
What can a master teach his apprentice?

What can a master teach his apprentice?

Seeing this title, many people will naturally reply that the master's responsibility is to preach and teach karma to solve puzzles. Of course, there is no problem with this answer, but some people have asked what Guo Degang can learn after he worships Hou Yaowen as a teacher?

You must know that Guo Degang has long practiced a skill, and Hou Yaowen can teach him not much. This is like Sun Wukong worshiping Tang Monk as a teacher, Sun Wukong's skills are so powerful that Tang Monk can't teach Sun Wukong anything at all.

But since Sun Wukong worshiped the Tang monks as his teacher, since then, in the journey to the west, few people have called it "splashing monkey". It can be seen that what the master can bring to the disciple is not necessarily the preaching and teaching of karma to solve the puzzle.

The relationship between master and apprentice is not only the inheritance of knowledge, skills and experience in the industry, but also the recognition of the apprentice on behalf of the industry.

The more important value and significance of worshipping famous masters means that this industry community recognizes apprentices. You know, a lot of people's talents, talents are very important, ordinary people can learn well, but not all people have opportunities. Of course, this is not to say that effort is not important.

For example, in the cross-talk industry, I have heard some people in the industry talk, before learning cross-talk, at the beginning it was not directly taught to him, but in the master's home and around, to help the master do chores, such as cooking, sweeping the floor, wiping the table, walking the dog and so on.

While working, Shun'er listened to some crosstalk, and after a few years, the master would arrange for apprentices to try to speak crosstalk. At this time, the master who will say that he will cultivate again, and will not say, the master will say that you can't eat this line of food, or find another high as soon as possible.

Many people say that this past master-apprentice relationship is all crap, but in fact, it is actually tested and examined.

The master looks at the apprentice's attitude and personality, how to look at it, such as the attitude of doing things; constantly persuading the apprentice to give up this line is actually testing whether the apprentice is really willing to do it for a long time.

If the apprentice is really willing to do it, he will stick to it. If it is said that he quits at the first instigation, then what effort does Master have to teach him?

Such tests and observations may be pretended for a while, but they will eventually be exposed after seeing people's hearts over time. In many industries, there must be both talent and hard work, as well as mentality and attitude, etc., and then the master will seriously teach the disciple.

From the master's point of view, he is not only responsible for the apprentices, preaching and teaching karma, he is responsible for this industry, from many apprentices, identify good seedlings, and truly lead him into the industry.

In many industries, learning skills is of course very important, but the more critical point is to give opportunities. To know this thing of opportunity, in fact, is very scarce, it is impossible to give to everyone. In an art industry, it takes many years to produce a master.

On the one hand, what the master teaches is that the learning is completely in the apprentice, but to lead the apprentice into this industry, for example, to introduce the big coffee in the same industry, there are more opportunities to show his face in front of the public, etc., which is the best thing that the master can bring to the apprentice.

Of course, for the apprentice, this time is not easy to come by, and whether he can grow up in the future depends entirely on his own creation.

What is said above is only for some industries, not all. Many people don't understand why there is still such a master-apprentice relationship, I read books and study training by myself, don't you?

Then you can go and try it. Because the essence of some industries is not in books, nor in the industry skills of teachers and apprentices, but in opportunities. This average person really can't give it.

A certain explosion of popularity, you can plan, package, publicity, etc., but then what? If there is no certain culture and strength, it is not far in this industry.

Famous teachers who can give opportunities and can see a long-term perspective in the industry are one of the few options.

Thanks for your attention!

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