
Have you ever eaten folded ear roots? Very chic taste

author:Snowy night de frightening

Folded ear root is another name for houttuynia cordata, which is a traditional Chinese medicine. Before I went to Guizhou, I couldn't imagine that this thing could be eaten raw.

Have you ever eaten folded ear roots? Very chic taste

The first time I went to Guizhou, Lao Mei took me to a snack city. Here are the most Guizhou characteristic snacks, such as bowl ear cake, intestinal noodles, and many can not remember the name, at this time, the folded ear root shines on the scene. White, tender, looks like the roots of wild vegetables. Old Mei said, fold the ear root, also called houttuynia, try it, see if you can accept it. I picked one up and put it in my mouth, and a strange feeling spread. It doesn't seem to belong to the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty taste, it is very difficult to eat, very unpalatable. Taste it carefully, and you really have the taste of raw fish.

Have you ever eaten folded ear roots? Very chic taste

Cold mix folded ear root, Guizhou cuisine is really too spicy. I have been to Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, I feel that the hottest place is still Guiyang. The first time I ate here, the whole tongue was a feeling of wood. This reminds me of the old dry mother, who is said to have entrusted the property to her son after she retired. My son is highly educated and knows how to maximize profits. I bought Henan peppers as the main raw material. As a result, the reputation of the old mother was smashed at once. Why? Henan pepper due to the different varieties and growth environment, the taste is not a star and a half. The owner of the boiled fish downstairs said that his home chili peppers were all consigned from his hometown, and the local peppers tasted wrong.

Guiyang cuisine is almost always spicy. It is this folded ear root, which does not seem to put much pepper, but it is numb in the mouth when it is eaten. Maybe the root of the folded ear itself has a spicy taste.

Have you ever eaten folded ear roots? Very chic taste

Later, I went to Jiayuguan, where I also ate the folded ear root once. There are no peppers, it is also cold mixed, and the amount is not much. Under the many spice improvements, the taste of the folded ear root body has been somewhat masked. But when I chewed, the faint fishy smell spread again. However, the spicy taste is small and acceptable.

I've eaten the root of the ear twice. Although the traffic has developed, the regionality of many vegetables is still very strong. Folded ear roots are very typical, except for the southwest and northwest, it is difficult to see in other places. There is also a kind of artemisia that is eaten in Jiujiang, which is rare in other places. It is the artemisia annua in Su Dongpo's poem "Artemisia annua is full of short reed buds, which is exactly when the puffer fish wants to go up". Stir-fried bacon with artemisia, really super delicious.

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