
It is only now that I have discovered that falling in love and getting married are two different things

author:Fantasy Dreamer p

Falling in love can be a matter for two people, but getting married is a matter for two families.

It is only now that I have discovered that falling in love and getting married are two different things

When you are in love, you only need to consider whether the other party is happy, has nothing to do with life, does not ask about chai rice oil and salt, and only needs to think about the happiness and romance of the moment.

Before a few more girls got married, they didn't look forward to the future and belonged to only the two of them.

It is only now that I have discovered that falling in love and getting married are two different things

But if you get married, you still have to seriously consider the relationship between family life after marriage.

Not only that, but we also need to look at the family situation of the two sides, the family situation here, not only to see whether his economic situation is rich, but more importantly, to see whether there will be differences in the ideological concepts of the elders on both sides, and whether there will be differences in dealing with people, and whether they are kind to people and whether they are harmonious with people.

Some people may feel that to care about each other's family conditions is to covet other people's money, but it turns out that those who do not consider each other's family situation and go straight to love are stupid.

It is only now that I have discovered that falling in love and getting married are two different things

Just like fiery love, it is not feasible to only look at the beauty in front of you, if you want to grow old with a blank head, you must plan for the future.

In this future life, there are not only two small families that form a new family, but also members of the parents of the other family, and the attitude of the other parents, but it will directly affect the success of this marriage.

Therefore, before marriage, remember that you must not just talk about it for a few days, know nothing about the families of both sides, start talking about marriage, you must get along for an extra year and a half, and then consider the marriage event, you must not blindly get married.

It is only now that I have discovered that falling in love and getting married are two different things

Definitely don't expect him to be nice to you after marriage. If he can't do anything before marriage, then you still want him to make a lot of progress after marriage!

Marriage is only the beginning of the happiness of two people, it does not mean the end, you will have a long time to go together, there are still many common goals to achieve.

It is only now that I have discovered that falling in love and getting married are two different things

Come on! May everyone in marriage feel happy at all times!

It is only now that I have discovered that falling in love and getting married are two different things

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