
The 13-year-old girl entered the palace and served Qianlong for 70 years as a noble concubine, and after her death, Jiaqing personally paid tribute

In the harem of the Qianlong Emperor, there were some Han concubines, such as The Noble Concubine of the Chunhui Emperor, the Noble Concubine of the Qinggong Emperor, the Concubine of the Wan Guifei and the Concubine of the Yi Concubine, among whom the Noble Concubine of the Pure Hui Emperor and the Concubine of the Qianlong Emperor came to qianlong to serve him, and of these four Han concubines, only one of them did not receive the honor of entering the flag, but she became the longest-lived concubine of Qianlong, and this person was the Concubine Wan.

The 13-year-old girl entered the palace and served Qianlong for 70 years as a noble concubine, and after her death, Jiaqing personally paid tribute

Wan Guifei Chen is a Han daughter born in the fifty-fifth year of Kangxi, when Qianlong was a prince, there were two Han women of the Pure Hui Emperor Guifei (Su Shi) and Chen Shi, they were not eligible to participate in the draft, so the Chun Hui Emperor Guifei and the Chen Clan were definitely not selected to enter the palace, the way Chen entered the palace, Jiaqing once said that she was given to Qianlong by Yongzheng, as for the Pure Hui Emperor Guifei, the specific situation is not clear, it is estimated that it is the same as the Chen clan.

About the seventh year of Yongzheng, only 13-year-old Chen came to Qianlong's side, although Qianlong was only a prince, but it was yongzheng's most valued, because of the low birth of Chen, she could only do some rough work, such as embroidery or cleaning and the like, although Chen was still relatively sensible and well-behaved, but compared with other concubines, she did not have any advantages, and naturally received less attention from Qianlong.

The 13-year-old girl entered the palace and served Qianlong for 70 years as a noble concubine, and after her death, Jiaqing personally paid tribute

After Qianlong succeeded to the throne, the Chen clan moved into the inner court of the Forbidden City along with Qianlong's wives and concubines, and was given the title of Changzai, and two years later, Qianlong officially made him a nobleman. Among the concubines of the Qianlong Qiandi, the Su clan, who was similar to the Chen clan, was favored and given the title of pure concubine, while the Hai clan (Yue Concubine), who was born in a coat, was made a nobleman, and the Chen and Hai clan became the two lowest-ranking concubines in the Qianlong Qiandi.

However, the Hai clan was subsequently favored, and in the sixth year of Qianlong, he gave birth to the fifth brother Yongqi and was given the title of concubine, while the Chen clan's stomach never moved.

In any case, the Chen clan is an old person of the Qianlong Qiandi, and the seniority will naturally be superior to most of the newcomers, qianlong thirteen years, the Chen clan was finally named a concubine and obtained the status of the main throne, but since this canonization, the Chen clan has begun a long wait, in the following decades, she rarely saw the emperor, let alone gave the emperor an imperial heir, and similarly, her position has not changed.

The 13-year-old girl entered the palace and served Qianlong for 70 years as a noble concubine, and after her death, Jiaqing personally paid tribute

Not only that, although Chen shi was a concubine, she had always enjoyed the treatment of a nobleman, which showed that Qianlong was indeed not very concerned about the old man of this submerged residence. The emperor's snub did not make chen clan depressed, but she became calm and comfortable, she knew that with her own origin, being able to serve the emperor was already a blessing cultivated for several lifetimes.

In the fifty-ninth year of Qianlong, just when Qianlong was about to abdicate, the nearly eighty-year-old Chen clan finally ushered in the opportunity for promotion, and she had waited for nearly fifty years, this year Chen shi was named a concubine.

After Jiaqing succeeded to the throne, Chen was honored as a princess of Grace and Gui, and lived with Princess Yinggui in Shoukang Palace, and on the second day of February in the twelfth year of Jiaqing, the 92-year-old Chen clan finally came to the end of her life and passed away, becoming the longest-lived concubine in Qianlong. At that time, Jiaqing also personally came to his coffin to pay homage to show his respect for the old lady.

The 13-year-old girl entered the palace and served Qianlong for 70 years as a noble concubine, and after her death, Jiaqing personally paid tribute

Throughout Her life, although she did not get the favor of Qianlong and did not give birth to her own children, she lived a long life and created a record of life in the Qianlong harem, which was already a rare thing for most concubines.

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Records of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty

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