
July 6th Xiaoxiao, this year's Xiaoxia and "Chumei" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

author:A small water in the countryside

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Time flies really fast, now the summer solstice solar term has passed more than half, the summer solstice is the yellow ripening period of the plum in the south of the Yangtze River in the mainland, at this time the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the mainland are in the "plum rain" season, such weather is easy to lead to moldy utensils, so the plum rain is also called "mildew rain". The rainy season lasts for a few days, from a dozen days in some years to a month or two in others.

On July 6 this year, the summer heat, this year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, and the time of the "out of the plum" is on the same day as the summer solar term, so what is the saying?

July 6th Xiaoxiao, this year's Xiaoxia and "Chumei" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

What day will plum come out in 2024?

"Out of the plum season" means that the rainy weather is over, during the rainy season the air humidity is high, the weather is mainly cloudy and rainy, if the "out of the plum" then the temperature will rise rapidly, the weather will be mainly sunny.

The mainland is an ancient agricultural civilization, about the time of "out of the plum" our ancestors have a set of accurate calculation methods, according to our ancestors said, the time of "out of the plum" is related to the time of the solar term and the time of the dry branch. As the old saying goes, "after the miscanthus is planted, it is not out of the plum after the small summer", which means that the first "C day" after the miscanthus is the time to enter the plum, and the first "not day" after the small summer is the time of the plum, it can be said that the time of the plum rain is about between the miscanthus and the small summer, the time is roughly from mid-June to mid-July, and the rainy weather generally lasts for about a month.

July 6th Xiaoxiao, this year's Xiaoxia and "Chumei" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

Flipping through the calendar, we will find that the time of this year's small summer festival is on July 6th, which happens to be "Xinwei Day", just as the old saying goes, "Little summer is not out of the plum", according to our ancestors, it is obvious that this year's "out of the plum" time is on July 6th.

July 6th Xiaoxiao, this year's Xiaoxia and "Chumei" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

According to the experience of our ancestors, the weather on the day of "Mei" will affect the weather trend in the future, and the summer heat is a very important festival. Will there be floods in the summer? Let's see what the agricultural proverb says.

1. Xiao Xia Lei, Huang Mei Hui; Pour yellow plum, eighteen days

This agricultural proverb means that if there is thunder and rain on the day of the summer festival, then it means that the yellow plum rain that should have ended has returned, and this phenomenon is called "inverted yellow plum", that is, the rainy season has turned back, which indicates that there will be continuous rain in the future. The "18 days" here refers to the rainy season that lasts for about 18 days, which means that there will be more rain in the future.

If there is thunder on this day, even if it is the time of "out of the plum", it does not mean that the rainy weather is over, which indicates that there will be continuous rain in the future.

Similar agricultural proverbs include "rain hits a small summer, 45 days without cattle", "a thunder in the small summer, to make seventy-two wild yellow plums", "a thunder in the small summer, the yellow plum is reversed", these agricultural proverbs all show that if the thunder and rain in the summer heat, it indicates that there will be a lot of rain in the future, and there may be extreme weather such as heavy rain or heavy rain, and we should pay attention to waterlogging prevention.

July 6th Xiaoxiao, this year's Xiaoxia and "Chumei" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

Second, out of Meilei singing, Huangmei returned

The meaning of this agricultural proverb is very simple, if there is a thunderstorm on the day of "out of the plum", then it indicates that although it is the "day of the beginning of the season", the rainy weather will not end, that is, there will be more rainy weather in the future.

This year, "out of the plum" and Xiaoxia on the same day, if there is thunder, then it is likely that the "yellow plum" is coming, we must strengthen precautions.

July 6th Xiaoxiao, this year's Xiaoxia and "Chumei" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

3. The rain hit the yellow plum tail, and it rained for 45 days

The "yellow plum tail" here refers to the day of the "plum blossom", which means that if it rains on the day of the "plum blossom", then according to the experience of our ancestors, this indicates that there will be more rain for a long time to come.

"Forty-five days of rain" here does not mean that it will rain for the next 45 days, but that it will rain more for a long time to come. After the "plum blossom", we will usher in the small heat and the big heat solar terms, these two solar terms are the most thunderstorm seasons, we must dig drainage ditches in advance to avoid waterlogging of crops.

July 6th Xiaoxiao, this year's Xiaoxia and "Chumei" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

Fourth, out of the rainy season, sit on the bow of the boat on the ground

This agricultural proverb means that if it rains on the day of the "Izumei", then according to the experience of our ancestors, it indicates that the rain will be very frequent in the future, such as some flat land may be flooded, and people need to travel by boat.

In summary, according to the experience of our ancestors, the rain on the day of the summer indicates that there will be more rain in the future, and the same "out of the plum" on the day of the rain also indicates that there will be more rain in the future.

Do you think there is any truth to the agricultural proverb? Feel free to leave a message.

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