
Killing the caravan first, and then slaughtering the mission, why did Hua Lazimo make mistakes again and again?

In 1218, Khwarazm slaughtered Mongol caravans, which led to a war between the Mongol Khanate and Khwarazm.

Since the Khwarazm eventually failed, the image they played in history was usually arrogant and arrogant. But if we put aside our preconceived notions of political propaganda, we will find that the real history must be far more complicated than what the history books write.

Because this historical information is too scarce, we can't figure out a lot of the inside story. But one thing we can be sure of is that this kind of major event related to the national fortunes is certainly not something that can be decided by one or two people, but must be a plan that the entire leadership sits together and constantly studies and discusses, and finally comes up with a plan.

We can say that the choice of the Khwarazm is a failure and a mistake, but we cannot say that it is naïve and incomprehensible.

Temujin can stand out from the Mongols, can laugh to the end in the steppe battle for hegemony, can firmly grasp the initiative in the eight-year war with the Jin Dynasty, he must be a very rational and very big-picture tyrant.

For such a person, ordinary small things are simply not enough to affect his emotions. But when the caravan of Khwarazm came to the Mongol Khanate, Temujin tortured the caravan in an almost humiliating way. Of course not normal.

Did Temujin dare to do this because he wanted to go to war with Khwarazm? Judging by the results, yes. But from the timeline, the answer is no.

Temujin's aggressiveness towards Hua Lazimo does not mean that he wants to immediately go to war with Hua Lazimo, but rather that Hua Lazimo will not interfere in his own war with Qu Chulu.

Where does this come from? It begins in 1206 AD.

Killing the caravan first, and then slaughtering the mission, why did Hua Lazimo make mistakes again and again?

In 1206 AD, Temujin basically unified the steppe world, called Genghis Khan. Most of the remnants of the steppe world's hostile forces fled to the Western Liao, west of the Altai Mountains, under the leadership of Qu Chulu.

For a long time after that, Temujin did not intend to cut the grass and root out the law, but instead focused on the east, focusing on the attack on the Golden Kingdom. This also led to qu chulu's rise in the Western Liao: first as a donkey, then as a king.

Doesn't Temujin understand the principle of "it is advisable to chase the poor and the poor with the remaining courage"? Of course not, but because Temujin believed that the time for the Western Expedition was not ripe at this time.

Crossing the Altai Mountains in pursuit of Qu Chulu was really difficult for the newly established Mongol Khanate, and the Western Liao at that time was very powerful, and HuaRazimo after the Western Liao would not allow Temujin to meddle in Western affairs.

In this context, Temujin had to give priority to solving the Problem of the East, trying to destroy the Golden State, or at least to cripple the Golden State. Only after alleviating the crisis on one side can we have the energy to attack the other side.

By 1218 AD, twelve years had passed since Qu Chulu led the people to flee, and seven years had passed since Qu Chulu had become the king of the Western Liao, Temujin found that the time was ripe.

By 1218, Temujin had achieved initial victories over both the Jin Dynasty and the Western Xia, and naturally freed up his hands to solve the problems in the west.

For Temujin, the best result is to go head-to-head with the Flex law, and as long as this can be done, the flex om is dead. To this end, Temujin took a high-profile posture, hoping that Hua Lazimo would not be involved in the war between himself and the Western Liao.

However, as a new power, Hua lazimo naturally did not yield to Temujin, and killed the caravan of the Mongol Khanate with his hands, giving Temujin a head-on blow.

This is how Khwarazm warns Temujin: Don't stretch your hands too long, beware of being interrupted by me!

Temujin was naturally annoyed by this behavior of Hua Lazimo, but he thought that the problem of his confidants at this time was the law of flexion, so he decided to temporarily endure Huarazimo. So another mission was sent to Khwarazm, hoping that the two sides would reconcile, but Khwarazm slaughtered Temujin's mission again.

The above content is written from the perspective of the Mongol Khanate, although it is a historical fact, it will never be as described by Temujin. Because according to the traditional history book view, Temujin is as pure as a small white sheep, if it were not for the excessive production of the Razor mold, Temujin would not have been able to use the sword at all.

Is this true? Of course not.

Killing the caravan first, and then slaughtering the mission, why did Hua Lazimo make mistakes again and again?

