
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

author:Lazy kitchen

  Do you know what a Russian GreatErba is? People who have never eaten this delicacy, listening to the name, think it is a big bus!

  In fact, Russian da lieba is a kind of large bread (now also a specialty of Harbin), because it is relatively large and heavy, and a bread is at least 2 pounds or more. So start with the word "big"!

  Today I will share with you this common practice of the Great Leba, let's take a look at how to do it!


  2 eggs, 350g of whole wheat flour, 70ml of pure milk, 60g of powdered sugar, 3g of yeast, 2g of salt, 25g of corn oil, 1 handful of raisins, 1 handful of dried walnuts.

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat


  Pour 350g of whole wheat flour into a large bowl and add 60g of powdered sugar, 2g of salt and 3g of yeast.

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

  Beat the egg whites of two eggs and an egg yolk, pour in 70ml of pure milk, stir into dough and knead into a dough.

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

  After kneading into the dough, add 25g of corn oil to the dough. If you have butter at home, adding butter will be more fragrant!

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

  Knead until the dough and butter are completely fused and have a certain ductility. There is no need to knead out the glove mask.

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

  Place the dough in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap, leave it in a warm place for basic fermentation, and relax for half an hour.

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

  After fermentation, take out the dough, pat it with your hands, drain the bubbles inside, cover it with plastic wrap and relax for 15 minutes, rolling out into a thicker sheet.

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

  Sprinkle the dough with raisins and walnut kernels, roll up the dough and roll it into the shape of a long stick, closing the mouth down. Place in a baking sheet and let it ferment in the oven.

  Note: If you put it directly into the oven to ferment, you need to put a bowl of hot water next to it, which will help with fermentation while keeping the surface of the dough dry.

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

  When the bread is fermented 1.5 to 2 times larger, remove the bread blank. Brush the surface with a layer of egg yolk liquid, and then use a knife to cut several openings on the surface. When paddling, try to paddle as deep as possible to reveal the dried nuts inside.

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

  Place in preheated oven and bake at 160 degrees medium for 40 minutes. Note: When baking, you need to look at the fire, if the color is darker, you need to cover the surface with a layer of aluminum foil.

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

  After baking, take it out, this Russian Great Leba is ready, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, it is very fragrant to eat, like friends hurry up and try it!

The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat
The market encountered this bread, I never soft, at least 2 pounds a, super full, don't know how to eat

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