
Taxes plummeted, and the crisis came without warning! The tide of layoffs swept violently, and the drama of institutional mergers began! Taxes plummet, crisis erupted! Shocked to find that the tax collapse is not good! Inflammation


Taxes plummeted, and the crisis came without warning! The tide of layoffs swept violently, and the drama of institutional mergers began! Taxes plummet, crisis erupted! Shocked to find that the tax collapse is not good! In the scorching summer, the finances are so tight that it seems to be breaking at any moment. The winds of change are howling! Taxes, a key source of wealth, suddenly came with nightmarish news, with both value-added tax and corporate income tax falling by more than a staggering 7%! In the face of a dilemma, the only way to do this is to decisively implement large-scale layoffs, go all out to promote institutional consolidation, reduce the number of hires, or strengthen tax law supervision?

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Taxes plummeted, and the crisis came without warning! The tide of layoffs swept violently, and the drama of institutional mergers began! Taxes plummet, crisis erupted! Shocked to find that the tax collapse is not good! Inflammation
Taxes plummeted, and the crisis came without warning! The tide of layoffs swept violently, and the drama of institutional mergers began! Taxes plummet, crisis erupted! Shocked to find that the tax collapse is not good! Inflammation
Taxes plummeted, and the crisis came without warning! The tide of layoffs swept violently, and the drama of institutional mergers began! Taxes plummet, crisis erupted! Shocked to find that the tax collapse is not good! Inflammation
Taxes plummeted, and the crisis came without warning! The tide of layoffs swept violently, and the drama of institutional mergers began! Taxes plummet, crisis erupted! Shocked to find that the tax collapse is not good! Inflammation
Taxes plummeted, and the crisis came without warning! The tide of layoffs swept violently, and the drama of institutional mergers began! Taxes plummet, crisis erupted! Shocked to find that the tax collapse is not good! Inflammation
Taxes plummeted, and the crisis came without warning! The tide of layoffs swept violently, and the drama of institutional mergers began! Taxes plummet, crisis erupted! Shocked to find that the tax collapse is not good! Inflammation

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