
In the early Qing Dynasty, the "Suzhou School" writer Guo Mengqi was a medical editor

author:Exploring the secrets of Chinese medicine

In the early Qing Dynasty, the "Suzhou School" writer Guo Mengqi was a medical editor


Guo Mengqi, zizhi, Qing Dynasty Changzhou (present-day Suzhou, Jiangsu) people. He is good at medicine and also knows opera. In terms of medicine, lizhong called the good doctor, especially the acne rash, engraved the "Immortal Transmission of Acne Rash Strange Book"; and also compiled the "Wu Traditional Chinese Medicine Case", and re-revised the "Shennong Materia Medica" compilation of 3 volumes. In terms of literature, Guo Shi participated in the creation of opera, belonged to the "Suzhou School" Kun opera writers group headed by Li Yu, and co-authored the legendary drama "Ding Toad Palace" with Zhu Suchen and Sheng Guoqi.

In the early Qing Dynasty, the "Suzhou School" writer Guo Mengqi was a medical editor

1 Overshi's life review

Regarding Meng Qi's hometown origin and date of birth and death, various materials are slightly ambiguous.

The "Classical Opera Inventory" states that it is "not detailed in the characters, suspected of being from Wuxian County, Jiangsu"; the "Great Dictionary of Chinese Writers , Qing Dynasty Volumes" follows this saying, "The year of birth and death is unknown, and the words are not detailed... He is suspected to be a native of Wu County, Jiangsu Province." The "Records of Famous Doctors of Wuzhong" is more informative, calling it "The Guangfu People of Wu County during the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty". Consulting the "Wu County Chronicle" of the twenty-second year of the Republic of China, there are indeed relevant records of Meng Qi; the "Guangfu Zhi Jiwen" also contains the preface made by fellow villager Huang Zhongjian (a native of Wu County, Suzhou) for his re-engraving of the "Strange Book of Immortal Acne". Ji You's "Materia Medica", Guo Shi called himself "after Changzhou learned Meng Qizhi".

The above materials confirm that Meng Qi's ancestral home is Changzhou County, Suzhou Province, and he has been practicing medicine in the neighboring Wu County of Suzhou Province for many years, and he is undoubtedly a Suzhou native.

As for the birth and death of the Guoshi, there is no record of the genealogy, and the accurate year is missing. Together with his friend Huang Zhongjian, who wrote the preface to his medical book, and Zhu Suchen, who co-wrote the screenplay with him, the three should be literati of the same period. Huang Zhongjian was born in 1649 and died after 1711; Zhu Suchen was about 1620-1701. The Records of Famous Doctors in Wuzhong refers to Meng Qi as a person during the Kangxi Dynasty (1662-1722), which is reasonable. The Preface to the Strange Book of Re-engraving Xian Chuan Pox Rash says: "Ying Chen Qiu, Passing jun xuanzhi, to practice medicine in Guangfu Li", the propylene refers to the kangxi Bing Chen year (1676). The Materia Medica compiled by Guo Mengqi was written in the 26th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1687). According to the above, Meng Qi engaged in academic activities such as medicine and opera during the Kangxi period in the early Qing Dynasty.

2 over the drama achievements

Guo Mengqi has a certain achievement in opera and belongs to the "Suzhou School" in the early Qing Dynasty.

In the early Qing Dynasty, the "Suzhou School" writer Guo Mengqi was a medical editor

The Suzhou Cultural Handbook records: "The Suzhou school refers to the Kunqu opera genre created by the Suzhou opera writer community headed by Li Yu in the early Qing Dynasty, and the suzhou legendary writers include: Bi Wei, Zhu Suchen, Zhu Zuochao, Zhang Dafu, Ye Shizhang, Qiu Yuan, Sheng Jishi, Chen Erbai, Chen Ziyu, Zhu Yuncong, Guo Mengqi, Sheng Guoqi, Xue Jiyang and others. "Chinese Opera Chronicle", "Suzhou Opera School Research", "Suzhou Opera Chronicle", "Ming and Qing Literature History", "Chinese Literature Classic" and other literary and opera monographs have similar records, all of which include Guo Mengqi as a member of the "Suzhou School".

