
Popular science 丨 Don't be careless! How dangerous is a tire out of air? Be sure to read it...

Car owners generally think that the car engine is very important, in fact, the tire is also very important. It's like people who want to walk thousands of miles must pay attention to the maintenance of their feet and wear shoes that fit their feet. Tire failures such as punctures on the road are very dangerous.

Popular science 丨 Don't be careless! How dangerous is a tire out of air? Be sure to read it...

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Tire pressure is too high or too low is dangerous!

Tires should be used daily to pay attention to tire pressure. Maintaining the normal air pressure of automobile tires is a guarantee of vehicle comfort and driving safety.

According to fixed thinking, many people think that the puncture of the tire must be due to excessive pressure, too much air or excessive, which is very one-sided.

When the tire pressure is too high above the normal value, it will cause the tire to lose its elasticity and shock absorption capacity, not only the grip becomes worse, the excessive wear of the central tire pattern will produce the phenomenon of uneven depth of the tire pattern, the contact area with the ground is reduced, and the friction coefficient is reduced, resulting in vehicle side slippage, bumps, and punctures, endangering driving safety.

When the tire pressure is lower than normal, the tire becomes soft, the deformation increases, the contact area between the tire and the road surface increases, and the friction coefficient increases exponentially, resulting in a sharp increase in tire temperature. If the vehicle is driving at high speed, the heat will quickly gather together, and the inside of the tire will begin to separate, delaminate, and finally lead to a puncture.

Therefore, tire pressure is too high or too low there is a risk of puncture, and the air pressure problem should not be underestimated. The standard air pressure of the tire should be maintained according to the requirements of the manufacturer, including the spare tire air pressure. The measurement of tire pressure can be measured by a tire pressure gauge, but it must be measured at the tire temperature, because the measurement results in the hot tire state are inaccurate.

How to prevent explosions in a blast-proof tire?

Some friends said that the puncture is so dangerous, then change it to a puncture-proof tire, and completely solve the problem of puncture! If you think so, then you really need to take a good look at the explosion-proof tires. What exactly is a blast-proof tire? What is the principle of the explosion-proof tire, and why is it "explosion-proof"?

In fact, the explosion-proof tire is not what we literally understand as not to explode, it is just a common name, and the real scientific name is called the lack of gas to protect the tire.

Popular science 丨 Don't be careless! How dangerous is a tire out of air? Be sure to read it...

Out-of-air tires

As the name suggests, it can still be used normally after an air leak, so this tire is also called a safety tire or a zero-pressure tire. In the case of complete phosgene leakage, the tires can still safely travel about 80 kilometers at normal speeds (such as 80 km / h).

The principle is not complicated. Generally, after the tire is punctured, the tire loses the support of the air and will collapse in the blink of an eye. At this time, because of the weight pressure, the wheel hub just pressed on the deflated tire, and it will not be long before the tire will be cut by the wheel hub.

The tire wall of the air-deficient tire is very tough and supportive, even in the case of a puncture or sudden deflation of the tire, it can be guaranteed that the tire can also give the vehicle a certain support, thereby ensuring the safety of the vehicle.

After the traditional tire puncture, the most fatal thing is "instant collapse", and the body will suddenly tilt violently. If you are running at a high speed and happen to encounter a driver who does not have his hands firmly grasping the steering wheel, the consequences are unimaginable.

When the tire is exposed to high-speed punctures, in the words of the owner who has personally experienced such an encounter: the body is just "lightly sinking", the direction is shaking, but it can be grasped in time. Therefore, the lack of air tires does have safer performance than traditional tires.

Tire maintenance cheats

Many car owners maintain their cars regularly

However, little is known about the maintenance of tires

Here are some tire care tips

Share it with you~

1. Check the air pressure of the tire regularly. Spikes and air nozzle leakage will cause a rapid drop in tire pressure, through the air pressure check can be found in time to find hidden dangers.

2. Pay attention to tire aging. Sunlight or organic solvents will accelerate the aging of tires, and owners should avoid using organic beauty products such as tire brighteners and park their cars in the shade as much as possible.

3, tires are consumables, every tens of thousands of kilometers need to be replaced. We can refer to the tire wear marking in the middle of the main tire drain. When the tire tread is worn and the wear marks are flush, the tire needs to be replaced.

4. Good driving habits can ensure that the tires are not damaged. If you must pass through obstacles such as pits and protrusions, try to slow down as much as possible.

5, tire drum bag can not be careless. If the bulge area is squeezed again, it is likely to burst, affecting the driving safety of the vehicle.

All in all

For tires

Car owners must not take it lightly

Every detail about safety

We all have to do our best

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Source | Science China, PetroChina, Sohu Automobile

Tencent Auto, Chejia number

Edit | Lai Sheng

Proofreading | Hu Haihua

Review 丨Sun Yiying

Issued 丨 Chen Haisheng

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