
What kind of country is Tonga, where volcanic eruptions have become the focus of the world? Women are fat for beauty

author:History is a hundred schools of thought

The South Pacific island country of Tonga, which has been unknown, because of the continuous volcanic eruption has become the focus of the world, because it is very far away from China, so it is difficult for people in China to feel the power of this volcanic eruption, this time the volcanic ash column formed a mushroom cloud with a diameter of 5 kilometers and a height of 20,000 meters, in just one hour, 200,000 eruptions were completed, and the energy of the eruption was equivalent to the energy of the 1,000 atomic bombs in Hiroshima, and the satellite cloud map could have a more intuitive feeling.

What kind of country is Tonga, where volcanic eruptions have become the focus of the world? Women are fat for beauty

This volcanic eruption, the impact on Tonga and even the world is very large, first of all, the change of landform, Hong Aha Apay Island before the eruption like open wings, hovering in the South Pacific; after the volcanic eruption, the entire island was directly destroyed, leaving only sporadic islands, Tonga 100,000 people lost contact with the outside world, many people through satellite calls to get in touch with the outside world, the Pacific coast of Chile, Japan and New Zealand and other countries monitored the obvious tsunami waves, the largest tsunami amplitude of 1.5 meters.

What kind of country is Tonga, where volcanic eruptions have become the focus of the world? Women are fat for beauty

The impact of volcanic ash on Tonga is huge, is gradually revealed, and the impact on the global climate will gradually appear, according to experts initially speculated, Tonga volcanic eruption will lead to a decline in global temperature, many places may not have summer, other effects need to be further observed and speculated.

What kind of country is Tonga, where volcanic eruptions have become the focus of the world? Women are fat for beauty

What kind of country is Tonga?

This volcanic eruption quickly popularized the country of Tonga, Tonga's full name is The Kingdom of Tonga (The Kingdom of Tonga), located in the western South Pacific, west of the International Date Line, belonging to Oceania, 650 kilometers west of Fiji, 1770 kilometers southwest of New Zealand.

What kind of country is Tonga, where volcanic eruptions have become the focus of the world? Women are fat for beauty

Tonga has a land area of 747 square kilometers and a water area of 259,000 square kilometers. It consists of the three archipelagos of Tongatabe, Hapai and Wavau, with a total of 172 islands (36 of which are inhabited). The largest of these is The Island of Tongatapu, the main island of the Tonga Archipelago and the seat of Nuku'alofa, the capital of the Kingdom of Tonga. Tonga has a population of about 100,000, which is only equivalent to a county in China.

What kind of country is Tonga, where volcanic eruptions have become the focus of the world? Women are fat for beauty

Tonga has a long history, more than 3,000 years ago Polynesians settled on the island of Tongatapu, here warm and humid is very suitable for human habitation, according to historical records, since 950 AD, the first dynasty appeared on the land of Tonga: the Tuy Tonga Empire, after the emergence of this empire, because it is an island country, there are no large neighbors around it, so it is in the same line.

Around 1470, the 24th Tuytanga transferred his brief power to his brother, Tui Ha'a Takalaua, the second dynasty of Tonga by European rules, and by 1610 a similar shift of power occurred, giving birth to a third dynasty, Tu'i Kanokupolu, as the new ruler.

Tonga did not escape the globalization of great voyages, and in 1616 the Dutch navigators William Scotten and Jacob Le Maire arrived on the northern island of Nuotu Budab. In 1643, Abel Tasman again arrived on the islands of Tongatabe and Hayapai in the Tongatabes Archipelago, where the fate of colonization was avoided because it was in the southern hemisphere and did not have much influence on European trade.

During several expeditions by the famous British explorer Captain James Cook from 1773 to 1777, after some tortuous efforts, Christianity in London finally gained the recognition of Tonga, and in the battle for the throne from 1799 to 1852, George Tawfahau, who supported the Cuppereau family, became king for George Tupou I, and from then on, Tonga became a unified and independent country, and in 1875 the first constitution was drawn up, and recognized by Germany, Britain and the United States.

In 1900 Tonga became a British protectorate to prevent German invasion, and Tonga agreed that all foreign affairs would be handled through the British consul, who had veto power over Tonga's foreign policy and financial issues. During World War II, Tonga became a supply base for the U.S. and New Zealand armies, and in 1970, Tonga gained full control of its internal and external affairs and became an independent state within the Commonwealth. In the same year Tonga became a member of the Commonwealth and joined the United Nations in 1999, and on July 29, 2008, King George Tupou V of Tonga said that he would hand over power to Parliament, relinquish power and move toward democracy, but still retain a constitutional monarchy, the only one of the South Pacific island states to maintain a monarchy.

What kind of country is Tonga, where volcanic eruptions have become the focus of the world? Women are fat for beauty

What is different about Tonga?

It is hard to imagine that Tonga is an Oceanian country, but like the ancient Chinese Tang Dynasty, fat is beautiful, resulting in one of the highest per capita obesity rates in the world; the average weight of adult men in Tonga is more than 90 kilograms, and the average weight of women is more than 73 kilograms; thin is looked down upon, and women are thin and cannot marry. 135 pounds are still worried about how to gain weight. Former King Tupou IV weighed 209.5 kilograms and was recorded by the Guinness Book of World Records as the fattest king in the world.

What kind of country is Tonga, where volcanic eruptions have become the focus of the world? Women are fat for beauty

Since tonga does not have winter, tonga does not wear pants, but skirts, regardless of men and women, and women like to wear floral dresses, and men wear a skirt called "farah". Tonga was the first country on Earth to see the sun.

Most Of the Tongans have never eaten vegetables, their main food in addition to seafood, that is, cassava, breadfruit and the like, if it were not for this volcanic eruption, most people would not know that there are Chinese teachers in Tonga to help the Tongans grow vegetables.

The volcanic eruption in Tonga has a huge impact on the world's climate, and its impact will gradually appear in the follow-up, hoping not to cause too bad an impact, otherwise it will be a continuous disaster for people

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