
Fiction: Do you have a dog in your house called Ah Huang?

author:Star Cat
Fiction: Do you have a dog in your house called Ah Huang?

The road to the county town is long but not tortuous, and the straight official road rarely winds around the corner, saving a lot of time for the team's trip.

In peacetime, the common people are not entitled to enjoy this official way.

The official road is also called the Great Zhao Straight Road, the straight road can run eight carriages, meet the mountain to chisel the mountain, meet the ditch to fill the ditch, meet the Forest Kailin after three generations of Zhao monarchs officially built. It was used by the Zhao court to run horses to pass on books, mobilize troops, and transport supplies.

Ten years ago, Zhao Guobei County lost, Zhao Guo transferred from various counties to extinguish the immortal crossbow production materials through the straight road into the royal arsenal for the first time, and then the exterminating immortal crossbow was continuously transported to the north county to fight the wolf clan, so that the wolf clan did not dare to go south for ten years and herd horses, and did not dare to bend the bow than the crossbow for a hundred years.

The subway that Jiang Hua ordered the Jiang family to secretly build to pass through the nine counties is also an upgraded version of the imitation of the Great Zhao Straight Road.

Great Zhao Zhidao made great contributions to the national defense of the Zhao State, and at the same time made many absurd things.

These absurd things are more related to Emperor Zhao You.

Once Emperor Zhao Youdi heard that there was a flower queen xia yulian in Jiangnan County, who was beautiful and heavenly, and went out of the palace to see the beauty in a private way overnight, and in order to see the beauty, he went directly to the Great Zhao Straight Road, and then was directly taken into the cell by local officials as a "thief", making a big oolong.

Emperor Zhao Youdi had noble concubines who heard that the pearls produced by Hai County were crushed into powder to beautify their faces, and Emperor Zhao You ordered people to run to death several BMWs day and night to send fresh pearls that had just been opened to the noble concubines for the first time.

These events also evolve in various versions of the storyteller population.

chirp! chirp!

The tall horse of the bull evil in front of him hissed.

Only to see a dozen or so vicious dogs blocking the official road and eating, their food is human limbs and severed arms, apparently a team of other villages to the county town has encountered an accident.

There are more than a dozen evil dogs with flowers, yellow, black and white, just like ordinary people's watchdogs.

When they turned their heads to stare at the Niujia Village team, the dog's head was red and devouring, its teeth were turned outward, and its blood was direct, which was even more ferocious than the demon beast.

One of the vicious dogs directly abandoned the thigh bone under his feet, stomped on his hind legs, and pounced on the people of Niujia Village.

"Good guts!"

The cattle evil made a hunter's background, and he had seen countless beasts and even demon beasts, and he had never seen any beast directly attack and kill without distinguishing between the enemy and the enemy.

The lion fighting rabbit does not dare to do so, and a native dog also dares to despise the martial master!


The bull's vicious saber cut into the ribs of the evil dog and even took a piece of flesh and skin, splashing a piece of blood.

When the bull evil side dodged the blood and was ready to slash his head with a knife, he found that the evil dog did not feel pain, and directly pounced on the women, children, and children in the middle of the team with his knife.


The bull evil backhand grasped the slashing knife, ready to use the knife as a javelin, jedi counterattack.

If this knife cannot kill the evil dog, the women, children, old and young do not have to be bitten to death by the evil dog, as long as the blood and saliva of the evil dog are stained with who is infected.

"Whoops, Mom..."

At this time, the cow boy closest to the evil dog had already been scared to cry.

At the same time, Jiang Hua also opened his eyes and prepared to rescue people.


A large yellow dog next to the second lady arrived first, and a rushing head hit the head to fly the evil dog.

Jiang Hua became interested, put away the magic handprint he was holding in his hand, and looked at the big yellow dog.

Jiang Hua knew that he had looked away, and this big yellow dog was not simple.

The skeleton of the big yellow dog is large but very thin, and the two rows of ribs on the abdomen are clearly visible, as if it has not eaten for a long time.

"Ah Huang!"

At this time, Niu Erya was protected by Niu Evil and others, and more than a dozen evil dogs on the opposite side vaguely surrounded the big yellow dog.

