
I can't get tired of watching it, what kind of magic does Wang Yibo's stage have?

author:Lan Xi Gege

As a person who does not watch variety shows much, my cognition of dance only stays at the most elementary level of beautiful dance posture, and I know very little about the dance project played by young people such as street dance, until I saw Wang Yibo's stage.

I can't get tired of watching it, what kind of magic does Wang Yibo's stage have?

Stage "Twenty"

Some people used "God's children are dancing" to describe Wang Yibo's dance, which was exaggerated before, but after I watched his stages such as "No Feeling", "Scattered Costumes", "My World Code" and "Twenty", I was deeply attracted! I have to say that watching Wang Yibo dance is really a visual feast and a great satisfaction for the spirit.

I can't get tired of watching it, so what kind of charm does Wang Yibo's stage have? That is, "God" and "form" are both.

I can't get tired of watching it, what kind of magic does Wang Yibo's stage have?
Stage "No Feeling"


  • What is "God"? God is the light of the soul, the inspiration, the charm, but also the spiritual core of a person, the most core thing of all things in heaven and earth.
  • The core of "God" is Wang Yibo's love for dance, the love of the heart, the trend of the heart, when facing what you love, you will involuntarily pour all your enthusiasm and time, and where is the love, where the light is, where the light is, where the focus is, where the focus is, where the gaze is, so Wang Yibo's dance gives people the feeling that as long as you look, the eyes cannot be removed, there seems to be a magical force, locking you tightly, making you want to stop, and your heart is fascinated.
I can't get tired of watching it, what kind of magic does Wang Yibo's stage have?
  • The embodiment of "God" is the understanding of music and dance, music can hit the soul directly, dance can be pleasing to the eye, good-looking dance and good music combination, I call it the combination of pulling the soul, and Wang Yibo through the understanding of music, and then use dance to accurately express, so that music and dance have the most intuitive appearance, some people who do not understand music and dance, can also see with relish, meaning long.
I can't get tired of watching it, what kind of magic does Wang Yibo's stage have?


  • Appearance conditions, height 180cm, weight 118kg, wide shoulders, thin waist and long legs, such superior body conditions, casual twisting can be twisted into your heart.
  • Driving ability, Wang Yibo's ability to control the body is unparalleled. If you only have an understanding of music and dance, in fact, it is not enough, you also need to use the body to show it, and this requires excellent physical control, just like to write an essay, the title is well thought out, and it also needs written expression, words cannot be expressed, everything is empty talk. After years of hard training as a trainee, Wang Yibo has trained his absolute control over the body, so no matter what kind of music and dance type he faces, he can easily control and switch freely.
I can't get tired of watching it, what kind of magic does Wang Yibo's stage have?
  • Expression management, Wang Yibo's expression management is changeable, thanks to the cool and cute appearance, as well as the temperament of both good and evil, Wang Yibo in the dance, expression management is extremely rich, and desire and A, cool and handsome and evil charm, wild and affectionate, the charm of which, can only understand, can not talk.
I can't get tired of watching it, what kind of magic does Wang Yibo's stage have?

Maybe you can dance, but you don't have his appearance; maybe you have his appearance, but you can't dance; maybe you can dance and have his appearance, but you don't manage expressions, maybe you can dance and his appearance will also manage expressions, but you don't understand dance and music, maybe you have all the above, but you don't have the spiritual core, so Wang Yibo's dance is a word: "Absolute"!

I can't get tired of watching it, what kind of magic does Wang Yibo's stage have?

Because Wang Yibo's dance is emitted from the inside out, it is not a deliberate showmanship, let alone a blind performance, but enjoyment. As soon as he got on the stage, he completely changed into a person, at that moment, the stage is his, the world is also his, only he rotates on the stage, and then rotates, the heavens and the earth do not exist, everything seems to be static, and we on the stage automatically ignore everything in the world, only him in the eyes, following him or sad tears, or laughing happily, and then sighing: How can there be such a person in the world!

Yes, how can there be such a wonderful person in the world!

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