Please always remember one thing: for a tyrant like Temujin, even if he wears sheep's clothing, he will not give people a sense of purity. If he doesn't bully others, even if it's good, who dares to bully him without doing anything?

The so-called "Temujin's lifelong conquest is only for revenge" and other arguments are just lies that have been told a thousand times into truth.

In the face of the culprit who killed his own caravan, Temujin must have itched his teeth, but his henchman's enemy was still alive and jumping, and Temujin had no time to find trouble with Hua Lazimo.

Against this backdrop, Temujin had to send another mission to Khwarazm in the hope that the two sides would reconcile.

What would Khwarazm think of Temujin's approach? The answer is simple: Temujin is paralyzing us, don't be fooled!

I ignored your face and slaughtered your caravan, and you actually came to ask for peace. In the face of this situation, who dares to say that Temujin did not have ulterior motives?

You stabilize me in this way, then prioritize the most urgent problems and come back to my trouble when you're done. If I can't even see this, then I don't have to mess around in the future.

After understanding this, Hua Lazimo directly killed the envoy of the mission, and shaved off the deputy envoy's beard and put it back.

When I read this paragraph, I think it's very weird because it's illogical.

Hua Lazimo saw through Temujin's tricks, and should avoid falling into Temujin's trap. At such a time, the best course of action was to find ways to perfunctory the Mongol mission and at the same time strengthen the connection with the Western Liao. As long as the two sides can achieve effective alliance, the Mongol Khanate does not dare to easily march west.

No matter how bad it is, it can also completely stay out of the matter, let the Mongol Khanate and the Western Liao fire, and seize the opportunity to prepare for war.

But Hua Lazimo's approach is a bit like attracting firepower: I just don't reconcile with you, and I can't kill you Mongolian missions, and you have the ability to beat me!

What are the benefits of this for Khwarazm?

If the Mongol mission was really killed by Khwarazm, then the most reasonable explanation would be that there was discord within Khwarazm, and the Sultan of Mokomad failed to truly centralize power.

In the absence of internal voices, someone crossed the Mokomad Sultan and poisoned the Mongol mission. Why is this happening? Or the interests.

Killing the caravan first, and then slaughtering the mission, why did Hua Lazimo make mistakes again and again?

In 1206, when Temujin established the Mongol Khanate, the western hegemon was not Hua Lazimo, but the Western Liao, and huarazimo at that time was only one of the vassal states of the Western Liao.

The reason why Hua Lazimo was able to become another Western hegemon after the Western Liao was entirely because they seized the interests that belonged to the Western Liao.

As I said in an article the other day, when Temujin went all out to expropriate the Golden Kingdom, the Western world was also unstable: in 1211 AD, the representative of the remnants of the steppe replaced the original Yelü royal family and became the new king of the Western Liao.

The Western Liao was originally the hegemon of the West, but such a major event occurred internally, and the powerful vassal state Hua Lazimo took advantage of the situation to break away from the control of the Western Liao and began to develop and grow rapidly.

When Temujin marched west in 1219 AD, the capital of Khwarazm was Samarkand, but Samarkand was only incorporated into Khwarazm in 1213 AD. In other words, at the time of Temujin's western expedition, Samarkand had only been the capital of Khwarazm for six years.

This can be explained by the fact that the expansion of Khwarazm was too rapid, the leader Ofcome Sultan Mokomad had not yet had time to fully centralize power, and there were not many powerful factions in the country that could challenge him.

In order to avoid being killed by the Sultan of Mokoma, these powerful factions naturally thought of "raising Kou and respecting themselves".

According to the idea of the Mokomad Sultan, the Mongol Khanate planned to clean up the Western Liao, and It was best to stay out of the matter and give the Western Liao a little aid at most, but not to be dragged into the quagmire of war, and to quickly centralize power before Temujin had even come.

As long as the Mokoma Sultan's centralization of power was successful, and there was only one voice within Khwarazm, the Mokoma Sultan would not fear the Mongol Khanate and Temujin, because it was under the leadership of the Mokoma Sultan that Khwarazm completed the transformation from a Western Liao vassal state to a Western hegemon. In terms of personal qualities, Sultan Mokomad was also extremely good.

But the Mongol mission was suddenly slaughtered, and The Sultan of Mokomad had no chance to stay out. In this way, the Khwarazm faction forced the Sultan of Mokomad to suspend the pace of centralization and cooperate to deal with the Mongol crisis.

