species to try, let's try it, try it, try it fresh, don't catch more.

Autumn fishing, fishing cool, spotted forktail catfish

A corner of a small reservoir

This reservoir is not far away, fifty kilometers southeast of Xuzhou, and it is a quick drive. It's just that the road is not very good, there are quite a lot of bumps in the middle, and the car has a bit of a loose feeling. But the facilities of the reservoir are fine, the above the levee has also been hardened, driving on the levee, or quite comfortable, the air is fresh, a large area of clouds, reflecting a large area of crops on the ground, under the blue is turquoise, not immersive, can not feel that kind of heart.

Autumn fishing, fishing cool, spotted forktail catfish

I heard that catfish eat miscellaneous, eat everything, especially like to eat chicken liver, duck intestines, simply do not prepare bait, the car anyway there is usually corn for grass carp fishing, just use corn. Fishing in the place where people breed, always can no longer buy chicken liver, in case of fishing more, afraid of the boss's pain, just use corn, fish a little, open your eyes, see what catfish looks like.

Autumn fishing, fishing cool, spotted forktail catfish

Around the fishing spot, there are reeds, which seem to be particularly good

Choose a relatively open place, put the fishing chair, fishing umbrella or whatever, put it up, use the sickle to cut out some open space, hit a bucket of homemade fermented old corn, can't catch a fish, first feed the fish once, can't catch people's fish in vain. Ten pounds of corn went down and waited for the fish to report.

This test fishing, with seven meters two guangwei, 5 + 3 No. 6 Ishini, this reservoir, afraid of encountering big fish, if the line group is small, it is easy to break the line bath. A larger line group does not affect the fish catch too much, especially in the summer, the fish feed very fiercely, do not beware that the line group is too large.

Autumn fishing, fishing cool, spotted forktail catfish

Soon, the float is a very powerful point, slowly and powerfully downward, submerged into the water, raising the rod, and suddenly a force is transmitted to the arm, and the fishing line is between the fish and the fishing rod, making a throwing sound. No matter how loud you scream, you can't throw it. Judging from yesterday's fishing experience, catfish are indeed very powerful, three or four pounds of catfish, the feeling of walking fish, may be more than ten pounds of grass carp, swimming fast, and not easy to get out of the water, three or four pounds of catfish, do not walk for three minutes, the fish will not show the water. Usually there are more grass carp, ten pounds of grass carp, basically within three minutes will definitely appear, five minutes can copy the fish. Yesterday fished this catfish, although not large, the big one is a little more than five pounds, generally have to walk until three or five minutes to copy the fish, feel more powerful than the grass carp. There was a four-pound or so one, walked for five minutes and did not show its head, did not see the fish, and thought it was a dozen pounds of blue fish.

Autumn fishing, fishing cool, spotted forktail catfish

Spotted forktail catfish, sure enough, and the introduction of the Internet is almost the same, small forktail catfish, there are clear half points on the body, after growing up, the spots will fade, can not see clearly.

Because the fish are better and too grumpy, three hours of fishing a lot, in order not to stimulate the air force of the fishing, do not send the total catch.

Finally, this catfish, braised is also very delicious, there are no fine spines, the meat is tender but not greasy, the taste is smooth, slightly chewy. It may be that the water quality of the reservoir is good, the taste is very positive, there is no fishy smell, there is no earthy taste, with a little sweetness.

Thanks for appreciating, welcome to pay attention.

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