
Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong in his later years, and he took a blank cheque to support it, filling it out casually under 1.5 million

Du Yuesheng is a person full of banditry and great love, his banditry lies in the fact that he is mixed with one of the top figures in Shanghai Beach, but he can still be approachable and make friends with people of the three religions and nine streams; his great love lies in his ability to earn unclean money but can do good deeds.

From mortal to big guy

Du Yuesheng was born in a poor family, belonging to the bottom of society, at the age of 14 to shanghai fruit stalls to work, and later entered the Qinggang Jinrong family as a younger brother, and then gradually became the big man of the Qinggang.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong in his later years, and he took a blank cheque to support it, filling it out casually under 1.5 million

Rare aboveground beach gangster group photo

Du Yuesheng is a person with strong emotional intelligence and ability to do things, he calls the wind and rain on the beach, but he also makes friends, his friends have three teachings and nine streams, whether it is mixed society, or business vendors, and even low-level newspaper sellers can become his friends, and the Green Gang has grown rapidly under his management.

In 1925, Du Yuesheng established the "Sanxin Company", monopolized the opium in the French Concession, and made his opium empire into a "global network", he became the guest of honor of various political and business leaders, and the secretary general of the former Shanghai president Li Yuanhong specially wrote a couplet for him: "Three thousand guests under the Chunshen Gate, five feet south of Du Cheng", comparing him to the contemporary Chunshen Jun.

From gangster to patriotic philanthropist

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the shanghai beach gangsters had different attitudes, some clearly expressed their resolute refusal to cooperate with the Japanese, some directly committed traitors, and Du Yuesheng always stood at the end of the Chinese, during which he served as vice president of the Red Cross Society of China, set up hospitals, founded schools, donated military materials to the rescue of wounded soldiers, and did a series of good deeds, showing his attitude with his actual actions.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong in his later years, and he took a blank cheque to support it, filling it out casually under 1.5 million

During the Songhu Campaign, Du Yuesheng set up a support association and raised 9 million yuan for the revolutionary army, more than half of which was donated by him personally.

In 1935, Du Yuesheng ordered 120 Cortis Wright military aircraft, all of which were donated to Chiang Kai-shek, who had a total of 150 aircraft, of which 120 were from Du Yuesheng.

In 1946, Jiangsu was affected by the war, many people became homeless refugees, Du Yuesheng did not say a word and donated 1 billion yuan for relief.

The embarrassment behind the hero's death

After 1945, Du Yuesheng's relationship with Chiang Kai-shek began to become gradually tense, he was no longer the Tu Emperor of Shanghai Beach, and his relationship with the National Revolutionary Army also changed. In order to save himself, Du Yuesheng chose to move his family to Hong Kong in 1949.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong in his later years, and he took a blank cheque to support it, filling it out casually under 1.5 million

After Du Yuesheng, who used to call the wind and rain in Shanghai, arrived in Hong Kong, there was no place for his development, and everyone understood the truth that the strong dragon did not suppress the head snake. Du Yuesheng lost his financial resources after arriving in Hong Kong, although he also saved a lot of savings in Shanghai Beach that year, but the daily huge expenditure, even if the family has a golden mountain, will sit on the mountain and eat the sky.

Du Yuesheng likes to make friends all his life, even if he arrives in Hong Kong, the guests in his family are also in an endless stream every day, full of seats, and soon there will be an economic crisis in the Du family, Du Yuesheng has a good life, he can't always pull down his face to borrow, he has to sell the house and land, even so, it is difficult to support for a long time.

Du Yuesheng usually pays attention to the "three bowls of noodles", that is, decency, affection and scenes. Even though the hero has lost his former glory, his human relationship accumulated over the years has played an important role at this time.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong in his later years, and he took a blank cheque to support it, filling it out casually under 1.5 million

The good fruit of "three bowls of noodles"

Once, when it was almost the New Year, the Du family had not yet purchased New Year goods, and Du Yuesheng thought of borrowing money from the bank, but when the bank knew about his past, he directly refused. His friend Qian Xinzhi heard about it and directly gave him 300,000. Qian Xinzhi was one of the chaebols in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and he had a deep friendship with Du Yuesheng, and after 1949 he also went to Hong Kong and then to Taiwan.

And the person who really touched Du Yuesheng was a Sichuan industrialist who he was not particularly familiar with, had not even met, and only exchanged letters a few times -- Liu Hangchen. Liu Hangchen has Liu Xiang's "god of wealth" known as, when he learned of Du Yuesheng's situation, Liu Hangchen did not ask a word, directly took a blank check to Du Yuesheng, said: 1.5 million or less, Mr. Du can fill in by himself, more than 1.5 million, tell me a sound.

The icing on the cake is easy, the snow is difficult to send charcoal, Du Yuesheng's life in Hong Kong in his later years has long been without the glory of the past, some people say that when Du Yuesheng left Shanghai, he burned all the IOUs, which is a righteous act, but in fact, this should be a helpless act of self-protection, even if there is this money owed, in the later environment, can he still get it back?

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