What about Sultan Mokoma? Sultan Mokomad was also annoyed. The good calculation has been disrupted, and who will feel better if they must face such a behemoth as the Mongol Khanate in advance?

But at this point, it is too late to regret it, and we must find a way to get through this difficult time. In this context, both the Mongol Khanate and Khwarazm set their sights on the former Western hegemon, the Western Liao.

The cause of all this lies in the Western Liao, without which the Mongol Khanate and Khwarazm might have been hostile, but after the Mokomad Sultan completed the centralization of power, the two sides might not have really fought.

However, this most important Western Liao, when talking about Temujin's Western Expedition, almost no one mentions it. In this matter, traditional history books are mainly blurring the focus and confusing right and wrong, if this is not political propaganda, what is it?

Killing the caravan first, and then slaughtering the mission, why did Hua Lazimo make mistakes again and again?

The Western Liao was the focal point of the game between Khwarazm and the Mongol Khanate, and it was also a buffer zone for both sides. The Mongol Khanate naturally hoped to be able to swallow the Western Liao on its own, and it was acceptable to take a step back and divide the Western Liao on an equal footing with Huarazimo.

However, in the view of Hua Lazimo, ensuring that the Western Liao was not annexed by both sides was the best solution. Sultan Mokomad's urgent need to solve at this time was an internal problem, and he was not willing to fight Temujin at this time.

If the Mongol mission had not been killed, Khwarazm might have been able to delay it a little. In other words, negotiations naturally have to come and go, naturally they have to take time, and Mokomad Sultan can use this time to integrate internally.

If Temujin dared to break the rules, Sultan Mokomad had every reason to persuade the powerful factions in the country to concentrate on supporting the Western Liao.

But now that the two sides have torn their faces, there is no use in playing tricks, and Hua Lazimo must fight with the Mongol Khanate himself, otherwise the Western Liao will be absolutely difficult to protect.

What is the result of the wrestling? We all know that in 1218, a year before Temujin's Western Expedition, the Western Liao was destroyed and Qu Chulu was killed.

Hua Lazimo was still unable to preserve the Western Liao, and the process of centralization of power by the Sultan of Mokoma was interrupted, and there would be no chance to centralize power in the future.

Because the Mongols are going to kill them.

Killing the caravan first, and then slaughtering the mission, why did Hua Lazimo make mistakes again and again?

Why was the Mongol Khanate able to defeat Khwarazm in a struggle, and finally kill Qu Chulu and destroy the Western Liao? There are many reasons for this. But the most important reason we can determine at the moment should be religious reasons.

Qu Chulu was born in the grasslands of the Barbarians, they themselves believed in Christianity, and when Qu Chulu became the king of the Western Liao, he ignored the freedom of religious belief in the Western Liao and forced the vast number of Muslims to convert to Christianity and Buddhism, which caused the people's resentment to boil over.

The Mongols believe in shamanism, but Temujin is open enough in terms of religious freedom. Of course, there is a reason for Temujin's vigilance against religion (for which he killed the Heavenly Witch Kuoku), and it is also the embodiment of Temujin's superb and gentle means.

Originally, Wur and Khazaru were also vassal states of the Western Liao, and when they voluntarily surrendered to the Mongol Khanate, Temujin immediately married his daughter to the kings of the two countries.

Temujin was indeed an ugly tyrant and a man of great power, but it is undeniable that Temujin has always been very kind to his relatives, and Temujin's sons-in-law have been rich for almost generations in Mongolia (and later in the Yuan Dynasty).

For the powerful faction of the Western Liao: Qu Chulu was a bastard and forced them to change their religion; Temujin was very generous, fearing Wuer and Ha laru after they surrendered, and they followed him and made him a son-in-law.

If you were a powerful faction in the Western Liao, how would you choose?

When the Mongolian iron horse entered the Western Liao, it was warmly welcomed by the vast number of people in the Western Liao, and the scene of "eating pot pulp" was not uncommon. In the end, Temujin only took a few months to occupy almost the entire Western Liao.

Temujin revived their religious beliefs and rallied the local powerful factions, taking a break before continuing to march west against Khwarazm.

Killing the caravan first, and then slaughtering the mission, why did Hua Lazimo make mistakes again and again?

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