
Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

TV Series

Biography of Zhen Huan

After the big hit, the audience relished the classic fragments of the harem drama.

However, did anyone notice a court play in which someone presented the emperor with the "Reverse Book" "Essay on the Western Expedition" copied when copying the family property of The Year Of the Year, and the emperor was furious after reading it, and ordered the author of the book to be shown to the public.

"The first level hangs at the mouth of the vegetable market, and cannot be taken down for ten years", Zhen Father communicated with Emin after going down, feeling that this punishment was too cruel, that is, this behavior, laying the groundwork for the subsequent encounter between Zhen Father and Zhen Huan.

And this one

The author of "Essays on the Western Expedition" is None other than Wang Jingqi

In history, there is indeed a person, and his head rank has been hanging in the capital caishikou from the fourth year of Yongzheng to the thirteenth year of Yongzheng.

It was not until Yongzheng died and Hongli ascended the throne that he was pardoned and buried. If you ask him how he just wrote a book, how did he end up like this? All because he was extremely flattered by Nian Tangyao in order to change his name, he lost his life.

Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

"The First Great Man of the Universe"

If anyone guesses

Wang Jingqi

Coming from a cold and bitter background, so having to attach oneself to Nian Tangyao, it would be a big mistake.

Wang Jingqi's father, Wang Xiaguan (汪霦官), was a servant of the household department, and from Erpin (二品), his brother Wang Jianqi (汪見祺) was the head of the Ceremonial Department; although Erpinguan was nothing in the capital of the city full of nobles, he also had 155 taels of old age, so he was a veritable eunuch.

The Wang family is a Qiantang person,

Wang Xia Kangxi entered Beijing in the fifteenth year,

However, his son Wang Jingqi did not get a jinshi until the fifty-third year of Kangxi, but it was not that he was clumsy and intolerable, it is said that Wang Jingqi was famous and proud when he was young.

Unfortunately, the scientific expedition was not smooth, and even an official and a half-post after being over forty years old could not be obtained, and although Wang Xia had long since resigned his official post and returned home because of the fraud case involving the field of science, Hu Qiheng, the envoy of Xi'an who Wang Jingqi had defected to, could be regarded as Wang Xia's old subordinate.

At that time, the northwest military was the top priority of the Qing court.

It is very likely that Wang Xia arranged for his son to go over

So that he can get more benefits, but he doesn't think that the benefits are not much, but his reputation and life are lost.

Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

Wang Jingqi was Hu Qiheng, who defected to Yongzheng in early february, and he was a close confidant of Nian Qianyao, and Nian Qianyao was like the sun in the sky, and in the first year of Yongzheng, he took over the post of general of Fuyuan and sat in Xining to command the suppression of the rebellion.

It was Wang Jingqi who came to the northwest at the beginning of the second year of Yongzheng,

Nian Tangyao won a great victory in quelling the chaos and was knighted

For a while, there was no difference. Wang Jingqi was originally a person with a heart of fame and fortune, and when he saw this scene, he immediately came up with a trick to hug the big tree of Nian Tangyao.

So he wrote the "Letter of the Year of the Governor of Shangfuyuan Grand General Taibao First Class Gongchuan and Shaanxi", the title of this article is interesting, and the name of Nian Tangyao's merits is listed in its entirety, and the flattery is already obvious.

The wording is even more ridiculous

Comparing Nian Qianyao with Guo Ziyi, Pei Du, Yuan Hao, and others, he said that they were only exaggerated and praised by the annals of history, and Nian Qianyao "Since the beginning of the heavens and the earth, the strangeness of the enemy and the speed of his achievements, would rather be better than the great generals of today?" "


Nian Tang Yao

He said that he was the first person to open up the world and the past and the present,

This is all implicit; it is directly said that Nian Qianyao is "the first great man of the universe", as bright as the blue sky, like the sun in the day to illuminate all things.

Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

And inscribed six poems, all of which are praises for nian tangyao's merits, and the last sentence is written"

I want to be the first person in a thousand autumns."

