
The most miserable horse ass spirit in history was cut off by the door for patting the horse ass, and his head was hung on the head of the city for 10 years!

The most miserable horse ass spirit in history was cut off by the door for patting the horse ass, and his head was hung on the head of the city for 10 years!

It's not impossible to pat a horse's ass, but it is necessary to see a good eye, to shoot the right person and not on the horse's hoof! Generally, the horse ass is looking for great power, because there are many benefits, and this one is miserable, let the emperor not stammer but he is a military general, the movement of the horse ass is called a ground shake, the result of this general collapsed, his letters of patting the horse's ass were also confiscated, not only was he cut off by the door, but his head was hung on the city wall to show the public, up to 10 years, until the new emperor ascended the throne to amnesty the world was removed, which is called the most miserable horse ass spirit in history!

The most miserable horse ass spirit in history was cut off by the door for patting the horse ass, and his head was hung on the head of the city for 10 years!

He is Wang Jingqi of the Qing Dynasty, and he photographed "this horse" as the Qing Dynasty general Nian Tangyao, but Wang Jingqi did not shoot on the horse's hooves, but annoyed the "horse breeder" when the horse was forced, who is the horse breeder? emperor! Wang Jingqi was born in 1672 AD, he was a talented man, young and famous, he was proud of no one, but the strange thing is that his path to the imperial examination was more difficult than ascending to heaven, until 1714, at the age of 42, he was only admitted to the examination, which really insulted his reputation as a prodigy! Middle-aged Wang Jingqi felt that he did not have much to do, so he planned to climb the branches!

The most miserable horse ass spirit in history was cut off by the door for patting the horse ass, and his head was hung on the head of the city for 10 years!

In 1723 AD, he met the long-admired Nian Qianyao through Hu Qiheng, an aide of Nian Qianyao, and since then Wang Jingqi has spent his whole life singing praises and praises to the Nian General, constantly flattering Nian Qianyao with gorgeous words, and it just so happens that Nian Qianyao likes to eat this set, one likes to shoot a willing to be photographed, living away from the Qing Dynasty version of Zhou Yu and Huang Gai! Wang Jingqi was very popular with Nian Qianyao, and all his letters were included in the "Essays on the Western Expedition", and Nian Qianyao liked this book very much, so he collected it at home!

The most miserable horse ass spirit in history was cut off by the door for patting the horse ass, and his head was hung on the head of the city for 10 years!

In 1726, the 47-year-old Nian Qianyao fell, the Yongzheng Emperor gave him a self-imposed sentence in prison, and then ordered Nian Qianyao to raid his home, and found this "world's first horse ass book", the content of the book Wang Jingqi was so good to write, others are embarrassed to read! In the letter, Wang Jingqi used all the flowery words to praise Nian Tangyao, and it is estimated that he had turned over several large dictionaries to assemble these words! He praised Nian Qianyao as "the first great man in the universe", "Compared with the great generals such as Guo Ziyi of the Ancients, the famous generals such as Guo Ziyi are fireworks to the moonlight, the jackdaws to the luan phoenix, since Pangu opened the world, the first great general is none other than the great general of the year"!

The most miserable horse ass spirit in history was cut off by the door for patting the horse ass, and his head was hung on the head of the city for 10 years!

Yongzheng estimated that he really couldn't look at it after reading it, and ordered Wang Jingqi to raid his home, Wang Jingqi's wife and children were assigned to Ninggu Pagoda, and Wang Jingqi was even more miserable, after being beheaded, Yongzheng ordered his head to be hung on the head of the city to show the public, this hanging is 10 years! In 1736, after Qianlong succeeded to the throne, he pardoned the world, and the chancellor Sun Guoxi wrote to the emperor, requesting that Wang Jingqi's head be taken down! Qianlong is also very emotional, after all, this head has been hanging for 10 years, that is, the bacon smells, Qianlong feels that it is not conducive to environmental protection and damages the appearance of the city, so he agreed to take it off and bury it on the spot!

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