
She is the real Xia Yuhe: marryIng Qianlong to ascend to the throne of the imperial concubine, the only portrait sold 137 million

She is the real Xia Yuhe: marryIng Qianlong to ascend to the throne of the imperial concubine, the only portrait sold 137 million

In 1998, a "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" turned out to dominate the TV screens of thousands of households, and the heat has not dissipated in the following ten years, and it will be rotated in the TV station every winter and summer vacation.

This phenomenon-level TV series not only won many stars, but also set off a wave of people's exploration of the history of the Qing Dynasty, everyone wants to put the characters in the TV series with the historical characters, to see what stories have really happened in history, one of the very important hidden characters Xia Yuhe has entered the public eye.

She is the real Xia Yuhe: marryIng Qianlong to ascend to the throne of the imperial concubine, the only portrait sold 137 million

Although Xia Yuhe's role is very small, she is the cause of the whole incident, if there is no encounter on the shore of Daming Lake, the whole story of "Huan Zhu Gege" will not unfold. Xia Yuhe is a gentle, beautiful and talented woman who met and fell in love with Qianlong on the shore of Daming Lake, but in the end, due to the unequal status, Qianlong, who returned to the court, forgot her.

Who is the prototype of Xia Yuhe? It was the mother of Princess Heshuo and Princess Jia, the noble concubine of the Pure Hui Emperor Su. By the way, one of the male protagonists in the play, Erkang, is Fu Heng's son Fu Long'an, who in history really married Qianlong's daughter Heshuo and Princess Jia, that is, Ziwei Gege in the play.

She is the real Xia Yuhe: marryIng Qianlong to ascend to the throne of the imperial concubine, the only portrait sold 137 million

The Manchu Qing imperial family once had an ancestral training that manchus and Han could not intermarry, and this ancestral training was to prevent the Manchus with small populations from being assimilated by the Han, diluted blood, and finally no pure-blood Manchus. However, Emperor Chunhui's noble concubine Su Shi was a thorough Han Chinese, and her father's name was Su Zhaonan.

There are very few records of Su Zhaonan in history, and we do not know his official position and origin, and history speculates that he should have gained a certain status as the father of the pure Hui Emperor's noble concubine. When Qianlong was still a prince, the Su clan already existed, and at that time it was called Gege. Su's status was not high, and Gege was only the lowest-ranking concubine in the mansion of the Manchu clan.

She is the real Xia Yuhe: marryIng Qianlong to ascend to the throne of the imperial concubine, the only portrait sold 137 million

But she was indeed favored, so she could eat in the harem without having to fight for her family. As soon as Long became emperor, Su Shi received the title of pure concubine. The word ''pure'' is very interesting, and we modern people tend to think that the word pure means ''innocence'' and ''pure''.

For Qianlong, the character "chun"" also had a very special status, and he added the pure character to the title of his most beloved empress, Fu Chashi. And Su Shi was able to obtain the title of "pure", which obviously also shows that her character and beauty are very in line with Qianlong's wishes, so perhaps the pure Hui Emperor's noble concubines are not as deeply in love as Qianlong and Empress Fucha, but it is also true that Qianlong has a heart.

She is the real Xia Yuhe: marryIng Qianlong to ascend to the throne of the imperial concubine, the only portrait sold 137 million

The Su clan left three children to the emperor, namely the third son of the emperor, Yongzhang, the sixth son of the emperor, And the fourth daughter of the emperor, Princess Heshuo and Jia. Among them, the eldest third son of the emperor was born during the Yongzheng period, and the youngest Princess Heshuo and Jia were born in the tenth year of Qianlong, such a long time span fully shows that the Su clan was favored by Qianlong for a long time.

She is the real Xia Yuhe: marryIng Qianlong to ascend to the throne of the imperial concubine, the only portrait sold 137 million

In the TV series "Yanxi Raiders", the fate of Pure Concubine is very miserable, and she was tragically killed after falling out of favor. However, in the main history, Princess Chun was favored all her life, and she did not die of conspiracy and trickery, but died of lung disease, which is always recorded in the "Qing Palace Medical Case Study", and her lung disease was also transmitted to the third prince Yongzhang, and even Princess Hejia was not spared, and before her death, the Tai Doctor diagnosed it as: "'Spleen and lung loss, insufficiency of qi'".

She is the real Xia Yuhe: marryIng Qianlong to ascend to the throne of the imperial concubine, the only portrait sold 137 million

The position of the imperial concubine in the harem represents one person below ten thousand people, and the only person who has a higher status than the imperial concubine is the empress. Ordinary concubines will only be posthumously honored as imperial concubines by the emperor after their deaths, and there are very few who can receive this honor before they die, and Su shi is counted as one.

She is the real Xia Yuhe: marryIng Qianlong to ascend to the throne of the imperial concubine, the only portrait sold 137 million

After the death of the imperial concubine, Qianlong was heartbroken, and specially ordered the Western painter Lang Shining to paint a portrait of Su in imperial clothes to express his remembrance of Su, which is also the only portrait left by Su. The portrait of The Imperial Concubine of Chunhui was later auctioned in Hong Kong and sold for HK$137.4 million. The woman in the painting is graceful and luxurious, her temperament is outstanding, and there are all kinds of styles between her eyebrows, which is really worthy of being a strange woman who fascinates the emperor.

She is the real Xia Yuhe: marryIng Qianlong to ascend to the throne of the imperial concubine, the only portrait sold 137 million

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