。 At the same time, zhang Pengfei, the chief examiner of his own imperial examination, was framed, and described him as a traitorous villain.

Only because Wang Jingqi himself did not do well in the examination

For many years he had a grudge against the examiner

Even if Zhang Pengfei had died at this time, he would slander him.

It can be seen that Wang Jingqi is already dirty in order to please Nian Qianyao and for the sake of fame and fortune, and his heart is also dirty, he thinks that this can always be exchanged for a big tree that shields himself from the wind and rain, but he does not know that this big tree is already a thorn in Yongzheng's heart that will be uprooted.

Nian Qianyao was a literati by birth, although he was extremely inflated and complacent at that time,

These flattering words made him complacent

But countless years of knowing people can also see what a shameless writer Wang Jingqi is who wrote this book. He was only accepted as a staff member, not reused; but he still collected the small book "Essays on the Western Expedition" compiled by Wang Jingqi that called himself the first person in the universe.

Wang Jingqi did not expect that day and night he hoped that the Fuyuan general Taibao First Class Gongchuan Shaanxi Governor Nian Qianyao would one day summon and reuse him, but Fuyuan General Taibao First Class Gongchuan Shaanxi Governor Nian Qianyao became at this time."

Negative grace on

"A dead body that killed itself."

Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

The Nian family is broken and dead,

Nian Qianyao's henchmen were also swept away,

Although Wang Jingqi could not completely escape, according to the reason, a small staff member, the heaviest punishment senior ranking could not be his turn.

However, after the "Essays on the Western Expedition" on Nian Qianyao was copied from Nian's house, it was not only found that the book was extremely flattering to Nian Qianyao, but also had many indignant remarks attacking current politics and the imperial court, as well as negative evaluations of Kangxi and Yongzheng.

In particular, it is ominous to say that the "positive" of the Yongzheng era is ominous,

In history, many fallen monarchs have used "zheng" as the era name,

Such as Ming Wuzong "Zhengde", Ming Yingzong "Orthodox".

This made Yongzheng, who was already suspicious, extremely angry, and immediately sentenced him and the other five people to show their heads to the public, and the first rank was suspended in Caishikou for ten years without a heavy sentence.

butterfly effect

Wang Jingqi's end in such a situation can be described as self-inflicted, but butterflies flapping their wings will trigger a tornado, and many innocent people have changed the trajectory of their lives because of the "Wang Jingqi Manuscript Case".

After Wang Jingqi ambushed him,

Brothers, uncles and nephews were dismissed from their posts and exiled to Ninguta as slaves,

His wife was sent to Heilongjiang as a slave, and her wife was originally a lady of the family, and the family feared that if she was damaged by accidents, she would be humiliated by the lintel.

Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

Therefore, she moved her hands and feet on several wooden boards of the boat to make her fall into the water and kill herself; after she fell into the water, she "crawled and crossed", and the strength of the will to survive and the sorrow of fate made everyone present very sad.

He was sentenced to death, and his wife, children, relatives and friends were also killed, even a year later

"Examination of the Examination

And the three-year suspension of the Zhejiang township examination is also inseparable from Wang Jingqi.

In the autumn of the fourth year of Yongzheng, when Zha Siting was already a cabinet scholar and a waiter in the ministry of ceremonies, Zheng Erpin, and the main examiner of the Jiangxi Township Examination, he gave three examination questions:

The first question is "A gentleman does not lift up a man by his words, and does not use a man to abolish his words"; the second question is "The path is formed by using it, and if it is not used in the middle, it is plugged in"; the third question is "The Love of Heaven and Earth is Visible", "Its Purpose is Far Away and the Words are written", "The Hundred Rooms Are Profitable, and the Woman and Child Are Peaceful".

In Yongzheng's view, the first question is Zha Siting's dissatisfaction with the imperial court's system of protecting talents, the second question says that he insults the monarchy, and the third question implies that people think about connecting "positive" and "stop".

