
Li Guangdi, a theorist in the early Qing Dynasty

Quanzhou's study of sexual theory has a long history and deep roots, and some famous scholars with national influence have been produced throughout the ages. Li Guangdi in the early Qing Dynasty was one of the ones with outstanding performances.

Li Guangdi, a theorist in the early Qing Dynasty

Li Guangdi, Zi Jinqing, Rong Village, Anxi people. At the age of four, he can imitate the light characters on the ground with charcoal, and enter the school at the age of five, and his mechanics are excellent. His father, Li Zhaoqing, taught him to recite very early on by "buying the Six Sutras of Sexual Principles and Preserving The Books", and a few years later he was "full of gains." His actions and demeanor are all based on Cheng Zhu Lixue, strict self-discipline, "less silent color is good, food and clothing are rough, and years do not play silk bamboo", is a light and self-disciplined scholar, and does not deceive, and after he entered politics, until the official Worship Wenyuange University, the same is true.

Li Guangdi was tireless in his life. When he was young, he formed a friendship with Gu Yanwu, Mei Wending and other senior scholars, humbly sought advice, asked for music to learn from Gu Yanwu, asked the calendar to calculate Mei Wending, and could do his best. On weekdays, he did not release the volumes, and studied important theoretical masterpieces such as the "Testament of Luo Min" again and again, integrated them thoroughly, and absorbed the strengths of others to make up for their weaknesses. When talking to the disciples, as long as others have something superior to their own, they will "change their own words and follow them." Therefore, his learning has changed and progressed from a young to a long time, and he is not pedantic and stuck to stereotypes.

He was trusted politically for his loyalty to the Manchu Qing Dynasty. During the San Francisco Rebellion, Zheng Jing marched from Taiwan to Fujian, he was on leave in the countryside, he had secretly sent people to bring wax pills into Beijing, to the Qing court to offer military strategy, after returning to Beijing, he also advocated the Qing court to attack Taiwan, and recommended Shi Lang and other Generals Zheng Chenggong to serve as the main force. Therefore, the Kangxi Emperor greatly appreciated him, and his closeness often aroused the suspicion of the ministers of the same dynasty.

The Kangxi Emperor was also a person of subliminal psychology, so Li Guangdi was often summoned to the Ben Temple, studied and discussed with him, and was appointed to edit books such as "Zhu Zi Daquan", "Zhou Yi Compromise", and "Essence of Sexual Theory", which played a major role in the development and improvement of feudal rule in the early Qing Dynasty. When commenting on the cabinet ministers, the Kangxi Emperor thought that Li Guangdi was "cautious and diligent, always a section, and knowledgeable", and said in a serious tone: "The truest knowledge is the truest, and there is no one who knows the light of the earth!" "In the Manchu Qing Dynasty, a Han official could get such an acquaintance as the emperor, which is unique!

Li Guangdi's major works include "The Complete Works of Rongcun Village", "Zhou Yiguanxiang", "Interpretation of the Four Books" and dozens of other works.

This article is selected from the Quanzhou Historical and Cultural Center series "Talking about Quanzhou"

Li Guangdi, a theorist in the early Qing Dynasty

Original content of Quanzhou Historical and Cultural Center

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