
Fang Chu Mountain under the Tao Ru Nai

author:Qinba is beautiful

Original Hong Zhiyi Beautiful Xinning Township

Fang Chu Mountain under the Tao Ru Nai

The mountain is not high, and the immortal is named. Fangchu Mountain is neither tall nor famous. For the Ming and Qing Dynasties "Chu Tao Three Absolute" Tao Ru Nai is no stranger. His home is in Taojia Bay under Fangchu Mountain.

Inside and outside taojiawan, up and down The Fangchu Mountain has become a kingdom for children. Play is the nature of every child, and Tao Ru Nai is no exception. Every time in Mr. Wang's class, his heart had already flown to the world of Fang Chu Shan. Fang Stored inside, naturally formed, the spirituality of the water, the beauty of the mountains, and the simplicity of the folk customs gave Tao Ru Nai a little spirituality. He was young and intelligent, good at poetry, and his articles were ethereal and timeless, sucking the spirituality of the "public security school" poetry. He indulged in Mi Fu's "eight-sided wind, ethereal and super-majestic, eclectic" free book style.

Fang Chu Mountain under the Tao Ru Nai

Under the wise leadership of Emperor Mingshenzong, the "Wanli Zhongxing" appeared throughout the country. In 1615 (the forty-third year of the Wanli calendar), the floods and droughts in the Huguang area made the people unhappy. The 14-year-old Tao Ru Nai saw the hardships of the low-level people, and all of them shocked him, and the young Tao Ru Nai was a little less frivolous and more ambitious.

The 23-year-old Tao Ru Nai left Tao Jia Wan, left the Fang Chu Mountain and the grass and trees, and ran to the wider world to establish and freeze the coordinates of his life. This year, the snow is very heavy. The fluttering snow fell endlessly, covering the entire capital city tightly. In the political and cultural center of the Ming Dynasty, Tao Ru Nai began to think about life and social welfare.

Fang Chu Mountain under the Tao Ru Nai

In the second year of Hong Chongzhen, Tao Ru Nai entered the Guozi Prison. In the autumn of this year, the Ming Dynasty State Student Examination, Chongzhen hand-picked Tao Ru Nai the first place. Le Shi Taixue became Tao Ru Nai's first public office.

The sound of cannon battles during the Spring Festival alarmed Fangchu Mountain. Before the first lunar month, Fang ChuShan spat out several fire-like Yingshan reds. Tao Ru Nai is about to start a new height in his life. Tao Ru Nai had to lift people. Many things happened up and down the Ming Dynasty, the Jin army occupied Lushun, the court army was defeated and retreated, and peasant revolts broke out. Shanhaiguan did not block Nurhaci's iron horse, nor did it block Hong Chengzu's ambitions. Internal and external troubles, years of war so that Tao Ru Nai did not start his smooth road of learning and youzeshi. In 1644, Li Zicheng attacked Beijing, and Chongzhen died. The situation took a sharp turn for the worse, Hong Chengyu defected to Emperor Taiji, the Qing soldiers drove straight into the Yangtze River, and King Mingfu became emperor in Nanjing.

Fang Chu Mountain under the Tao Ru Nai

The flames lasted for three months, and the family letter arrived at ten thousand gold. When the news of his mother's serious illness came, Tao Ru Nai went all the way south, full of decay, soldiers and soldiers, and the people did not have a good life. Hunan Qing Jedi, a long time ago, Du Fu's Hunan is so good. On a night when the lights were flickering, Tao Ru Nai wrote "The Southern Fu of The Sorrowful Lake", "The son is left behind in the pot pulp, the thorns and rubble, the yin and the yin and the desolate"; "When people and ghosts are on the road, people are weak and ghosts are strong". He returned to Fangchu Mountain, where he had been separated for many years. In the relaxed days of returning home, he climbed the Fangchu Mountain to look north at the Beijing Division, remembered his life in Beijing, and remembered the favor of the Chongzhen Emperor to himself. An inch of mountains and rivers and an inch of tears, a literati is more than a heartache, and what a generation of literati has done is to rise up and resist the foreign Kou. The faltering dynasty will fall, and Tao Ru Nai originally only wanted to be a literati who was far away from the rivers and lakes, regardless of politics, and took pleasure in reading all day long.

Fang Chu Mountain under the Tao Ru Nai

However, under the great social changes at the time of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the family business drifted to zero. Tao Ru Nai had to get out of the study hall and devote himself to the anti-Qing activities that were spread throughout the country at that time. When the Hongguang regime was established in Nanjing, he was recommended to serve as He Tengjiao's overseer. After the fall of Nanjing and the fall of the Hongguang regime, he transferred to Guangxi, joined the Yongli regime, and officially commissioned the Hanlin Academy to review. But the corrupt Ming regime coveted pleasure and did nothing, and in the end it could not escape its demise. There was no hope of restoration, and Tao Ru Nai could only return to the Tao family compound again. In the tenth year of Shunzhi, he and Zhou Kansai contacted Taojiang Guo Duxian Hunan Yishi to rebel against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and were defeated and arrested.

Fang Chu Mountain under the Tao Ru Nai

The Yingshan red flowers of Fangchu Mountain bloomed and fell several times, and they did not wait for the figure of Tao Ru Nai. In the chaotic world of dynastic changes, Tao Runai, who was in prison, was exhausted and could no longer see a glimmer of hope. In 1657, in the fourteenth year of Shunzhi, Hong Chengyu came to Changsha, and he released his teacher Guo Duxian and his friend Tao Runai. Tao Ru Nai returned to the countryside exhausted, and he began to re-examine life and think about life. Began his life of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the South Mountain". The elderly Tao Ru Nai went to the mountain, and in the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, he looked up at the golden Buddha in his heart, wrote down the glory of the backyard millennium ginkgo, and left behind the famous sentence "The rain of the Law comes to Hengyue, and the sect wind enlightens the mountain" for thousands of years.

Fang Chu Mountain under the Tao Ru Nai

In the winter of 1684, heavy snow fell and covered the Fangchu Mountain, and the whole world was wrapped in silver. Tao Ru Nai came to the end of his life at the age of 83.

The fragrance is overflowing and stored inside. Every year, Fangchu Mountain is full of Yingshan red, and the ginkgo tree in Taojiawan is now towering in the sky. Fangchu Mountain nourishes one person, and each era has a story about it, blending into the landscape and immersing itself in trees and flowers, which has continued to this day.

Fang Chu Mountain under the Tao Ru Nai

About the Author

Hong Zhiyi, male, from Donghutang, Ningxiang. He served as a soldier in Tibet and now serves in the Ningxiang Land and Resources Bureau. Happy literary history, good books, occasionally write small articles.

Qinba beautiful country, hand in hand with you to create a better life!

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