
Can't patients with cirrhosis eat carrots?Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, try not to touch these two things In a bustling and noisy city, there is a postman named Chen Xiaoming. Chen Xiaoming

author:Möngke talks about health

Can't patients with cirrhosis eat carrots?Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, try not to touch these two things

In a bustling and noisy city, there is a postman named Chen Xiaoming. Chen Xiao is nearly forty years old, always wearing a neat blue uniform, carrying a mail bag that can no longer be familiar, shuttling through the streets and alleys of the city. Although the postman is an ordinary profession, he never feels ordinary, because he believes that every letter carries the thoughts and expectations of others.

One day, during a routine mail sorting, Chen Xiaoming found a special letter. The letter has no clear addressee, just a one-line address and a few words: "Please pass it on to those who need it most." Out of professional responsibility and curiosity, he decided to deliver the mysterious letter himself.

In the process of searching for the owner of the letter, Chen Xiaoming met Dr. Li, a middle-aged female doctor who specializes in liver diseases. Curious about medicine, Chen Xiaoming chatted with Dr. Li about liver health. Dr. Li laughed and said that some so-called health common sense is actually not scientific, for example, many people think that patients with liver cirrhosis should not eat carrots.

"Can't patients with cirrhosis eat carrots?" asked Chen Xiaoming suspiciously. "Actually, this is a misunderstanding. "Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is good for the average person, but people with cirrhosis should avoid consuming too much vitamin A because the liver is already damaged and cannot process these vitamins effectively." However, this does not mean that they can't eat carrots at all, and moderate amounts are still fine. ”

As the conversation turned, Dr. Lee began to share her unique point of view: when it comes to keeping your liver healthy, it's not carrots that should be avoided, but high-sugar foods and a dull lifestyle. She believes that these two seem to have nothing to do with the liver, but in fact they have a profound impact on liver health.

"High-sugar foods can easily lead to fat accumulation in the liver, which increases the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. "Moreover, long-term high sugar intake can also lead to insulin resistance, which further increases the burden on the liver." ”

Regarding the dull state of life, Dr. Li's views are even more refreshing to Chen Xiaoming. She believes that long-term low mood and stressful life can lead to a chronic inflammatory state, which not only affects the body's immune system, but also indirectly affects the health of the liver. She advises that proper exercise and maintaining a positive lifestyle are equally important for liver health.

"Exercise can promote blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and help the liver detoxify better. "And an optimistic mindset can reduce psychological stress and avoid the formation of chronic inflammation." ”

Chen Xiaoming was deeply attracted by Dr. Li's words, and he began to pay more attention to his diet and lifestyle. After a few weeks, he noticed a significant improvement in his physical and mental state.

Finally, on a sunny afternoon, Chen Xiaoming finally found the true owner of the mysterious letter, an elderly calligrapher whose life had always been simple and orderly, with his own unique understanding and practice of health.

The calligraphers thanked Chen Xiaoming for his persistence and hard work, and they sat down to continue the discussion on the topic of life and health. At the end of the conversation, the calligrapher asked the question: "I have heard that liver disease is related to sleep quality, is it true?"

Dr. Lee, who happened to be there, replied, "It's true that a good night's sleep can help the body recover and regenerate, while sleep deprivation can lead to metabolic disorders, which can be a challenge to liver function." The liver detoxifies and repairs at night, so getting enough and quality sleep is essential to prevent liver disease. ”

This answer not only solved the calligrapher's doubts, but also made Chen Xiaoming further realize the importance of life details to health. Since then, he has cherished his daily work and life even more, and has kept the stories and responsibilities behind each letter.

Can't patients with cirrhosis eat carrots?Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, try not to touch these two things In a bustling and noisy city, there is a postman named Chen Xiaoming. Chen Xiaoming
Can't patients with cirrhosis eat carrots?Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, try not to touch these two things In a bustling and noisy city, there is a postman named Chen Xiaoming. Chen Xiaoming
Can't patients with cirrhosis eat carrots?Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, try not to touch these two things In a bustling and noisy city, there is a postman named Chen Xiaoming. Chen Xiaoming

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