According to Kunqu opera expert Gu Lingsen, the "Suzhou School" was already known as the "Wu County Sect", Wu County, the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty was wu county, Sui Dynasty... Renamed Suzhou, the Tang Dynasty divided into five counties, named Changzhou; Suzhou in the Ming Dynasty was changed to "Fu", early wu county, Changzhou two counties, into this century, Wu County because of the merger into Suzhou city and no longer exist, "Wu County Faction" was changed by historians to "Suzhou Faction". The "Classical Opera Inventory Examination" "Guo Mengqi" article about the legendary works he wrote: "Ding Toad Palace, the bibliography of the "Examination of The Present Music", the "Qu Kao", the "Qu HaiMu", and the "Qu Lu" and see the bibliography, co-authored with Sheng Guoqi and Zhu, the skill is unknown.

Co-author Zhu's opera achievements are even higher, Zi Suchen, No. Chuang'an, Suzhou Wuxian people, a famous opera writer in the early Qing Dynasty, who created more than ten plays such as "Weiyang Tian", "Jinyi Gui", "Cornucopia", "Jade Garden" and so on, of which "Fifteen Guan" has become one of the most popular Kunqu masterpieces. Although the original drama of "Ding Toad Palace" cooperated by Guo Mengqi, Sheng Guoqi and Zhu Suchen has been abandoned, these "Suzhou School" writers have made Kunqu opera break through from the scholars and aristocrats and flow from the Daya Hall into the city, which has greatly promoted the prosperity of Kunqu opera, making it a repertoire that can be performed and read, and appreciated by both elegant and customary. As a member of the Suzhou Opera Writers Group in the early Qing Dynasty, Guo Shi also contributed to this change.

At the same time, Guo Mengqi not only paid attention to literary opera, but also made more prominent contributions to medicine.

3 overshi's contributions to medicine

(1) Compilation of the "Wu Traditional Chinese Medicine Case"

The "Republic of China Wu County Chronicle Yiwen Examination II" recorded: "Guozhizhi, Wu Traditional Chinese Medicine Case, see Wu Yihui Preface." The local chronicle clearly shows that Meng Qi edited the "Wu Traditional Chinese Medicine Case" and elaborated on it in the preface to the "Wu Yihui Lecture". The 11-volume Lecture of Wu Yihui was compiled by Tang Dalie, a famous physician in Suzhou in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Tang Da Lie, Zi Li San, And Kasa Shan, and Xuan Zhi were the same as Changzhou people, in their later years, modeled on Meng Qi's "Wu Traditional Chinese Medicine Case", and collected about 100 articles of Suzhou, Wuxi, Changshu, and Taicang into "Wu Yi Hui Lecture", and published successively from 1792 to 1801, which is considered to be a medical literature with the nature of a journal in China.

According to the articles of the "Wu Yihui Lectures", the shadow of the "Wu Chinese Medicine Case" can still be faintly seen. The medical case compilation style set up by Guo Mengqi had a profound impact on Tang Dalie, a descendant of his fellow villagers.

In the early Qing Dynasty, the "Suzhou School" writer Guo Mengqi was a medical editor

The original book of "The Case of Wu Traditional Chinese Medicine" is scattered, and the "General Catalogue of Ancient Books of Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine" is not written, and the "Dictionary of Chinese Medical Books" lists it in the "category of dead". "Wu TCM Case" collects the essence of the medical treatment and examination in Suzhou, and the specific content can no longer be verified; however, according to the nature of the medical case, the type of literature, the writing style, etc., combined with Tang's "Wu Yihui Lecture", it is speculated that the "Wu TCM Case" should be written in a similar way.


Excerpt from Chinese Medicine Culture, No. 3, 2019

Edit: Three Seven

In the early Qing Dynasty, the "Suzhou School" writer Guo Mengqi was a medical editor

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