He thought of Wang Jingqi's "year number theory" a year ago,

"Positive" and "stop" are meant to cut off his head

Therefore, he sentenced Cha Si Ting to Ling Chi, even if Cha Si Ting committed suicide in prison, his body was also slaughtered and displayed to the public.

Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

Yongzheng's hatred for the two of them gritting their teeth can be seen. This is not the end, because Wang and Zha are both From Zhejiang, the readers in Zhejiang have also been angered by Yongzheng.

He thinks that two Zhejiang people have done such a rebellious thing,

Zhejiang's readers must have long been accustomed to defying Junwei

So from the fourth year of Yongzheng, the township test and the meeting test in Zhejiang were all stopped.

The mathematical students studied hard in the cold window but were so tired that they did not even qualify for the examination, until the ban on the examination was lifted three years later, how many cold children returned to their hometowns in frustration during this period, and how many white-headed men in the field of science regretted it?

Yongzheng's cruelty to the two was not entirely aimed at these two people, what he wanted to deal with was Wang Jingqi's attachment to Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo behind Cha Siting.

Although Nian Tangyao died,

But there are still many of his close friends in the DPRK

Severely punishing Wang Jingqi was to warn these people not to make trouble; Cha Siting was recommended by Long Keduo and Cai Jue, and Yongzheng was not at ease with Cai Lu after he used Cai Yu to overthrow Nian Qianyao.

Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

Borrowing Wang Jingqi to punish Cha Si Ting, in order to weaken Cai Jun's power, but also weakening Long Keduo's power, thus finding a breakthrough to overthrow Long Keduo.

After Nian Qianyao committed suicide, he said that there were not a few readers who had done their best to hide their bows, and the suspension of the examination was his warning to the readers. The art of kings is indeed unfathomable.

Great achievements

Speaking of Wang Jingqi, the person who made him die tragically, in addition to his own personality, other factors seem to be closely related to the scientific expedition.

Father Wang Xia passed the scientific examination to enter Beijing to serve,

Gaining fame and fortune and power made fame and fortune a top priority in Wang Jingqi's heart; Wang Jingqi had been absent for many years and had achieved nothing in his forties, which made his personality distorted.

From the original arrogance to a flattering, humble and small person; Wang Hao returned home because of the imperial examination and lost the power that he could rely on, wang Jingqi wanted to ascend to the heavens one step at a time, to rely on the powerful Nian Tangyao.

Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

Great deeds,

It's not just about wealth and glory

Wang Jingqi did not know that he had to die because of his meritorious name, so he lost his luck in life because of the pat on the back.

Therefore, in the end, the name of merit is something outside the body, virtue is the most important, Wang Jingqi originally took a good hand of cards, but because there is no good moral conduct, it tends to be inflammatory, flattering and flattering to brew bitter fruit.

"Patting the horse's ass" such a technical work,

Once it is too late, it will invite the disaster of killing

And how many people can grasp the scale of "non-wet shoes" at all times? After all, these are shortcuts and different paths, and the slightest carelessness will fall to pieces.

If Wang Jingqi had only seriously become a magistrate after he entered the army and done something beneficial to the people in a down-to-earth manner, it would have been much easier to do this than to give Nian Qianyao a fearful job as an aide, would the outcome have been different?

"Patting on the back" is not entirely a bad thing

Sincere praise is a good thing that can make people feel happy and enhance mutual feelings, but the "praise" that asks for something and wants to get returns, Wang Jingqi's end is a warning.

Wang Jingqi's head was hung for ten years before he was pardoned and buried, but he only wrote a book to praise the year and why he fell to this point

"Can Ann crush the powerful and make me unhappy?"

When Li flew in during the day, he never woke up people like Wang Jingqi who had been blinded by fame and fortune for thousands of years, but hoped that future generations would not mourn and not learn from it, and made future generations mourn countless future Wang Jingqi.

Text/Zhao Helan

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