
Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

author:Deyun's past

This is a performance that is more valued by the mainstream cross-talk industry, and the cross-talk actors recognized by the mainstream will be invited to perform together, but this time the conference has released some signals.

That is, the mainstream is undergoing a big reshuffle, Jiang Kun's favorite apprentice Zhou Wei has been abandoned, and Miao Fu has become a new favorite? Today, let's talk about some of them.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

On November 1st, the cross-talk conference ended in Shenzhen, this conference was held for a total of 4 days, this pomp and circumstance is really difficult to see, the guests on the stage are not small, the audience at the performance site is also very large, in short, this session of the conference is really lively, from the previous exposure of the program list we know that this time came a lot of big coffee.

Jiang Kun needless to say, as an important figure in mainstream cross-talk, he appears in the finale of the performance program every year.

Artists such as Feng Gong and Li Jindou, who have not appeared for a long time, of course, Dai Zhicheng also came, and he will always be absent on such occasions.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

These all have a certain weight, like the younger generation, Miao Fu, He Yunwei and other people have also come, and the style you want is all here.

However, careful netizens found that compared with the previous two sessions, this year's changes seem to be more than a little ah, mainstream crosstalk seems to be shuffling, the previous familiar face Zhou Wei is gone.

He is Jiang Kun's beloved disciple, all along, the mainstream cross-talk resources are very good, such occasions will follow, but this time he disappeared, is this abandoned, then What happened to Jiang Kun's beloved disciple Zhou Wei?

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

Before the rainstorm in Henan, the disaster suddenly attracted everyone's attention, the rainstorm came too violently, many places in Henan suffered great disasters, life, property, etc. were suddenly engulfed by the flood beast, so at this time the hearts of the people of the whole country were tugged up, and spontaneously began to resist the disaster.

Needless to say, the stars of the entertainment industry have a relatively large influence, so they often have money and power.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

There is one group in the cross-talk industry that has also done very well, that is, the Deyun Society.

Deyun Society's donation reached tens of millions, Guo Degang's uncle Guo donated 2 million, and his son Guo Qilin also followed, and the old and young masters of Deyun Society all did their part.

As a folk art group, Deyun Society can be so selfless and generous, which has touched many netizens.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

Looking back at the mainstream cross-talk people, some of them shout slogans, some of them paint and pray for blessings, which is really diverse and dazzling.

Therefore, it was also complained about by many netizens, and Jiang Kun's apprentice Zhou Wei was also the one who was spat on, Zhou Wei cheered by recording the video, but his video was not appreciated after it was sent, but was scolded.

In fact, when he came here, Zhou Wei was not wrong, after all, donating or not donating was his own will, and he could not be morally kidnapped.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

However, after netizens asked Zhou Wei if he had donated, Zhou Wei's performance was somewhat undeserved, he was directly annoyed and angry, and began to scold people in the comment area, and said that you were donated by me, go back and ask your mother, and so on, some dirty words, which are really not what a decent person should say.

After the incident, Zhou Wei was scolded more seriously, and just when the situation was fermenting, Zhou Wei issued a statement, saying that the person who replied to the netizens before was not himself, and he was actually a stolen number.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

Good guys, this reason is good to find ah, the key is that you are not the first time to scare people, before is it also stolen number, how do people always want to steal your number? Therefore, after this incident, Zhou Wei's reputation also plummeted, and he rarely appeared after that.

The people invited to this intangible cultural heritage conference are artists or strong ability, and bad artists like Zhou Wei naturally cannot be invited, in fact, it is equivalent to being abandoned.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

At this intangible cultural heritage conference, Miao Fu's programs are still relatively many, but what is surprising is that Miao Fu attended as the Xi'an Qu Art Troupe, obviously he is the class leader of the Qingqu Society, is this identity not qualified? In fact, the reason is because this is a mainstream cross-talk conference, and the Qingqu Society actually belongs to the folk art group.

Therefore, the qualifications are not enough, such as the Deyun Society has not been able to participate in the Intangible Cultural Heritage Conference, because the Deyun Society has always been excluded from the mainstream cross-talk.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

And this time, Lu Xinyuhao actually did not show up, was it because their relationship with the Deyun Society was too close, and they were also targeted?

Before, Lu Xinyuhao was also a member of the Qingqu Society, and originally the relationship with Miao Fu was still very good, but then something happened that caused the rupture between them.

In the past, when Lu Xinyuhao was in the Qingqu Society, his life was also not good, their performance costs were very small, and they had not been able to become popular, but fortunately, later they participated in a variety show, called Xiao Ao Jianghu, and it was on this show that they met Guo Degang.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

On this show, Lu Xinyuhao as a partner performance is very eye-catching, always able to get the audience's applause and love, Guo Degang, who has always cherished talents, of course does not want to miss this pair of good seedlings, so he invited them to join the Deyun Society on the show, and more than once, he invited them to go to the Deyun Society, and said that they can go to Beijing to develop, which is not to throw an olive branch.

However, Lu Xin Yuhao had his own plans, and they politely refused Guo Degang's kindness, but the relationship with Guo Degang was still very good.

Later, after the two of them became popular, they left the Qingqu Society and decided to do something on their own, so they set up a new force for cross-talk, and Guo Degang was also very popular, and also wrote a plaque.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

However, their relationship with Miao Fu was not so good. What's going on here?

It turned out that Miao Fu suddenly sent a social dynamic one day, he said that Yuhao slapped him, but also shared a selfie of himself, and sure enough, his face was indeed some redness and swelling in the picture.

But many people are not clear why there is a conflict between them. Was it because Yu Hao had left the Qingqu Society?

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

Just when everyone was ready to ask clearly, Miao Fu deleted this dynamic, and many people expressed their incomprehension.

Just when everyone was confused, Zheng Hongwei appeared to answer the question, Zheng Hongwei is in charge of the finances of the Qingqu Society, Zheng Hongwei said that Zhang Yuhao did this, in fact, because he was beaten by Miao Fu before, Zhang Yuhao is venting for himself, good guys, this relationship is more complicated.

However, the follow-up to this matter is that Zheng Hongwei also left the Qingqu Society and joined the new forces of the apprentices. It's over.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

However, Miao Fu and Lu Xin Yuhao formed a beam, and then there was an occasion for Miao Fu, Lu Xin Yuhao was naturally inconvenient to attend, so this time the Intangible Cultural Heritage Conference, since Miao Fu was the object of emphasis, then naturally Lu Xin and Yu Hao had no chance.

Therefore, many people say that this cross-talk conference is very similar to the major reshuffle of mainstream cross-talk, after all, Zhou Wei, who was previously known as a disciple, was directly abandoned.

Zhou Wei was not seen at the cross-talk conference, but Miao Fu performed multiple programs, and Jiang Kunshuffled the cards? During this time, a major event occurred in the cross-talk industry, that is, the cross-talk conference was successfully held. It turned out that all this had to start from the torrential rain in Henan. Xi'an Qu Art Troupe Miao Fu into a new favorite? What's going on here?

Miao Fu has successfully ascended to the throne, in fact, no matter what, the mainstream or the non-governmental groups, as long as they can talk cross-talk well and carry forward positive energy, it is actually the same.

What do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comments to discuss, tell me your opinion, if you like my sharing, just give me a thumbs up, thank you for your attention, we will see you in the next issue!

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