
Guo Moruo invited Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi smiled and replied 5 words, Guo Moruo was very embarrassed after listening

Puyi was born in 1906, when it was the imperial power of the Qing Dynasty ruled by the Manchus. The emperor was his uncle, his father was the Prince of Alcohol, second only to the emperor in status, and his maternal grandfather was a military minister, so his mother was also from a noble family. Puyi was the only son of Prince Alcohol at that time, so it can be said that it is the eyeball of Prince Alcohol, which is afraid of melting in the mouth and afraid of falling in the mouth.

In the thirty-fourth year of Guangxu, the power of the Qing Government was concentrated in the hands of Empress Dowager Cixi, because the Guangxu Emperor had no heirs, and for reasons such as the political interests of the time, Cixi decided that Puyi would become the candidate for the new emperor, so Puyi, who was only two years old, was forced to leave his mother and go to the imperial palace to study and prepare to become an emperor.

In our cognition, the ancient emperor had supreme power, whether it was: "The emperor wants the subject to die and the subject has to die" or "the emperor is angry and lays down a million corpses", these words can show that the emperor controls the life and death of the people under the world. But Puyi, the tentative emperor, is the opposite of the emperor we know, and his becoming emperor or abdicating the throne is decided by others.

Cixi's choice of him to become emperor was not his own will; because after Sun Yat-sen's uprising, the provinces became independent, and Puyi's abdication was not something he could decide; Zhang Xun wanted to restore the imperial system, and it was not within his control to make Puyi a puppet emperor. It was not until 1945, after the Soviets captured Puyi and began to live a labor camp life, that Puyi began to have the right to choose his own life.

Therefore, when Guo Moruo wanted to ask Puyi to help him study Manchu, Puyi could reply with great certainty that he would not speak Manchu.

Guo Moruo invited Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi smiled and replied 5 words, Guo Moruo was very embarrassed after listening

First, Puyi's palace study experience

In 1644, after the Qing army entered the customs, the Manchus began to rule the country, and during the more than 300 years of Qing rule, the Manchus' own language began to be widely spread and learned. At that time, the important proclamations issued by the Qing government, military recitals and other official documents were all manchus. Puyi was only two years old when he was taken into the palace at that time. As a compulsory course for the emperor, it is also necessary to learn Manchu.

When he was young, Puyi was very naughty, although he was an emperor, he himself felt that he was just eating and having fun under the influence of Cixi. However, the ministers at that time were very loyal and patriotic, in order to make Puyi have good academic results, for his teachers were selected and selected, just Chinese teachers there were several, including Xu Fang, Chen Baochen.

Guo Moruo invited Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi smiled and replied 5 words, Guo Moruo was very embarrassed after listening

Manchu as the Manchu language is the most important, Manchu teacher Iktan is a jinshi, in terms of ability can be said to be very outstanding. Puyi began to learn Manchu at the age of 6, and Iktan served as Puyi's Manchu teacher for 9 years. Puyi also has his own teachers of foreign languages, porcelain appreciation, and arithmetic. These people were all capable and well-educated people at that time, such as university scholars and scholars.

Second, transform the career

During world war II, Puyi, as a war criminal, was imprisoned by the Soviet Union. The period of detention in the shelter at that time was as long as 10 years. During this time, Puyi studied revolutionary education and carried out ideological transformation. It was not until 1959 that Liu Shaoqi said that Puyi performed well during the transformation that Puyi became a citizen of the People's Republic of China.

Guo Moruo invited Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi smiled and replied 5 words, Guo Moruo was very embarrassed after listening

In the past 10 years, Puyi has seriously carried out transformation, sometimes will be in the northeast throughout the field to watch and understand, sometimes will write in the room about his own life and what happened to himself to concentrate on writing the autobiography of the first half of his life, sometimes will be in the courtyard for labor exercises, in this day after day of transformation life, Puyi found a sense of security, daily things he can choose, can be the master, no longer have to worry about his identity being used, so Puyi is his prison as his home.

Third, start a normal life

At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Second National People's Congress, it was decided that criminals who behaved well should be given the opportunity to be rehabilitated, so it was decided to start amnesty for some criminals. Amnesty means direct state commutation of his sentence and direct release from prison.

Guo Moruo invited Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi smiled and replied 5 words, Guo Moruo was very embarrassed after listening

When the convicts serving sentences at that time learned of this incident, everyone was very excited and excited, and during that time everyone was very active in reform, hoping to appear in the list of amnesty. When Puyi learned of the amnesty, he felt that Chairman Mao at that time was really very generous and magnanimous.

However, for the first batch of amnesty lists, Puyi believes that his name will not appear, Puyi believes that because his country has repeatedly appeared in war, there are too many crimes on his body, and his performance during the reform period cannot be said to be among the best, so his amnesty conditions are not enough. This is not only Puyi's own view, but also others at that time. It is believed that only those who have committed minor sins and who have been reformed can appear on the pardon list.

At that time, Mao Zedong was the first to propose to pardon Puyi, which was also very unexpected, but Chairman Mao said that Puyi's progress in the transformation was very obvious, so it was more important to help him than to treat him differently because of his former status. In our country, in the process of progress, then for those who are lagging behind, we should let them speed up the pace of progress. Therefore, the first decision to pardon Puyi was made.

Guo Moruo invited Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi smiled and replied 5 words, Guo Moruo was very embarrassed after listening

After Puyi left the transformed place, the daily needs of life were all he had to solve by himself, and for Puyi's origin, many places did not accept him. In order to earn money to support himself, Puyi began to work in the Botanical Garden of the Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the national arrangement.

Just when Guo Moruo was serving as the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guo Moruo knew that Puyi was very happy to come to work here, because he was troubled by the study of Manchu. Therefore, Guo Moruo was very happy to find Puyi and hoped that he could help himself. But Puyi directly refused that he would not be Manchu at that time, which made Guo Moruo very puzzled, after all, he was a Manchu and his education should be top-notch, but the upbringing made Guo Moruo politely apologize and say goodbye.

Guo Moruo invited Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi smiled and replied 5 words, Guo Moruo was very embarrassed after listening

4. Summary

After Puyi's rejection of Guo Moruo was known to everyone, there were many people who talked about Puyi's transformation that had not yet been completed, and Puyi had not yet come out of the identity of the emperor, believing that his high status could not be used as an assistant. Therefore, puyi, who was pardoned, should continue to go back to reform. Now in the Forbidden City, there is a manuscript of Puyi learning English with Mr. Dun, and this manuscript has a record of Puyi writing Manchu, so it also means that his Manchu grades in the imperial palace at that time should be good, so why did he refuse Guo Moruo's invitation?

It may be that he forgot it after a long period of non-use and non-contact, or it may be that he does not want to cause some unnecessary misunderstandings because of Manchu things. Whatever the reason, he should not be blamed when he refuses. Because he is already a Chinese citizen, he has the right not to speak without violating the law.

Guo Moruo invited Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi smiled and replied 5 words, Guo Moruo was very embarrassed after listening

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