
Take out the empty check and let Du Yuesheng fill in liu hangchen below 1.5 million yuan, how rich is it?

Speaking of the three tycoons on the beach in the Republic of China, everyone will think of Jin Jinrong, Zhang Xiaolin and Du Yuesheng. Although the three are all tycoons on the beach, the three are fundamentally different. Among them, Jin Rong is greedy for money, Zhang Xiaolin is good at fighting, and Du Yuesheng is very good at being a person. This also led to the death of only Du Yuesheng, the three tycoons of Shanghai Beach.

Take out the empty check and let Du Yuesheng fill in liu hangchen below 1.5 million yuan, how rich is it?

Du Yuesheng stayed in Hong Kong, and Liu Hangchen proudly funded it

Because Du Yuesheng is very good at being a person in Shanghai Beach, this has won him a lot of friends. These friends provided a lot of help to Du Yuesheng when he was down in his later years. It was precisely because of the help of these people that Du Yuesheng was able to die well.

During the Liberation War, Du Yuesheng fled to Hong Kong to settle down. Although he had a lot of IOUs, during the war, these IOUs could not be recovered at all, which was equivalent to no. Therefore, Du Yuesheng's life in Hong Kong is not satisfactory. In life, Du Yuesheng was once poor. Du Yuesheng had no choice but to go to a friend to borrow money.

Take out the empty check and let Du Yuesheng fill in liu hangchen below 1.5 million yuan, how rich is it?

Among them, there is a name called Liu Hangchen who does not have a deep friendship with Du Yuesheng. However, when Du Yuesheng came to the door, Liu Hangchen directly took out a blank check to Du Yuesheng and told Du Yuesheng that as long as the amount on the check was less than 1.5 million, he could fill in it, and if it was more than 1.5 million, he only needed to notify him.

Liu Hangchen's approach made Du Yuesheng feel moved. So how rich is Liu Hangchen? So that you can give Du Yuesheng a blank check, and also let him fill in the amount of less than 1.5 million yuan at will. You know, 1.5 million was a huge amount of money in those days.

Take out the empty check and let Du Yuesheng fill in liu hangchen below 1.5 million yuan, how rich is it?

Chuanjun "God of Wealth"

Liu Hangchen was born in a winemaking family during the Republic of China period, and grew up in a wealthy family. Since he was a child, he has had a dream, that is, industry to save the country. After inheriting the family property, Liu Hangchen made friends with some high-ranking officials in the military and political circles. After that, Liu Hangchen no longer fantasized about industry to save the country, and he used these connections to transfer from industry to politics.

Because Liu Hangchen had experience in industry and studied in the Department of Economics of Peking University, he was appreciated by Wang Lingji after Liu Hangchen entered politics, and he was appointed as the director of the Copper Affairs Bureau in Sichuan. At that time, Sichuan was in a period of warlord melee, and due to the impact of the war, the Copper Affairs Bureau had always been in a state of loss.

Take out the empty check and let Du Yuesheng fill in liu hangchen below 1.5 million yuan, how rich is it?

However, after Liu Hangchen took over the Copper Bureau, he reflected his economic ability, and in a short period of time, he made the Copper Bureau turn a profit, and the achievements made in the Copper Bureau make Liu Hangchen gain great fame. He was also appreciated by Liu Xiang, the later overlord of Sichuan. During Liu Xiang's reign in Sichuan, Liu Hangchen became a well-deserved "god of wealth" in the Sichuan army. It is precisely because of his financial ability that Liu Xiang has enough financial support to achieve his dream of dominating Sichuan. Later, he was appointed director of the Sichuan Department of Finance.

Fled to Hong Kong and established a steamship company

Take out the empty check and let Du Yuesheng fill in liu hangchen below 1.5 million yuan, how rich is it?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the southwest became the rear area of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. In order to resist japan, Sichuan's financial pressure increased greatly. In order to support the front line to resist Japan, Sichuan sent troops out of Sichuan to resist Japan and at the same time had to bear a large amount of grain for the front line. Liu Hangchen was once again entrusted with important tasks, and he was appointed as the director of the Sichuan Grain Storage and Transportation Bureau, and also served as the chairman of Chuankang Commercial Bank and the chairman of the cement plant. During the Liberation War, he was appointed director of the Southwest Economic Commission. Not only that, Liu Hangchen was also appointed minister of the Ministry of Economy during Li Zongren's campaign for vice president.

Liu Hangchen, who has long held an important position in the economic post, can imagine his own financial resources. During his escape to Hong Kong, Liu Hangchen also organized the steamships of the Minsheng Company adrift at sea to establish a new company, and his business covered not only Hong Kong, but also Taiwan.

Take out the empty check and let Du Yuesheng fill in liu hangchen below 1.5 million yuan, how rich is it?

Originally, he also planned to use his steamship company to seek an official position from Taiwan, but if it were not for Liu Hangchen, who was rich in financial resources, how could he have such a thought. Liu Hangchen's financial resources can be seen, and it is no wonder that he can proudly support Du Yuesheng.

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