
Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

author:Xi Yue talks about ancient and modern

In fact, from ancient times to the present, many people are looking for the secret of "immortality", in the original era may be because medicine is not developed enough, today, developed medicine, can you find the "immortal dream" that has been pursued?

01 . Come alive again and again

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

"Fake death" Huang Zhongquan

The story takes place in Yanghe Village, Shanguang Township, Zhongxian County, Chongqing City, inhabited by a strange man in his 40s named Huang Zhongquan, who has been often face-to-face with the god of death since he was 8 years old.

In the winter of 1992, he was working in the field, the headache suddenly occurred, he plunged into the paddy field, soaked for nearly 4 hours, when he was found, he had no breath, his body became stiff, and after 5 hours, he suddenly miraculously resurrected.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Pick on the trees

In 2004, he was picking oranges on the orange tree, the headache recurred, and he planted it again and hit the stone, and there was a lot of blood on his head, and there was no hospital in the village, so he had to ask a barefoot doctor to sew twice with needles and threads that sewed clothes.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

The Barefoot Doctor

He was already dying, a little closer to death, but seven days later, he miraculously came back to life, and the people who called him "Strange People" were different.

Huang Zhongquan's parents are cousins, belonging to close relatives married, everyone understands that the harm of close relatives marrying is very large, so Huang Zhongquan was born, it is a bit abnormal.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

The look of the home

On the second day of birth, normal babies are generally inseparable from the pacifier, but Huang Zhongquan is different, how to feed him does not eat, parents at that time felt very strange, how can the child refuse to eat?

Only later did I learn that it turned out that he was ill, and the next day Huang Zhongquan's whole body convulsed, his face was blue, and even his whole body was blue.

Like the green snake in the myth and legend, it spits white foam in its mouth, and it looks like it is going to die, and it makes its parents stomp their feet in a hurry.

But in a hurry, because the family is in the mountains, far from the hospital, even if you have money, you can't see the disease, then my father went to ask an old Chinese medicine doctor in the village to prescribe a few Chinese medicines.

The strange thing is that after drinking Chinese medicine for a few days, Huang Zhongquan's illness is not only better but also very strong, not at all like walking around the ghost gate, and there has been almost no illness in the following years.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Huang Zhongquan playing

It wasn't until he was 8 years old that Huang Zhongquan began his nightmare, that day, he was playing at home, and suddenly began to scream, and the family came to see it and was shocked.

Huang Zhongquan was blue in the face on the ground, his whole body was convulsing, and his mouth was foaming, exactly the same as the previous symptoms, at this time, his father ran up to pick him up, and his mouth kept repeating his name.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Huang Zhongquan, who is ill

But Huang Zhongquan was like he couldn't hear, constantly screaming, his face had become distorted in pain, he struggled for a long time, and suddenly his eyes rolled over, and the father reached out to the child's nose, and he was out of breath.

The father just held him like this, watching his body stiffen little by little, and finally the temperature on the child's body disappeared, and the father's brain was blank.

The couple was heartbroken, and eight years ago they had managed to escape the disaster, but what they did not expect was that eight years later, they would still take his life away.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Huang Zhongquan's mother

The mother almost fainted, the body was like no bones, paralyzed on the ground and began to cry at the child: "Why is my child so fateful, you were born not long ago, your whole body was blue, almost lost his life, and now there is such a situation, my child." ”

The father was stunned for a long time, got up and returned home with his son's body.

Put the child into a tattered back basket, calculate that after dark, use the basket to carry it into the mountain and bury it, the lives of the people in the mountains are not valuable, and there is no big pomp and circumstance when they die, and it is finished when they are buried.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Child in the back basket

The mother stood by her son's corpse, and kept crying, crying until her throat was muted and she couldn't make a sound.

Two hours later, as the father was ready to go, the miracle happened again, and the mother inadvertently glanced at the child.

Finding that Huang Zhongquan's face was not only no longer blue, but also began to have blood on his face, which made the mother excited, and quickly called her husband over, the father looked close to see that his son was really different from before, with obvious blood color.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Sick child lying on the ground

After a while, Huang Zhongquan's face became more and more rosy, and then he began to open his eyes, his son came back to life, his parents were overjoyed, and he escaped again.

But for Huang Zhongquan himself, the suffering did not end there, but only began, and things appeared more and more frequently after that.

02 . Wake up at your own funeral

Since the miracle that happened when he was 8 years old, the number of headaches and illnesses has become more and more frequent, and he has been sick every three to five years, and each time he has made Huang Zhongquan miserable, and he has to die once or twice a year.

Being tormented by illness so frequently is not something that ordinary people can bear, of course, parents understand these sufferings that Huang Zhongquan endured.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Desperate father

Parents must be heartbroken, but helplessly there is no money in the family to treat the child's illness, but fortunately Huang Zhongquan is strong-willed, although he has faced many life-and-death struggles, but each time he has miraculously survived.

In the childhood life of ordinary people, it will bring pure and beautiful memories, and Huang Zhongquan's childhood can only be described in four words as "dead and alive".

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Father and son in life

In this way, back and forth along the way, in the face of death after death grew up, after adulthood, the hearts of the two sons were relieved a lot, "The child's life was hard when he was young, he did not die, and when he grew up, his life was not harder." ”

Just in 1992, an incident occurred, suddenly broke the idea of two people, Huang Zhongquan died again, that winter, a relative came to Huang Zhongquan's home as a guest, the relatives who were going to leave for dinner, just walked to the door and drizzled.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Guest relatives

At this time, the mother took out the bucket and asked Huang Zhongquan to send it to them, and when Huang Zhongquan took the bucket and ran to a rice field, a sudden headache struck, making him immediately dizzy.

