
Did you really eat folic acid right?

Folic acid is not strange to mothers at all, correct supplementation of folic acid is of great benefit to both mother and fetus, and the rhythm of coming to one piece a day during pregnancy is also impossible to stop.

But are you really eating folic acid right? Today I will talk to you about those things about folic acid, and I must eat it clearly.

Did you really eat folic acid right?

Why is folic acid still deformed

"It is said that eating folic acid during pregnancy can prevent fetal neural tube malformations, why have you been eating, some children are still deformed?"

That's because everyone's ability to use folic acid is different. Most people have 100% ability to use folic acid, but some people have only 30%. Maybe the reason you're pregnant with a deformed child is that you only have 30% use of folic acid...

What exactly is folic acid used for?

Did you really eat folic acid right?

The simplest explanation is that "eating folic acid can prevent some fetal congenital malformations" Studies have shown that folic acid supplementation in women is effective in preventing birth in more than 70% of children with neural tube abnormalities.

Folic acid is actually a B vitamin, the growth and development of the human body, normal life activities are inseparable from it. Pregnant women need folic acid four times more during pregnancy than ordinary people.

What happens to a lack of folic acid

Did you really eat folic acid right?

If the pregnant mother lacks folic acid in the early stages of pregnancy and has congenital malformations, the risk of a brainless baby will increase by 2-8 times.

Folic acid supplementation is not enough, in addition to affecting embryonic development in the early stages of pregnancy, resulting in miscarriage or premature birth. Pregnant mothers are also prone to high blood pressure during pregnancy, increasing the risk of postpartum haemorrhage and ectopic pregnancy.

Most of the natural folic acid you eat is wasted

Did you really eat folic acid right?

Folic acid is divided into natural folic acid and synthetic folic acid, which is widely found in dark green vegetables, citrus, legumes and animal livers. Synthetic folic acid is mainly found in drugs and some health care products, synthetic folic acid stability is good, not easy to be destroyed, the human body's absorption rate of synthetic folic acid is nearly 2 times that of natural folic acid.

Dark green leafy vegetables such as soybeans, nuts, spinach, lettuce, asparagus, rapeseed, broccoli, oranges, strawberries and other fruits contain natural folic acid. However, these natural folic acids are very unstable, and they are easily destroyed in large quantities during the cooking process, and the loss rate can reach 50% to 90%. Moreover, natural folic acid is not easily absorbed directly by the small intestine, and the final utilization rate is only about 50%. In the process of pregnancy, not only the pregnant mother needs folic acid herself, but also the baby also needs it, and it is easy to have folate deficiency just by eating food.

When is folic acid best to eat?

According to the provisions of the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Women and Children", expectant mothers need 0.4 mg of folic acid per day for 3 months of pregnancy, and after pregnancy, the demand for folic acid in pregnant women will further increase to 0.6 mg.

Did you really eat folic acid right?

An attentive mother-to-be may think again, "Why do you have to eat when you are pregnant?"?

First of all, the folate deficiency state is not immediately improved after taking folic acid, and usually it takes a period of time to improve significantly. Secondly, the neural tube of the fetus is formed in the first 4 weeks, and if it is found that the pregnancy is replenished with folic acid, it may be too late, and the defect may have already occurred.

Of course, the standard is only a comprehensive consideration, people are different, the needs are not the same. Women who have been pregnant with a baby with a neural tube abnormality, or who have a history of having a baby with a neural tube abnormality in their family, may be able to supplement with more folic acid every day. Others may not need folic acid supplementation at all, such as southerners who love vegetables.

Surveys have shown that southerners have twice as high levels of folic acid in their bodies than northerners. If a mother-to-be eats enough vegetables, fruits and animal offal, the level of folic acid in the body is enough. Then replenish folic acid every day, but it is too much!

Excessive folic acid supplementation will increase the risk of the development of certain tumors, and will also interfere with zinc metabolism, causing zinc deficiency in the body.

Less is not enough, more is not enough, then how to make up?

Did you really eat folic acid right?

Pregnant mothers can do a eugenics examination before preparing for pregnancy, and then prepare for pregnancy with confidence after eliminating unnecessary hidden dangers.

Secondly, the doctor gives folic acid supplementation recommendations according to each person's situation. Preconception examination is an important measure to protect the health of mother and child, which can prevent it before it occurs and achieve the purpose of eugenics.

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