
Hong Kong version of Huawei P50 and other mobile phones push Hongmeng OS 2.0 system

Huawei recently officially announced that the Hong Kong version of Huawei P50 and other models will be upgraded to hongmeng OS 2.0 system, this is also the first upgrade for the use of the Hong Kong version of Huawei nova 9, Huawei P50 Pro and Huawei P50 Pocket users, the owner can currently operate and upgrade through the "My Huawei" in the mobile phone.

Hong Kong version of Huawei P50 and other mobile phones push Hongmeng OS 2.0 system

Key features of this upgrade include:

1. New service card function, customize the personalized desktop at will, and have both efficiency and appearance. 2. HyperTerminal function, one finger and one pull connect the full-scenario intelligent products of HarmonyOS 2, and use the interconnection collaboration function to the fullest. 3. The new multi-camera shooting mode, the mobile phone and the flat panel lens are connected to each other, breaking through the shackles of the perspective of a single device. 4. Remote control mobile phone camera function, HUAWEI WATCH 3 series can remotely control shooting, control mobile phone to play music and backup mobile phone recording notes, etc. 5, multi-screen collaboration function, HarmonyOS 2 mobile phone, tablet or laptop can extract photos and videos from each other, mainly used in productivity.


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