
The main reason why the Ming Dynasty could not defeat the Qing Dynasty was because of rigid thinking? There's just no money

author:Peeksman says history

The main reason why the Ming Dynasty could not defeat the Qing Dynasty was because of rigid thinking? There's just no money

The Ming and Qing dynasties are fundamentally different! The Ming Dynasty was culturally open, open-minded, and scientific and technological works emerged in an endless stream, but it only encountered a financial crisis, so it led to the collapse of the country. The Manchu Qing Dynasty was imprisoned in culture, ideology, and technology, destroying a large number of books and destroying advanced technology. It looks the same, but it's actually completely different.

The Ming army couldn't beat the Qing army because the court had no money, the money for military supplies and grain and grass logistics was not ready, the soldiers didn't even have salaries, the Ming Dynasty's economy collapsed, the royal family itself was frugal, and the money was all in the hands of the Donglin Party and the big chaebols behind them, so it was strange that such a dynasty would not perish

The main reason why the Ming Dynasty could not defeat the Qing Dynasty was because of rigid thinking? There's just no money

The Ming Dynasty was in internal and external difficulties, there were liukou Li Zhang inside, and there were Houjin Nurhachi soldiers outside the border, and the war was money, and a lot of silver was needed to support the war, and the Ming Dynasty was in financial difficulties, and it was impossible to pay military salaries, and Emperor Chongzhen did not trust the talented ministers who were in charge of military power, because of suspicion and suspicion, he killed many ministers, who would dare to die for him?

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, suspicions such as the logistics pulling the hips, the one-time annihilation of the elite, the insufficient supply of the army, and the impeachment of Qi Jiguang, who was of great significance to the border defense, were gradually exposed in the contemporary historical identification of falsification

The main reason why the Ming Dynasty could not defeat the Qing Dynasty was because of rigid thinking? There's just no money

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, the Qing Dynasty in the early days of the long-term war to the Qing army to accumulate a lot of experienced veterans, this group of veterans to help and lead, to the Qing Dynasty to lay a solid foundation, if can not be a good elimination of this group of veterans, then can not be a good elimination of the strength of the Qing army.

It's not a matter of tactics, no army is dull in battle, because it is a matter of their own lives. The reward and punishment mechanism of the Later Jin Dynasty and the mobilization of the enthusiasm of personnel for fighting were not at all comparable to any armed group in the late Ming Dynasty (relatively speaking, the peasant rebel army was a little better than the Ming government). The Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the Central Plains because the Manchu Qing team was better at that time, and no one could change it even if it crossed, which was a historical necessity

The main reason why the Ming Dynasty could not defeat the Qing Dynasty was because of rigid thinking? There's just no money

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