
This "Orchid Pavilion Preface" is the most beautiful!

Xue Shaopenglin's Orchid Pavilion Preface

This "Orchid Pavilion Preface" is the most beautiful!

Xue Shaopeng was famous at that time, but with the evolution and development of history, we can only vaguely grasp him by only a few words scattered in some books. Xue Shaopeng's calligraphy is mainly based on the two kings and one lineage, the brushwork is relatively pure, and the calligraphy works that have been handed down to this day are very few compared with Su, Huang, Mi, and Cai, and the only surviving inkblots are "Qinghe Ti", "Yunding Mountain Poetry Post", "Zuo Mian Ti", "Chu Lu Dangerous Road Tie", "Tongquan Ti", "Shangqing Liannian Ti", "Dezhi Ti", "Yesterday Ti", "Yuan Zhang Zhao Rice Ti" and "Sui Shi Yin Ti".

This "Orchid Pavilion Preface" is the most beautiful!

Xue Shaopeng's family had a wealth of Jin and Tang dynasty law books, which gave him an excellent opportunity to study; being in the mansion of the rich wen and eunuch provided him with excellent learning conditions; and the name Ya Junxian made it possible for him to feel the second king in a psychological state close to the qi of the second king. Xue Shaopeng's succession to the Second King was accomplished by merging himself into the Second King, which gave him the reputation of "skimming the Tang and Song Dynasties, Qi And The Former Ancients", but at the same time he lost his own personality and independence.

This "Orchid Pavilion Preface" is the most beautiful!

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