
In history, why the Qianlong Emperor was not responsible for Xia Yuhe was, in the final analysis, the fault of Emperor Taiji

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In history, why the Qianlong Emperor was not responsible for Xia Yuhe was, in the final analysis, the fault of Emperor Taiji

Of course, there is also a beautiful love between Qianlong and Xia Yuhe. Although Qianlong was "the center of the hidden, when the day is forgotten." "But when Qianlong went down to Jiangnan, the Fucha clan had already passed away, and even if he liked it, he could only continue to carry the pain and continue to move forward." And on the shore of Daming Lake, there are lotus flowers on four sides and willows on three sides, and a city of mountains and half a city lake. Carved beam paintings, Fei Ge Liu Dan, and Xia Yuhe qiao smile Qianxi, beautiful eyes pan xi, Qing Yang tactful, Gu Pan streamer. Use your own tenderness to fill the wounds in Qianlong's heart. Beautiful scenery, beauty at present, I would like to ask who is not impressed in such a situation? Qianlong was obviously moved, otherwise he would not have fallen in love with Xia Yuhe and would not have revealed his imperial identity to Xia Yuhe. What's more, his beloved Fucha clan is also talented, gentle and kind, perhaps in Xia Yuhe, Qianlong saw the shadow of Fu Cha clan.

In history, why the Qianlong Emperor was not responsible for Xia Yuhe was, in the final analysis, the fault of Emperor Taiji

But in the end, Qianlong was only simply nostalgic for Xia Yuhe and did not give her any name. "Love is not enough." Separated by two places, far away nostalgia for Xia Yuhe. Some people will think that even a promise, often not to give is too much. This cannot be blamed entirely on Qianlong. In fact, since the Emperor Taiji generation, the Qing Dynasty's concubine system has been very strict. Above the nobles, including nobles, the positions of empresses, imperial concubines, noble concubines, concubines, and concubines have certain quantitative restrictions. Not only that, but it must also be a Manchu nobleman. Even the palace maids and so on were chosen by the Eight Banners among the Manchus.

In history, why the Qianlong Emperor was not responsible for Xia Yuhe was, in the final analysis, the fault of Emperor Taiji

The reason why the concubine system is so strict was decided as early as when Nurhaci and the Emperor Taiji beat the world. The Manchus were nomadic people when they were outside Guanwai, and political power and military power could not be as centralized as the Ming Dynasty, and if they wanted to conquer the Ming Dynasty, they had to unite the forces of the Manchu and Mongolian nobles. Marriage became one of the means of concentrating power and power. Because they were foreign, it was difficult for the Rulers of the Qing Dynasty to fully trust the Han Chinese, so the final result was that the emperor's concubines were all Manchu and Mongolian nobles. The emperor's harem is actually the result of the balance of power. As a descendant of Emperor Taiji, Qianlong should not violate the ancestral system if he wants to take charge of the world.

Let's turn our eyes back to Xia Yuhe, she is a Han woman. In the history of the Qing Dynasty, there were very few Han Chinese concubines, and the few were relatives of important Han courtiers in the dynasty. And Xia Yuhe was still a first-order civilian. Therefore, from a comprehensive point of view, Qianlong Shang inherited the genes of Emperor Taiji, and it was impossible to love another person deeply for her to violate the ancestral system; sitting on the throne passed down from generation to generation by Emperor Taiji, if she wanted to balance the heart of the concubine and the heart of the nobleman, she should not marry the commoner Xia Yuhe. Qianlong may not have wanted to be responsible, but first he had to think too much.

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