Then he fell into the rice field, because this land was planted with rice, so the ground was full of water, originally Huang Zhongquan was in pain, the whole body was still twitching, and the cool water soaked Huang Zhongquan and then stomped on his legs, and there was no movement.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

paddy field

When he was found, he was already stiff and breathless, and this time his death was different from before, because he had been soaked in water for three or four hours after fainting, and it was still cold water.

Not to mention that Huang Zhongquan soaked in cold cold water for three or four hours when he was sick, even if a physically strong person was so tossed, he would be frozen to death.

This time, the situation made Huang Zhongquan's parents completely desperate, and began to do things for him, and when relatives and friends learned of this news, they rushed to send Huang Zhongquan on his last journey.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

The dying Huang Zhongquan

The unexpected happened again, and five hours later, Huang Zhongquan regained his breath again, his body temperature also rose, and he suddenly sat up from the bed amid his mother's crying.

If the previous deaths were fake, then this time it was a miracle within a miracle, and since then, the news of Huang Zhongquan's special body has spread throughout the village.

The villagers also began to talk: "He is just a fake death, what is strange about being able to come back to life." ”

Indeed, Huang Zhongquan was able to regain signs of life after death, which is medically called "suspended animation." It may be triggered by some condition in the body.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Neighbors spread rumors

If suspended animation is not unusual enough, then the next thing is even more outrageous, this time, Huang Zhongquan is not caused by some illness in the body, but by trauma.

03 . Is there an "immortal body", or is it a hard life?

In September 2004, the oranges just ripened, and on that day, Huang Zhongquan climbed up the orange tree to pick oranges, and his head began to hurt again, and suddenly he fell down, and his head hit a very sharp stone, piercing the skull.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Huang Zhongquan on the orange tree

Bright red blood spurted out at once, and at this time, the father on another orange tree heard the voice and rushed over, and after seeing this scene, the father was frightened and pale.

He immediately picked up Huang Zhongquan and ran home, when he got home, Huang Zhongquan was already dying, and after his mother saw it, the blood was still flowing, and his mother was frightened and shouted out.

The father carefully put Huang Zhongquan on the bed, and the mother rushed over to the child and asked his father: "His father, is there any salvation?" ”

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

The miserable Huang Zhongquan

In fact, you can see at a glance that even if the "Great Luo Immortal" comes, it can't be saved, parents feel very sad, the child lives and dies dozens of times, they all grit their teeth and survive. I didn't think that in the end, it ended in a fall to death.

The mother cried and said, "This child has a hard life, but he is also born with a hard life, and he has come back to life after so many deaths, and this time he will definitely be able to do it." ”

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Huang Zhongquan's home

The father naturally wanted the child to be safe and sound, so he went to find the barefoot doctor, who was almost scared and almost lost his soul after seeing Huang Zhongquan's appearance, and said: "I can't save the injury like this." ”

The father hurriedly said, "Don't worry, you should try it first." ”

The barefoot doctor rushed the ducks to the shelves, took out the needle and thread from the family to sew clothes, and said, "I sewed it for him, and whether he can be good or not depends on his own creation."

The barefoot doctor sealed Huang Zhongquan's pierced head, and after the doctor left, the couple watched over their son's bed, hoping that the miracle would appear again.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Mother at the bedside

After a long time, Huang Zhongquan had not woken up, and his parents gradually had the idea of giving up in their hearts, but what they did not expect was that seven days later, Huang Zhongquan actually opened his eyes.

The first sight of his father, whose eyes were full of blood, made his heart feel deeply sorry, and tears also flowed out of the corners of his eyes, making him feel that although he had escaped from death again and again, he had caused serious harm to the psychology of his parents.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Tired father

In this way, Huang Zhongquan came back to life again, and after getting out of bed, he was still no different from a normal person.

04 . The truth of the illness

The first time may be lucky, the second time may be a fluke, but it has appeared so many times, what is the matter? Could it be that his body structure is different from ordinary people?

Huang Zhongquan's family described that Huang Zhongquan often had headaches, but because his family was poor, he did not do a formal examination and has been relying on a medicine called "Bentoying" for more than 20 years.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days


Could it be that the secret of Huang Zhongquan's escape from death is in this medicine? Or is there another reason?

In 2007, Huang Zhongquan finally came to the hospital, because his situation was very special, the hospital set up a team of experts to concentrate on consultation, and after an examination, an unexpected answer was "epilepsy".

However, epilepsy with headache as a precursor is rare, so it is difficult to detect.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Hospital emergency

Since the cause of Huang Zhongquan's etiology has been examined, it has also confirmed that Huang Zhongquan's death is a "suspended animation phenomenon".

That time he fell from the orange tree, it was Huang Zhongquan's life, planted in the paddy field, the explanation given by experts is that the probability of survival of normal people is not high, but it is his epilepsy that saved him.

Story: A 45-year-old villager in Chongqing was seriously injured and died, and his family wanted to do a funeral, who knew that he suddenly woke up after 7 days

Huang Zhongquan in the treatment of disease

The real cause of epilepsy is the aforementioned "marriage of close relatives".

05 . conclusion

The tenacity of life is vividly reflected in Huang Zhongquan's body, and there is no such thing as resurrection from the dead in the world, let alone an immortal body.

Life is alive, there is always a time to come to an end, we should face it calmly. When you go to the field of science, you will come to conclusions, believe in science, and do not spread rumors.

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