
【Ecological Protection】Shidian County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau: Take multiple measures to do a good job in the prevention and control of air pollution

author:Ink Shidian

Recently, the Shidian County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau and the Shidian Branch of the Ecological Environment have worked closely together to play a set of effective "combination punches", which has made remarkable progress in the prevention and control of air pollution. Through continuous efforts and meticulous management, Shidian County has made significant improvements in many aspects, such as open-air barbecue fume emissions, material management in construction areas, and open-air burning of garbage.

In terms of open-air barbecue and fume emission remediation, the Shidian County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau actively carried out night inspections and conducted systematic inspections on many main streets in the urban area and barbecue operators around residential areas. Through the implementation of the standardized management principle of "tables and chairs into the store, stoves into the store, and oil smoke into the pipe", we ensure that the barbecue business behavior is more environmentally friendly and orderly. A total of 60 people were dispatched to the rectification action, and 7 barbecue restaurants with fume emission problems were successfully identified, and the relevant operators were timely publicized and educated on environmental protection laws and regulations, and ordered them to rectify within a time limit.

【Ecological Protection】Shidian County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau: Take multiple measures to do a good job in the prevention and control of air pollution

In response to the problem of material management in the construction area, law enforcement officers have strengthened the supervision of streets, construction sites and shops on the street during daily inspections. For violations such as unapproved construction, indiscriminate stacking of materials and exterior wall spraying, immediately communicate with the merchants, emphasize the standardization of construction management, and require rectification in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Up to now, 69 construction activities such as exterior wall spraying and painting have been stopped in a timely manner, and the compliance awareness of the construction party has been enhanced through on-site legal publicity.

【Ecological Protection】Shidian County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau: Take multiple measures to do a good job in the prevention and control of air pollution

At the same time, in order to resolutely curb the phenomenon of open burning of garbage, Shidian County has stepped up daily inspections in many key areas of the city. Law enforcement officers strictly prohibit the burning of garbage in open areas of the streets or next to garbage cans, and fully implement the "600%" dust suppression measures to reduce the generation of dust pollution. In addition, by strengthening the strict monitoring of the areas prone to combustion, six burning and firing behaviors have been successfully stopped, laying a solid foundation for the continuous improvement of urban environmental quality.

【Ecological Protection】Shidian County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau: Take multiple measures to do a good job in the prevention and control of air pollution

In the next step, the county comprehensive law enforcement bureau will further strengthen the overall scheduling, implement the work responsibility to the people, and continue to fully cooperate with the promotion of air pollution prevention and control. By continuing to make efforts in key links such as source emission reduction, process strict control, and end-of-line treatment, we will promote the construction of sanitary counties and civilized cities to achieve better results and create a more livable living environment for residents.

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