
A man in Finland blew up his Tesla car because he was dissatisfied with the cost of replacing the battery

With the rise of new energy vehicles, more and more people have begun to consider pure electric vehicles, and as the world's most well-known new energy vehicle company, Tesla has naturally been favored by many people. However, for pure electric vehicles, although the daily traffic cost is cheaper than that of oil vehicles, once the use time is long, replacing the battery has become an inevitable thing. Recently, a Finnish Tesla owner did an unexpected thing, he chose to blow up his Tesla car.

A man in Finland blew up his Tesla car because he was dissatisfied with the cost of replacing the battery

A Tesla Model S strapped with explosives

It is reported that the owner bought the Tesla Model S in 2012, due to the long use time, the battery has a certain loss, because it has exceeded the warranty period, it is ready to replace the battery for the car. However, after learning that it cost 20,000 euros (about 140,000 yuan) to replace the battery, the owner was disappointed with Tesla and decided to blow up the car to express his dissatisfaction with Tesla.

A man in Finland blew up his Tesla car because he was dissatisfied with the cost of replacing the battery

Musk dummy put in the car (Source Surging News)

The owner contacted a blogger who specialized in filming the explosion and recorded the scene throughout. In order to express his dissatisfaction with Musk, the owner also specially put a Musk-shaped dummy into the car. It is reported that the explosion cost a total of 30 kilograms of explosives, and with a loud noise, the Tesla Model S and the Musk dummies in the car became a ruin. At present, Tesla officials have not responded to this protest.

A man in Finland blew up his Tesla car because he was dissatisfied with the cost of replacing the battery

The wreckage of the Tesla Model S after the explosion

Of course, this kind of behavior is not desirable in China, but it also reflects a problem, that is, electric vehicles are still high in battery replacement costs. For those who wish to buy electric vehicles, they must inquire and consider clearly in advance before making a decision on whether to buy new energy vehicles.

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