The big yellow dog shook its tail at the cow and shook its body to make the collar of the rusty neck ring. Then he leaned down and pulled on the muzzle.

This muzzle should have been brought to him by the people of Niujia Village, thinking that this big yellow dog had already been infected with the plague but had not been abandoned by the Niujia villagers, but he was worried that it would infect others, so he brought a muzzle to him.

The big yellow dog took off its muzzle to reveal a short-snout and a wide mouth, and the dog barked louder.

Name: Ah Huang

Species: Canine (mutant)

Xiu Wei: First Order Demon Beast

Hostility: 0

This is the result of a system probe. Jiang Hua couldn't understand what the word "mutation" behind the column of the Dog Race meant, and the cultivation system had reached the level of a first-order demon beast according to the energy level.

The first-order demon beasts can kill tigers and leopards. No matter how fierce the beast was, it was no stronger than a low-level demon beast.

The big yellow dog was high in battle, and the hairs on its neck were erect, and it pounced on the evil dog that had just attacked Niu Erya.

The earth dog of the Guardian Lord has never lacked the will to fight!

More than a dozen vicious dogs besieged the big yellow dog in an instant.

If a normal dog bites a dog's mouth, then a dog infected with the plague bites a dog is a mouthful of blood.

Niu Evil wanted to come forward to help, but he couldn't do anything about it, because the blood in the chaotic battle circle was sprinkled with blood, and these blood and water were the source of plague infection.

After a while, the bloody big yellow dog was beaten to the ground. But in his mouth, he bit the vicious dog that attacked Niu Erzhu deadly.

You can have countless partners in your life, but you are the only one in your dog's life!

"Uncle Bull Evil, you save Ah Huang."

Niu Er Ya cried and pleaded with Niu Evil, and said with a handful of snot and a handful of tears.

The cow clenched its fists viciously, its body trembling, but there was nothing it could do!

Jiang Hua didn't know whether to rescue this big yellow dog after all, this big yellow dog was also infected with the plague.

"Such a fierce loyal dog is not under the control of my worm children."

One of the evil dogs, a black dog, suddenly flashed a humane look in his eyes and spat out human words.

Big demon?

Spitting out human words was a characteristic of the Great Demon Beast, but the black dog's breath was obviously not strong.

Jiang Hua was confused and could only rely on systematic investigation.

[Ding, invalid target.] 】

This time Jiang Hua was even more confused.

Niu Evil didn't think about it so much, and directly roared, "What demon? ”

The black dog had a mocking look on his face and said, "Ignorant ants, you will all become the blood food of my children, and the blood food is not worthy to know my name." ”


Thunder Shock swooped down from a high altitude, and his claws directly lifted the black dog and flew into the clouds.


Thunder and lightning crackled around him, capturing the soul.

"Say... What the! ”

The black dog's eyes showed fear, and the worms were naturally afraid of thunder.

"The strength is so weak, there is really nothing to say."

Lei Zhenzi's claws were gently buckled, the black dog's body turned into meat paste, and a dog's head fell from the sky.


The dog's head was like a watermelon shattered, and a chubby worm crawled out of it, and the worm was as big as a broad bean, and struggled twice, like a deflated leather ball flowing out of pus and whimpering.

Although the ability of the worm is strange, it becomes very fragile without the host.

Lei Zhenzi's move was naturally secretly instructed by Jiang Hua.

In the face of absolute strength, no matter what cattle, ghosts, snake gods you are, will appear.

When Jiang Hua looked at the worm in the black dog's head, he suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the system prompted the invalid target before, because when the worm awakened and manipulated the black dog's body, the black dog was already dead, and it was just a skin sac shell manipulated by the worm.

Jiang Hua had countless opportunities to strike himself and the opportunity to torture the worms. But worried about hitting the grass and startling the snake, he let Lei Zhenzi do the work for him and continued to hide in the dark.

Jiang Hua's heart was incomparably clear, and any conspiracy and trickery in Chu County would naturally surface, and at that time, it was to break his wrist to see whose bottom card was harder.

Jiang Hua's bottom card is a crush of absolute strength for the enemy! There is no "must kill one blow" that can't be done!

All intrigue and trickery will be futile in the face of absolute strength!

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