
This person's ability was comparable to Xu Shu's Fazheng, and if Liu Bei was willing to reuse this cattle man, he could have divided one side long ago

He is a talent that has been ignored by the fans of the Three Kingdoms, he can write and fight, and even his achievements in the art of war will not be worse than Liu Bei's military masters Xu Shuhe and Pang Tong and Fa Zheng, and may even surpass Xu Shu, the fans of the Three Kingdoms will remember that when Liu Bei first defended Xinye, Cao Ren Li Dian and other generals led 30,000 elite troops to attack Xinye, but they were defeated by Xu Shuyi with a strategy, and fled in a hurry, at that time Liu Bei's strength should be around 5,000, that is to say, Xu Shu's strategy defeated the enemy who was about 6 times the strength of the army.

This person's ability was comparable to Xu Shu's Fazheng, and if Liu Bei was willing to reuse this cattle man, he could have divided one side long ago

First, Liu Bei did not reuse this talent

In fact, as early as Before Xu Shu, Liu Bei had met a brilliant talent, but unfortunately Liu Bei did not reuse him, causing this talent to leave Liu Bei later, it is a pity, this person's ability is comparable to Xu Shu Fazheng, if Liu Bei is willing to reuse this cattle man, he could have divided one side and dominated the east.

Why is it said that he is a hero, the fans of the Three Kingdoms will know the strength of Sun Ce's leadership of the army to fight, in a short period of time, Sun Ce can sweep through Jiangdong and dominate Jiangdong, but when Sun Ce led ten times the army to attack him, he was repeatedly frustrated and even suffered a big defeat, this talent gave Sun Ce a headache, but how could not eat the city he guarded, Sun Ce hated him to the bone, and he had long wanted to pierce his heart with ten thousand arrows.

This person's ability was comparable to Xu Shu's Fazheng, and if Liu Bei was willing to reuse this cattle man, he could have divided one side long ago

Such a brilliant talent was ignored by Liu Bei and failed to reuse him, who was he? His name was Chen Deng, able to write and be able to use martial arts, especially in terms of martial strategy, and stood out from the crowd, when Liu Bei received Xuzhou from Tao Qian, Chen Deng expressed Liu Bei's welcome and acceptance, which was mentioned in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms":

Dengyue: "The highway is arrogant, not the lord of chaos." Now I want to make the king ride 100,000 steps, the upper can be the lord to help the people, become the industry of the five hegemons, and the lower can cut the land to guard the territory, and the book is credited to the bamboo. If the messenger does not see and listens, Deng does not dare to listen to the ambassador. ”

Second, because it was not reused, Liu Bei's Xuzhou was lost

At that time, Chen Deng said to Liu Bei, Yuan Shu is arrogant and arrogant, sooner or later he will fail, and now I want to make Jun Liu Bei you integrate 100,000 infantry and cavalry, so that the lord you can chase the deer in the world, even if it is not good, you can also help you divide one side. Xiao Bian did not know what Liu Bei reacted after hearing this, and there was no detailed record in the Three Kingdoms Chronicle, but from the later performance of Liu Bei, Xiao Bian speculated that Liu Bei at that time may have just listened to it and did not take this and Chen Deng to heart.

Why? Just because later when Liu Bei and Guan Yu went out of Xuzhou to conquer Yuan Shu, the meticulous arrangements for defending the city, if Liu Bei was willing to reuse Chen Deng, there would be no subsequent Zhang Fei drunk at night, and Xuzhou was suddenly destroyed by Lü Bu overnight.

This person's ability was comparable to Xu Shu's Fazheng, and if Liu Bei was willing to reuse this cattle man, he could have divided one side long ago

Even, if Liu Bei could trust and use him enough, and only arrange for Chen Deng to be the highest official in xuzhou, his brother Liu Guanzhang would directly fight Yuan Shu, or the odds would be much greater, because Chen Deng was good at defending the city, so that there would be no tragic situation in which Zhang Fei lost Xuzhou drunk, resulting in Liu Bei's homelessness, and then a series of failures occurred after Cao Cao, Ben Yuan Shao, liu Biao, and so on.

Sun Ce, who was three or ten times more elite, could do nothing about this talent

In the fourth year of Jian'an (199), after sun ce captured the city of Anhui, he took the initiative to attack Chen Deng's troops and sent Eastern Wu troops across the river to attack Kuangqi City (near Han Sheyang County). The enemy army was ten times larger than Chen Deng's defenders, and Chen Deng was calm and self-assured, and ordered his soldiers to wait in a strict position. In order to confuse the enemy, Chen Deng ordered the city gates to be closed tightly and the flags to be silenced, showing weakness to the enemy. Chen Deng climbed the city tower, carefully observed the enemy troops, thought that they could attack, suddenly opened the city gate, and the soldiers went down to the mountain and fought bravely, rushing towards the enemy position. The Wu army was caught off guard, and was overwhelmed by Chen Dengjun, collapsing into an army and losing its command. Chen Deng personally beat the drum, the soldiers bravely rushed to kill, Wu Bing could not board the ship, and countless people were killed and drowned, and they returned with a big defeat. Chen Deng won a comprehensive victory.

This person's ability was comparable to Xu Shu's Fazheng, and if Liu Bei was willing to reuse this cattle man, he could have divided one side long ago

See? Even if Sun Ce, the small overlord of Jiangdong, led his wolf-like elite soldiers who were 10 times more than Chen Deng's to attack Chen Deng, there was nothing he could do, fortunately, Sun Ce was not as paralyzed as Xiahou Yuan during the Hanzhong Scramble, otherwise Sun Ce would probably become Chen Deng's sword soul, Chen Deng, under the premise of successfully defending the city, when he saw that Sun Ce's army was tired and flawed, Chen Deng could also send the elite soldiers in the city out to raid them and defeat Sun Ce's army, which shows that this humanistic Tao Wu is extraordinary, Chen Deng is a cattle man, but unfortunately, Liu Bei in Xuzhou did not reuse him, resulting in the loss of Xuzhou city and Liu Bei's homelessness, Chen Deng had no choice but to surrender to Cao Cao, and later resisted Sun Ce's repeated attacks in the east for Cao Cao.

This person's ability was comparable to Xu Shu's Fazheng, and if Liu Bei was willing to reuse this cattle man, he could have divided one side long ago

If Liu Bei had attached importance to and reused Chen Deng, even if he could not dominate the Central Plains for a while, at least he could have divided Xuzhou for a long time, and if he survived the Battle of Guandu, perhaps with the strength of Xuzhou, he could have encroached on or devoured Cao Cao's territory.

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