
The Eight-Nation Coalition broke into the brothel of the Qing Dynasty, and the prostitute spoke German fluently, which frightened the German army to retreat

author:Huaiqing History

In 1900, during the invasion of China by the Eight-Nation Alliance, a group of German troops robbed the people in the city of Beiping, however, when they entered a brothel, a prostitute in the crowd spoke fluent German, which frightened the German army and quickly retreated.

The Eight-Nation Coalition broke into the brothel of the Qing Dynasty, and the prostitute spoke German fluently, which frightened the German army to retreat

May 28, 1900 was an unforgettable day in the history of the Qing Dynasty, on this day, the Eight-Nation Alliance began to invade China, they not only accelerated the pace of the Qing Dynasty's demise, but also brought a painful disaster to the people.

At this time, the Qing Dynasty had already decayed, and when the Eight-Nation Alliance Army hit her own gate, the Empress Dowager Cixi did not find a way to resist, but fled with Emperor Guangxu and a group of eunuchs and palace maids, and they went all the way to the west and hid far away.

The capital, including the Forbidden City, was burned and plundered by the Eight-Nation Alliance, and they looked at the splendid treasures, moving those who could be moved, smashing those who could not be moved, and burning those who couldn't be smashed, not to mention how barbaric they were.

The famous building of the Qing Dynasty, the Old Summer Palace, was destroyed by the Eight-Nation Alliance at this time, and the spectacular scene, as well as countless treasure buildings, can no longer be restored.

The Eight-Nation Coalition broke into the brothel of the Qing Dynasty, and the prostitute spoke German fluently, which frightened the German army to retreat

In addition to these, the people also suffered, and the invaders robbed the people everywhere, and the city was full of artillery fire. One day, a group of German soldiers broke into a brothel in the city of Peiping, and when they were about to rob it, one of the prostitutes suddenly spoke fluent German.

She said, "General Wadsee, I know General Wadsee!" ”

The German soldiers suddenly heard their mother tongue in a foreign land, and they were so frightened that they didn't dare to do anything. The prostitute continued: "Not only have I been to your country, but I have also had dinner with your king, and I know General Wadsey. ”

When the German soldiers heard this, they were even more surprised, they really couldn't imagine that the ordinary woman in front of them had such a rich experience, although it was unbelievable, but she spoke German and was really convincing.

The Eight-Nation Coalition broke into the brothel of the Qing Dynasty, and the prostitute spoke German fluently, which frightened the German army to retreat

The German soldier was in awe, and after offending the woman, he immediately sent someone back to report. The woman's heart was finally relieved for a while, at least now the German soldiers did not dare to act rashly.

It wasn't until the sun rose the next day and General Wadsey appeared that everyone knew that the origin of this prostitute was really extraordinary, and she was the famous prostitute Sai Jinhua in the Qing Dynasty.

Sai Jinhua's life can be said to be full of legends. Since marrying her husband, she has traveled abroad many times and visited many European countries. During her time in Germany, Sai Jinhua learned German, and she often dined with the German royal family.

However, Sai Jinhua didn't expect that what he learned abroad in those years would one day save his life, and even save the safety of the people in Beiping City.

The Eight-Nation Coalition broke into the brothel of the Qing Dynasty, and the prostitute spoke German fluently, which frightened the German army to retreat

In fact, during the time when Sai Jinhua was in Germany, General Wadsey liked her very much, so he was deeply impressed. Later, General Wadsey came to the territory of the Qing Dynasty, but he really didn't expect to meet Sai Jinhua again.

However, Sai Jinhua's social skills are very superior, and she coaxes General Wadsey's heart to bloom, making General Wadsey very happy every day.

Sai Jinhua also took this opportunity to make several suggestions to General Wadsey. First, it is hoped that the harm to the people in Beiping can be stopped; Second, it is hoped that the buildings in Beiping City will not be burned again.

Unexpectedly, General Wadsey actually agreed to Sai Jinhua's proposal, and the news spread all over Beiping City for a while, and the people were full of admiration for this Sai Jinhua, and the people also gave her the title of Sai Er Ye.

The Eight-Nation Coalition broke into the brothel of the Qing Dynasty, and the prostitute spoke German fluently, which frightened the German army to retreat

In the past few years, in Beiping City, in addition to the Empress Dowager Cixi, it is also famous for its Jinhua. Unexpectedly, Sai Jinhua saved the country and saved the country, but it was not recognized by the Qing court.

The Empress Dowager Cixi would not allow a famous prostitute to be as famous as herself, so she tried to defeat Sai Jinhua. Later, Sai Jinhua was not only arrested, but also had her family confiscated.

Sai Jinhua's old age was not good, she had a short marriage, but her husbands died one after another, leaving Sai Jinhua alone to spend her old age.

The Eight-Nation Coalition broke into the brothel of the Qing Dynasty, and the prostitute spoke German fluently, which frightened the German army to retreat

In the winter of 1936, when the weather was so cold that people didn't want to go out, Sai Jinhua died quietly in a broken grass house, covered with a thin quilt.

Fortunately, some literati and celebrities still remembered the righteousness of Sai Jinhua before the flower, and they rushed to see Sai Jinhua off for the last time. No matter what Sai Jinhua's background is, her chivalrous deeds are definitely better than most people, and under the circumstances at that time, her brave deeds are more worthy of admiration and praise by future generations.

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