
Crab Powder Hundred Flowers Pomegranate Chicken, Dragon King Trilogy, Moss Crispy Shrimp Babbling Crab Powder Hundred Flowers Pomegranate Chicken Dragon King Trilogy Moss Crispy Shrimp Babbling


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > crab powder pomegranate chicken</h1>

Crab Powder Hundred Flowers Pomegranate Chicken, Dragon King Trilogy, Moss Crispy Shrimp Babbling Crab Powder Hundred Flowers Pomegranate Chicken Dragon King Trilogy Moss Crispy Shrimp Babbling

raw material:

2 hairy crabs (150 g/pc), 3 eggs, 150 g chicken thigh meat, 100 g fresh grass mushrooms, 100 g horseshoe, 25 g parsley, 300 g broccoli, leeks, ginger rice, a little chopped green onion.


100 ml of clear chicken soup, 20 grams of corn starch, salt, chicken powder, sesame oil, and rice wine.


1: Peel and dice the horseshoe and soak in water, blanch the fresh grass mushrooms in water, cut into pellets in ice water, pick the leaves of parsley, cut into small pieces and set aside.

2: Peel and oil the chicken thighs, cut them into small pieces and marinate with a pinch of salt, chicken powder and cornstarch.

3, the chicken grains quickly over the oil fishing; horseshoe grains, grass mushrooms blanched water and stir-fry, then put in the chicken granules, add a little chicken soup, salt and simmer a bit, and then hook, add parsley grains and stir-fry evenly into filling, you can get out of the pot for later.

4: Steam the hairy crab and remove the meat, separate the meat paste, add ginger rice, green onion and white minced and stir-fry the crab meat to make crab powder.

5: Beat the egg white until it bubbles, defother it, add a little corn starch and chicken soup and stir it, fry it to make a slice of round thin skin.

6: Stuffing and crab powder into the egg white skin, wrapping it up, bundling and forming it with blanched leek segments, cutting off the excess protein skin and making a pomegranate embryo.

7: Garnetate the pomegranate embryo with crab yellow, steam it for 3 minutes on high heat, pour it with clear chicken broth (seasoned), corn starch and egg white sauce, and finally sauté the broccoli with a dish.


1. Adding corn starch and clear chicken soup to make the protein skin can adjust the toughness and taste, making it softer and smoother, delicious and delicious.

2, leeks cut into thin strips, bundled up more convenient and beautiful.

3. When stir-frying the filling, you can add a little rice wine and sesame oil Titian.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > dragon king trilogy</h1>

Crab Powder Hundred Flowers Pomegranate Chicken, Dragon King Trilogy, Moss Crispy Shrimp Babbling Crab Powder Hundred Flowers Pomegranate Chicken Dragon King Trilogy Moss Crispy Shrimp Babbling

1 lobster (about 750 g), 3 eggs, 200 g watermelon, 200 g dragon pulp, 200 g cantaloupe (for 10 people).

5 grams of salt, 10 grams of monosodium glutamate, 20 grams of light soy sauce, 30 grams of oyster sauce, 20 grams of abalone juice, 100 grams of soup, 150 grams of kraft wonderful sauce, 10 grams of kraft cheese powder, 15 grams of fish roe.

1. Kill the lobster and take the meat, leave the head and tail steamed and plated, take 2/3 of the meat into pieces, marinate well.

2. Take out the lobster brain, steam it with the egg into a hibiscus shape (seasoned with salt), sprinkle the fish roe on the noodles, and eat for 1.

3. Mix the watermelon grains, cantaloupe grains, and fragrant meat into a dish, put 1/3 of the processed lobster meat on top, and squeeze the salad dressing made of Kraft's wonderful sauce and Kraft cheese powder for 2 to eat.

4. Add oyster sauce, soy sauce, abalone juice, salt and MONOSG to the broth and set aside.

5. Grease 2/3 of the marinated lobster meat until cooked, pour abalone juice over and eat for 3.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > crispy shrimp babbler</h1>

Crab Powder Hundred Flowers Pomegranate Chicken, Dragon King Trilogy, Moss Crispy Shrimp Babbling Crab Powder Hundred Flowers Pomegranate Chicken Dragon King Trilogy Moss Crispy Shrimp Babbling

300 grams of shrimp (dragon head fish, nine-belly fish), a little moss and a little chopped green onion.

Flour, corn starch, baking powder, water, salt, monosodium glutamate, rice wine each appropriate amount.

1: Remove the head and tail of the shrimp, clean it, cut everything into 2 pieces, remove the bones, add salt, monosodium glutamate, rice wine, minced green onion and mix well, add marinade slightly.

2: Mix flour, corn starch, minced moss, baking powder, salad oil and water into batter.

3, the pot into the oil to 50% hot, the shrimp evenly hung on the paste, into the frying pan until mature, fish out the drainage oil, absorb the oil and then plate.

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