
In the mouth, the traditional dish of Hunan is rich in flavor, hibiscus crucian carp

author:A must-see for anglers

Brief introduction

Hibiscus crucian carp is an authentic Hunan dish, is the crucian carp and egg white together on the pot steaming, both the umami taste of crucian carp, but also the aroma of egg white, the taste is excellent in the mouth, the method is simple, but pay attention to details, the key steps to do to make this hibiscus crucian carp not fishy.

Ingredients Crucian carp (one or two pieces) egg white Chicken clear soup Yellow wine Chicken essence Onion ginger salt

Practice steps

1, the crucian carp washed and set aside, the most important point here is to remove the black film

In the mouth, the traditional dish of Hunan is rich in flavor, hibiscus crucian carp

2: Separate the head and tail of the crucian carp, add the appropriate amount of rice wine and ginger shreds, and steam in the pot for 10 minutes

In the mouth, the traditional dish of Hunan is rich in flavor, hibiscus crucian carp

3. Take out the body of the fish, peel off the bone spurs, and leave the fish meat

In the mouth, the traditional dish of Hunan is rich in flavor, hibiscus crucian carp

4, add the fish to the egg whites, add the chicken essence, salt, rice wine to taste, and put the stirred egg mixture into the steamer

In the mouth, the traditional dish of Hunan is rich in flavor, hibiscus crucian carp

5: Steam until the egg mixture is set, put the fish head and tail on the table and continue steaming for 10 minutes, and the hibiscus crucian carp will be ready

In the mouth, the traditional dish of Hunan is rich in flavor, hibiscus crucian carp
In the mouth, the traditional dish of Hunan is rich in flavor, hibiscus crucian carp


1, the fish must be washed, especially the fish head

2, the key two steps should be to put rice wine to remove fishy

3. Be careful when eating hibiscus crucian carp

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