
How do I feed bees vitamins? Understand the food source of bees, in fact, bees have told you the types of vitamins Different vitamins affect bees How to supplement vitamins to bees? Vitamins often supplemented in farming

author:Bee tribe

On the question of what vitamins bees feed well, the bee tribe believes that it mainly depends on what vitamins our bees lack, because there are more types of vitamins, and bees need different types of vitamins for different developments, so when we consider the vitamins that bees need, we need to observe which vitamins are specifically missing from bees, and then for feeding, then this problem we can consider from the following aspects.

1. Types of vitamins

2. Effects of different vitamins on bees

3. How to feed bees vitamins

4. Vitamins often supplemented in aquaculture

How do I feed bees vitamins? Understand the food source of bees, in fact, bees have told you the types of vitamins Different vitamins affect bees How to supplement vitamins to bees? Vitamins often supplemented in farming

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the type of vitamin</h1>

From the type of vitamins, there are more than 20 kinds of vitamins found so far, generally we divide them into fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins according to their solubility, and there is also a kind of provitamin, which can often be converted into vitamins in the body, such as our common carotene can be converted into vitamin A inside the body.

(1) Fat-soluble vitamins: Common fat-soluble vitamins have vitamin A as we mentioned above, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, these vitamins can be soluble in lipid solvents, but insoluble in water. These vitamins usually coexist with fat in food, and are often absorbed by the body along with fat in the digestive tract, and when lipids are malabsorption, the absorption of vitamins will also be affected, causing metabolic disorders, and in the case of excessive intake, it will also cause harm to the body.

(2) Water-soluble vitamins: Common water-soluble vitamins usually contain B vitamins, vitamin C, these vitamins can be soluble in water, is a must for the body's metabolism, often can not be stored after the body's internal metabolism, but is excreted together with the metabolites of bees. Water-soluble vitamins are usually used as auxiliary enzymes, which have the effect of catalyzing the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and the effect is not obvious when the intake is insufficient, and the excessive amount also has an impact on the body.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the effects of different vitamins on bees</h1>

From the perspective of bee farming, vitamins are actually mainly used as auxiliary enzymes to participate in metabolic activities, belong to trace elements, how much is needed, in fact, it is not clear now, but can not be reduced, for bees, the current research proves that vitamin A in the head of the bee has a direct impact on the bee's visual and visual behavior, vitamin D is mainly related to the bee's calcium and phosphorus absorption and utilization, vitamin E can regulate bee nutrient metabolism and improve bee reproductive ability, Vitamin C can extend the average lifespan of bees.

How do I feed bees vitamins? Understand the food source of bees, in fact, bees have told you the types of vitamins Different vitamins affect bees How to supplement vitamins to bees? Vitamins often supplemented in farming

animal wildlife in Berlin

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to give vitamins to bees? </h1>

In fact, the question of how to feed bees vitamins, this question we can see from the wild situation of bees. For wild bees, we all know that no one feeds bees, but the development of bees for thousands of years is still very good, which shows a problem, bees have the source of vitamins needed by the body, so want to feed the bees vitamins, the bee tribe believes that the simplest way is to let the bees eat natural food, and from the bee's food, nothing more than pollen and honey, pollen and food are originally pure natural health products, which are rich in vitamins, bees after long-term consumption Having adapted to both foods, the bee tribe decided that the best thing to do with the bees was to provide them with plenty of pollen and honey.

(1) Pollen: From the perspective of bees, pollen is the main food of bee larvae, most of the nutrients required by bee larvae are obtained from pollen, pollen originally has more vitamins, the protein source of adult bees is mainly pollen, which also contains some vitamins, so according to the age of bees in the swarm to feed bees sufficient pollen, bee tribes think that this is a more reliable way to feed vitamins to bees.

(2) Honey: honey belongs to the more popular products in bee products, but also we humans consume more of the bee products, honey in the vitamin content is also relatively rich, which is the main food of adult bees, so in the case of we provide sufficient pure honey to bees, bees can also get more adequate vitamins.

How do I feed bees vitamins? Understand the food source of bees, in fact, bees have told you the types of vitamins Different vitamins affect bees How to supplement vitamins to bees? Vitamins often supplemented in farming

Work on honeycomb bees

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > vitamins often supplemented in aquaculture</h1>

Because in the actual breeding we usually use syrup to ingest bees, so the content of vitamins is relatively small, then we need to carry out some necessary vitamin supplements for bees, of which the more common is vitamin C and vitamin E, these two vitamins one is an impact on the lifespan of bees, one is the reproduction of bees, vitamin E can promote the development of bees' pharyngeal glands, which is why vitamin E can promote bee reproduction, we all know, In the first 3 days, the bee larvae feed on royal jelly, which ensures the existence of royal jelly in the bee colony and achieves the purpose of improving bee reproduction. So when we replace syrup for bees, we can properly supplement vitamin C and vitamin E, but the specific amount is not currently a correct statement, and we need to try more.

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