
Pregnancy cold knowledge: will the feet become larger after pregnancy?!

Xiao Ru, who is 34 weeks pregnant, recently found a "strange thing", a lot of shoes can not be worn suddenly, the instep also feels a little thicker, is it pregnant, the foot will become larger?

Later asked a few friends who have given birth to children, foot edema almost everyone has appeared, one of them also appeared in her foot length and enlargement, and "sad" is that the foot did not retract after getting bigger, the shoes before pregnancy were all changed over and over again...

Pregnancy cold knowledge: will the feet become larger after pregnancy?!

Many expectant mothers will have different degrees of swelling problems in the third trimester, on the one hand, the hormones in the body have changed dramatically, and it is very easy to have edema; on the other hand, the blood volume increases, which is about 40% more than before pregnancy, and after the increase in blood volume, the inter-tissue fluid will also increase, which is easy to form edema.

In addition, due to the increasing size of the abdominal cavity, compressing the veins, affecting the blood return, with the gradual increase in abdominal volume and weight, pregnant women's arms, legs, ankles will appear to varying degrees of swelling, at the same time, the pressure on the feet increases, will press the arch of the foot more flat, the soles of the feet become flatter and longer.



Have a good work and rest, and raise your feet appropriately

Pregnant mothers should ensure sufficient rest time, it is best to rest for half an hour after lunch, if the office does not have the conditions to lie down, you can raise your legs on the chair and take a semi-sitting position. Usually, it is best to put a small stool under the feet to relieve edema.


Make it a habit to walk

Pregnant mothers who have developed edema should not sit and stand for a long time, otherwise it will aggravate the edema. Walk around appropriately between work to increase blood flow to the lower extremities. In the evening, after eating, I also maintain a walk for about half an hour, proper exercise can promote blood circulation and help with normal labor!


Regulate your diet

After pregnancy, the body's ability to regulate salt and water declines, so pregnant mothers should try to control the intake of salt, less oil and less salt, eat less or do not eat difficult to digest and easy to flatulence food, so as not to cause bloating, make the blood flow poor, aggravate the edema. In addition, try to avoid drinking a lot of water 1 hour before going to bed, otherwise it will not only increase the number of night ups, but also aggravate the edema when you wake up the next day.

Tips: If swelling occurs around the face and eyes, the swelling of the hands and feet is severe, or the situation of high blood pressure or proteinuria occurs, be sure to consult a doctor at the hospital!

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