
The 2 candidates are excellent, I don't know who will be the champion, Zhao Kuangyin: Fight, who wins the title

It is said that the Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin emphasized literature and light martial arts, and single-handedly led to the strong rise of wenchen during the Song Dynasty, so that throughout the two Song Dynasties, martial arts were abolished, abused by the Liao state, western Xia, humiliated by the Jin state, and destroyed by the Mongols...

However, this really wronged Zhao Kuangyin. It should be noted that Zhao Kuangyin has been like a ranger since his youth, and his obsession with force has long been integrated into the blood, and he can be called the immediate emperor. Therefore, even if he suppresses the military generals again, he still has his own measure. Moreover, the obsession with force was inadvertently revealed, such as this miracle of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The 2 candidates are excellent, I don't know who will be the champion, Zhao Kuangyin: Fight, who wins the title

In 975, this was Zhao Kuangyin's last reign, because the "candlelight axe shadow" occurred at the end of the year. Among the candidates who finally entered the temple examination this time, two people were particularly eye-catching, one named Wang Sizong and the other named Chen Zhi, who were recognized by the examiners as a good article with a splendid embroidery, and the champion would only be selected from these two.

Therefore, even if Zhao Kuangyin personally proposed it, these two people quickly wrote it and presented it to Zhao Kuangyin at the same time. Look at Zhao Kuangyin again, look at this article, look at that article, it seems to be very skilled, but the heart is very anxious, why?

The 2 candidates are excellent, I don't know who will be the champion, Zhao Kuangyin: Fight, who wins the title

It was not said before that Zhao Kuangyin was a warrior after all, and it was very happy for him to lead the troops to fight, but looking at these people, looking at Zi Shiyun, it was better to "make a big fuss about the Fence Courtyard" to be happy. So even if he looked at it for eight hundred years, he couldn't see that it was better.

How can this be done? There is a way! But when he saw Zhao Kuangyin put the articles of the two people, he began to praise the two people, saying: You two are very well written, and my old Zhao can't distinguish them. But there can only be one. So-called, the way of wen and wu is relaxed one by one, and both wen and wu are good for the good erlang. Since there is no high or low in the article, you two will compete, just fight on the Golden Ruan Hall, who wins who is the champion!

The 2 candidates are excellent, I don't know who will be the champion, Zhao Kuangyin: Fight, who wins the title

Wang Sizong and Chen Zhi both had their eyes straight, and they couldn't imagine that there would be such an examination method. Still Wang Sizong took the lead in reacting, and without saying a word, he pounced on it and threw Chen Zhi, who was still in shock, to the ground.

Zhao Kuangyin's dragon heart was overjoyed, and he pointed at Wang Sizong and said, "Well, it is you!" As a result, Wang Sizong had an additional "jianghu nickname", named: Wrestling Yuanlang.

This matter is not written by the author, but from the "History of Song". Obviously, from the record of Zhao Kuangyin's selection of the yuan, it can be analyzed that Zhao Kuangyin's true personality is Shang Wu!

The 2 candidates are excellent, I don't know who will be the champion, Zhao Kuangyin: Fight, who wins the title

Therefore, the reason why Zhao Kuangyin, a cup of wine and release military power, suppressed the group of military generals, was nothing more than fear, and then a "yellow robe plus body". After all, before him, Guo Wei, the founding emperor of the former dynasty, had relied on the yellow robe of the mutiny in 951 AD, and became the emperor after the founding of the country.

In 960, when Zhao Kuangyin mutinied at Chen Qiao, the second yellow robe was added to become emperor. The yellow robe was added twice, and the gap was only 9 years. Naturally, Zhao Kuangyin was going to suppress Shi Shouxin and other old people. Otherwise, what if they have another example?

Therefore, Zhao Kuangyin's suppression of military generals was nothing more than to consolidate the rule of Zhao and Song, and the most important function was to prevent "history from repeating itself", which had little to do with the northern Song Dynasty's final "self-abolition of martial arts". Moreover, it was during the Zhao Kuangyin period that Zhao Song basically completed the sweeping of Zhuxiong and unified the world. Its martial arts value is not weak, but also very strong.

The 2 candidates are excellent, I don't know who will be the champion, Zhao Kuangyin: Fight, who wins the title

For example, Zhao Kuangyin's final selection of the Yuan clearly reflected his martial characteristics. After all, in addition to Zhao Kuangyin in history, I really don't know that there was another emperor who used the method of "fighting" to solve the problem by force to choose the yuan. It can be seen that Zhao Kuangyin did not give up force until his death.

Therefore, after the Northern Song Dynasty, it came from the abolition of martial arts, and the sin was not Zhao Kuangyin. On the contrary, Zhao Kuangyin had long noticed the crux of the Northern Song Dynasty's military strength. He proposed to move the capital on the grounds that Bieliang was a place of four wars, there was no danger to defend, and if you wanted to defend Kyoto, you needed at least hundreds of thousands of troops to stay permanently, which was a waste. Soldiers are not much in the fine!

The 2 candidates are excellent, I don't know who will be the champion, Zhao Kuangyin: Fight, who wins the title

However, this proposal was finally blocked by Zhao Guangyi's beautiful slogan of "no danger in Germany". For this reason, Zhao Kuangyin once sighed: Within a hundred years, the people of the world will be exhausted.

Sure enough, in order to maintain this large army defending the Beijing Division, the Zhao and Song court threw money and grain. But what role did these hundreds of thousands of troops play in the end? Basically nothing. Because, guarding the emperor every day and hiding in this safest place, how can we temper our military strength? Not kidding!

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